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Created December 14, 2017 11:15
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data BST = Node Int BST BST | Empty deriving (Show)
find :: BST -> Int -> Bool
find Empty x = False
find (Node v l r) x
| x < v = find l x
| x > v = find r x
| otherwise = True
insert :: BST -> Int -> BST
insert Empty x = Node x Empty Empty
insert (Node v l r) x
| x < v = Node v (insert l x) r
| x > v = Node v l (insert r x)
| otherwise = error "Tried to insert duplicate"
delete :: BST -> Int -> BST
delete Empty x = Empty
delete (Node v l r) x
| x == v = subsumeTree r l
| x < v = Node v (delete l x) r
| x > v = Node v l (delete r x)
subsumeTree Empty sub = sub
subsumeTree (Node v l r) sub = Node v (subsumeTree l sub) r
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