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Created February 24, 2013 04:18
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A naive SAT solver in Haskell
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data Clause = Value Bool | Not Int | Literal Int | Or Clause Clause deriving (Eq,Ord)
type CNF = Set.Set Clause
instance Show Clause where
show (Value True) = "T"
show (Value False) = "F"
show (Not x) = "~" ++ show x
show (Literal x) = show x
show (Or l r) = foldr1 (++) ["(", show l, ") || (", show r, ")"]
lits (Or l r) = Set.unions $ map lits [l, r]
lits (Literal x) = Set.fromList [x]
lits (Not x) = Set.fromList [x]
lits _ = Set.empty
eval (Value v) lit val = Value v
eval (Literal x) y val = if x == y then Value val else Literal x
eval (Not x) y val = if x == y then Value (not val) else Not x
eval (Or l r) x val = if truth then
Value True
else if leval == (Value False) then
else if reval == (Value False) then
Or leval reval
where leval = eval l x val
reval = eval r x val
truth = (> 0) $ length $ filter (== Value True) [leval, reval]
solve cnf = map (map ((\x -> if x == True then 1 else 0) . snd)) $ solns cnf
solns cnf = filter (\x -> valid x clauses) bchoices
where litxs = (Set.elems . (Set.unions . map lits) . Set.elems) cnf
clauses = Set.elems cnf
litln = length litxs
choices = explode litxs
bchoices = map (binchoice litln) choices
valid choice clauses = all (== Value True) $ map (applyc choice) clauses
applyc [] c = c
applyc ((n, v):xs) c = applyc xs $ eval c n v
binchoice len x = map (\e -> (e, elem e x)) [1..len]
explode :: [a] -> [[a]]
explode [] = []
explode [x] = [[], [x]]
explode (x:xs) = (++) exs $ map (\xs -> [x] ++ xs) exs
where exs = explode xs
main = do
let t = Set.fromList [Or (Literal 1) (Literal 2), Or (Not 2) (Or (Literal 3) (Not 4)), Or (Literal 4) (Not 5)] :: CNF
print $ solve t
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