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Created December 28, 2022 22:04
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bulk year end tax receipt
public class qGiftsLastYear implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
//ideally it could be invoked by a flow but that's not being used in this version
@InvocableMethod(description='Year End Tax Flow' )
public static void yearEndTaxMethod () {
database.executeBatch(new qGiftsLastYear(),10); }
public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
//get "last year"
Integer year = Date.Today().year()-1;
//return contacts who gave more than one gift last year and their gifts
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT LastName, id,Gifts_Last_Year__c, (SELECT Id, CloseDate, Amount FROM Opportunities
WHERE CALENDAR_YEAR(CloseDate) =:year AND IsWon = True ORDER
BY CloseDate) FROM Contact WHERE npo02__OppAmountLastYear__c > 1 LIMIT 200000]);
public void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Contact> scope) {
//process each batch of records
//put the opportunities into a table
List<Contact> contactsForUpdate = new List<Contact>();
String loopString;
String longestString = '<table style="width:100%; border: 1px solid black;"><tr><th style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 15px;"> Date</th> <th style="border: 1px solid black;">Amount</th></tr>';
String dateFormatString = 'MMMM d, yyyy';
String finalString;
for (Contact con : scope) {
for (Opportunity opp : con.opportunities) {
Date d = opp.CloseDate;
Datetime dt = Datetime.newInstance(d.year(), d.month(),;
String dateString = dt.format(dateFormatString);
String cleanAmt = String.valueOf(opp.Amount);
loopString =
'<tr> <td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 15px;">' + dateString +
'</th> <td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 15px;"> $' + cleanAmt + '</th> </tr>';
longestString = longestString + loopString;
finalstring = longestString + '</table>';
//put the table of gifts into a custom field
con.Gifts_Last_Year__c = String.escapeSingleQuotes(finalstring);
//reset the value of longestString to the start. otherwise it's going to add everyone's gifts to the list and keep growing.
longestString = '<table style="width:100%; border: 1px solid black;"><tr><th style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 15px;"> Date</th> <th style="border: 1px solid black;">Amount</th></tr>';
system.debug('Final String' + finalstring);
update contactsForUpdate;
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){}
global class giftsLastYearSchedBatch implements Schedulable {
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
qGiftsLastyear q = new qgiftsLastYear();
//Code by Jessie Rymph
//December 21, 2022
//Tests the Year End Gift Batch process using the YearEndtestDataFactory class
public class giftsLastYearSchedBatchTest {
@isTest static void positiveTest() {
// Test data setup
// test for Gifts Last Year
// Create contacts with opps through test utility
Integer testNumC= 2;
Integer testNumO = 2;
contact[] cons = YearEndTestDataFactory.giftsLastYear(testNumC,testNumO);
qGiftsLastYear yEGB = new qGiftsLastYear();
Id batchId = Database.executeBatch(yEGB);
List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
for(Contact person : [SELECT Id, Gifts_Last_Year__c FROM Contact]) {
if(person.Gifts_Last_Year__c.contains('Date')) {
System.assertEquals(testNumC,contacts.size(),testNumC +' ');
@isTest static void negativeTest() {
// Test data setup
// Test that this years gifts do not go into Gifts Last Year
// Create contacts with opps through test utility
Integer testNumC=10;
Integer testNumO = 12;
contact[] cons = YearEndTestDataFactory.GiftsThisYear(testNumC,testNumO);
qGiftsLastYear yEGB = new qGiftsLastYear();
Id batchId = Database.executeBatch(yEGB);
List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
for(Contact person : [SELECT Id, Gifts_Last_Year__c FROM Contact]) {
IF(person.Gifts_Last_Year__c != null) {
System.assertEquals(0,contacts.size(),'Expected none, got' + contacts.size());
@isTest static void schedTest() {
// This test runs a scheduled job at midnight Sept. 3rd. 2022
String CRON_EXP = '0 0 0 3 9 ? 2027';
// Schedule the test job
String jobId = System.schedule('giftsLastYearSchedBatchTest', CRON_EXP, new giftsLastYearSchedBatch());
// Get the information from the CronTrigger API object
CronTrigger ct = [SELECT Id, CronExpression, TimesTriggered, NextFireTime FROM CronTrigger WHERE id = :jobId];
// Verify the expressions are the same System.assertEquals(CRON_EXP, ct.CronExpression);
// Verify the job has not run
System.assertEquals(0, ct.TimesTriggered);
// Verify the next time the job will run
System.assertEquals('2027-09-03 00:00:00', String.valueOf(ct.NextFireTime));
//Code by Jessie Rymph
//December 30, 2021
public class yearEndtestDataFactory {
public static Id devRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Opportunity.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Donation').getRecordTypeId();
//gifts last year
public static List<Contact> giftsThisYear(Integer numCts, Integer numOppsPerCt){
List<Contact> cons = new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i=0;i<numCts;i++) {
Contact a = new Contact(LastName='Test'+i,Email='',npo02__OppsClosedThisYear__c =3);
insert Cons;
system.debug('insert' + cons);
List<Opportunity> opps = new List<Opportunity>();
for (Integer j=0;j<numCts;j++) {
Contact connie = Cons[j];
//get today's date
Date myDate =;
//get the year from the date
Integer thisYear = myDate.year();
//set a date variable for January 1 of this year. This will be the first gift date.
