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Last active November 9, 2024 11:47
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simplified proof of work explanation. demonstrates the fundamental idea: a participant must perform repeated computations until they find a solution that satisfies a specified condition.
import base64, hashlib, os
print('Searching for a key with valid hash. Hold tight, this might take a minute...')
threshold = 2 ** 234
attempts = 0
while True:
attempts += 1
seed = os.urandom(50)
h = int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha256(seed).digest(), 'big')
if attempts % 100_000 == 0:
print('.', end='', flush=True)
if h < threshold:
key = base64.b64encode(seed).decode().rstrip('=')
print(f'\nSuccess! Key found after {attempts:,} attempts:\n\n {key}\n')
import base64
import hashlib
# Define the threshold (must match the original threshold)
threshold = 2 ** 234
# Function to verify the proof-of-work key
def verify_key(proof_key):
# Decode the Base64 key (reversing the encoding done earlier)
seed = base64.b64decode(proof_key + '==') # Add padding back
except Exception as e:
print("Invalid key format.")
return False
# Hash the seed and convert to an integer
h = int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha256(seed).digest(), 'big')
# Check if hash value meets the required threshold
if h < threshold:
print("Valid key! Proof-of-work verified.")
return True
print("Invalid key! Proof-of-work condition not met.")
return False
# Example usage: suppose 'key' is the one generated by the original program
key = "example_generated_key_from_previous_program" # replace with the actual key
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