Date janDate = Date.newInstance(thisyear, 1, 1);
// For each contact just inserted, add opportunities
for (Integer k=0;k<numOppsPerCt;k++) {
opps.add(new Opportunity(Name=connie.Name + ' Opportunity ' + k,
StageName='Closed Won',
// Insert all opportunities for all accounts.
insert opps;
system.debug('all Test Opps created');
return cons;
public static List<Contact> sendGiftReceiptCheckthisYear(Integer numCts, Integer numOppsPerCt){
List<Contact> cons = new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i=0;i<numCts;i++) {
Contact a = new Contact(LastName='Test'+i,Email='',End_of_Year_Gift_Receipt__c=True);
insert Cons;
system.debug('insert' + cons);
List<Opportunity> opps = new List<Opportunity>();
for (Integer j=0;j<numCts;j++) {
Contact connie = Cons[j];
//get today's date
Date myDate =;
//get the year from the date
Integer thisYear = myDate.year();
//set a date variable for January 1 of this year. This will be the first gift date.
Date janDate = Date.newInstance(thisyear, 1, 1);
// For each contact just inserted, add opportunities
for (Integer k=0;k<numOppsPerCt;k++) {
opps.add(new Opportunity(Name=connie.Name + ' Opportunity ' + k,
StageName='Closed Won',
// Insert all opportunities for all accounts.
insert opps;
system.debug('all Test Opps created');
return cons;
//gifts two years ago
public static List<Contact> gifts2YearsAgo(Integer numCts, Integer numOppsPerCt){
//create Test Data
Campaign camp = new Campaign (Name = 'Annual Fund');
insert camp;
List<Contact> cons = new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i=0;i<numCts;i++) {
Contact a = new Contact(LastName='Test'+i,Email='',npo02__OppAmountLastYear__c=40, npo02__OppAmountThisYear__c=60);
insert Cons;
system.debug('insert' + cons);
List<Opportunity> opps = new List<Opportunity>();
for (Integer j=0;j<numCts;j++) {
Contact connie = Cons[j];
//get the year of last year. start by getting today's date.
Date myDate =;
//get the year from the date
Integer thisYear = myDate.year();
//subtract one to make it last year
Integer twoYears = thisYear - 2;
//set a date variable for January 1 of last year. This will be the first gift date.
Date janDate = Date.newInstance(twoYears, 1, 1);
// For each contact just inserted, add opportunities
for (Integer k=0;k<numOppsPerCt;k++) {
opps.add(new Opportunity(Name=connie.Name + ' Opportunity ' + k,
recordTypeid= devRecordTypeId,
StageName='Closed Won',
CampaignId = camp.Id,
//for each opp created use the JanDate variable, one month later
// Insert all opportunities for all accounts.
insert opps;
system.debug('all Test Opps created');
return cons;
public static List<Contact> giftsLastYear(Integer numCts, Integer numOppsPerCt){
//create Test Data
Campaign camp = new Campaign (Name = 'Annual Fund');
insert camp;
List<Contact> cons = new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i=0;i<numCts;i++) {
Contact a = new Contact(LastName='Test'+i,Email='',npo02__OppAmountLastYear__c=40, npo02__OppAmountThisYear__c=60);
insert Cons;
system.debug('insert' + cons);
List<Opportunity> opps = new List<Opportunity>();
for (Integer j=0;j<numCts;j++) {
Contact connie = Cons[j];
//get the year of last year. start by getting today's date.
Date myDate =;
//get the year from the date
Integer thisYear = myDate.year();
//subtract one to make it last year
Integer twoYears = thisYear - 1;
//set a date variable for January 1 of last year. This will be the first gift date.
Date janDate = Date.newInstance(twoYears, 1, 1);
// For each contact just inserted, add opportunities
for (Integer k=0;k<numOppsPerCt;k++) {
opps.add(new Opportunity(Name=connie.Name + ' Opportunity ' + k,
recordTypeid= devRecordTypeId,
StageName='Closed Won',
CampaignId = camp.Id,
//for each opp created use the JanDate variable, one month later
// Insert all opportunities for all accounts.
insert opps;
system.debug('all Test Opps created');
return cons;
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This gist is designed to work with millions of records but we're still getting an apex cpu timeout error.

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