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Last active August 16, 2016 21:05
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Foldables in C#, F#, and TypeScript
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace funsharp
// Demo data class
internal class Blarg
private readonly double _d;
private readonly long _i;
private readonly string _s;
public Blarg(long i, double d, string s)
_i = i;
_d = d;
_s = s;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("i: {0}, d: {1}, s: {2}", _i, _d, _s);
internal static class Extensions
// Function composition
// f.Compose(g)(x) == g(f(x))
public static Func<TA, TC> Compose<TA, TB, TC>(
this Func<TA, TB> f,
Func<TB, TC> g)
return x => g(f(x));
// Flip arguments of a function
// f.Flip()(b, a) == f(a, b)
public static Func<TB, TA, TC> Flip<TA, TB, TC>(this Func<TA, TB, TC> fn)
return (b, a) => fn(a, b);
// Apply for folds in a natural order
public static IFold<TA, Tuple<TX, TY>, TC> Apply<TA, TB, TX, TY, TC>(
this IFold<TA, TY, Func<TB, TC>> fst,
IFold<TA, TX, TB> snd)
return snd.Apply(fst);
// Bridge enumerables to foldables
public static IFoldable<T> ToFoldable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
return new EnumerableFoldable<T>(source);
// Fold a foldable using the given fold
public static TB Fold<TA, TX, TB>(this IFoldable<TA> foldable, IFold<TA, TX, TB> fold)
return fold.Fold(foldable);
// Curry a 2-arity function
public static Func<TA, Func<TB, TC>> Curry<TA, TB, TC>(this Func<TA, TB, TC> fn)
return a => b => fn(a, b);
// Curry a 3-arity function
public static Func<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, TD>>> Curry<TA, TB, TC, TD>(
this Func<TA, TB, TC, TD> fn)
return a => b => c => fn(a, b, c);
// Adapter for enumerables to foldables
internal class EnumerableFoldable<T> : IFoldable<T>
private readonly IEnumerable<T> _source;
public EnumerableFoldable(IEnumerable<T> source)
_source = source;
public TFolded Fold<TFolded>(TFolded seed, Func<T, TFolded, TFolded> fn)
return _source.Aggregate(seed, fn.Flip());
internal class Program
private const int Size = 100000;
private const int NumRuns = 1000;
public static readonly IFold<long, long, long> LongSum =
new FoldImpl<long, long, long>(0L, (x, y) => x + y, Id);
public static readonly IFold<long, double, double> DoubleProduct =
new FoldImpl<long, double, double>(1, (x, y) => x * y, Id);
// Internal field to fool the compiler into not removing otherwise
// unused locals
// ReSharper disable once NotAccessedField.Local
private static object _stash;
public static IFold<long, StringBuilder, string> StringConcat()
return new FoldImpl<long, StringBuilder, string>(new StringBuilder(),
(i, builder) => builder.Append(i),
builder => builder.ToString());
// Identity function
// ReSharper disable once MethodNamesNotMeaningful
public static T Id<T>(T t)
return t;
// Blarg data object constructor function
public static Func<long, double, string, Blarg> BlargMaker()
return (i, d, s) => new Blarg(i, d, s);
// Fold using applicative notion
private static void CombinedFold()
var foldable = Enumerable.Range(1, Size).Select(a => (long) a).ToList().ToFoldable();
var fold = LongSum.Select(BlargMaker().Curry()).
var folded = foldable.Fold(fold);
_stash = folded.ToString();
// Fold using separate available aggregations
private static void SeparateFolds()
var foldable = Enumerable.Range(1, Size).Select(a => (long) a).ToList();
var longSum = foldable.Sum();
var doubleProduct = foldable.Aggregate(1d, (x, y) => x * y);
var stringConcat = foldable.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(),
(builder, i) => builder.Append(i));
var folded = BlargMaker()(longSum, doubleProduct, stringConcat.ToString());
_stash = folded.ToString();
// Fold using a simple custom loop
private static void CustomLoop()
var foldable = Enumerable.Range(1, Size).Select(a => (long) a).ToList();
var longSum = 0L;
var doubleProduct = 1d;
var stringConcat = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var a in foldable)
longSum += a;
doubleProduct *= a;
var folded = BlargMaker()(longSum, doubleProduct, stringConcat.ToString());
_stash = folded.ToString();
// Benchmarking helper
private static TimeSpan RunTimed(Action block)
var watch = new Stopwatch();
for (var i = 0; i < NumRuns; i++)
return watch.Elapsed;
private static string FormatResult(string name, TimeSpan time)
return String.Format(
"{0}, {1} runs: total {2}ms, per run {3}ms",
name, NumRuns, time.TotalMilliseconds,
TimeSpan.FromTicks(time.Ticks / NumRuns));
// ReSharper disable once UnusedParameter.Local
private static void Main(string[] args)
var combinedFolds = RunTimed(CombinedFold);
var separateFolds = RunTimed(SeparateFolds);
var customLoop = RunTimed(CustomLoop);
Console.WriteLine(FormatResult("Combined folds", combinedFolds));
Console.WriteLine(FormatResult("Separate folds", separateFolds));
Console.WriteLine(FormatResult("Custom loop", customLoop));
/// <summary>
/// An interface to allow reducing a container to a single element using
/// an accumulator function.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TFoldable">The type of objects in the container</typeparam>
internal interface IFoldable<out TFoldable>
TFolded Fold<TFolded>(TFolded seed, Func<TFoldable, TFolded, TFolded> fn);
/// <summary>
/// A generalized fold for folding foldable objects.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TA">The type of value to fold</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TX">The type of the accumulator</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TB">The result of the folding operation</typeparam>
internal interface IFold<TA, TX, out TB>
// Fold a foldable using this fold
TB Fold(IFoldable<TA> foldable);
// (<$>), map a function over the fold
IFold<TA, TX, TC> Select<TC>(Func<TB, TC> fn);
// (<*>), applicative instance function
// Arguments are reversed to allow type-safe implementation at all
// TC can also be another curried Func<TIn, TOut> to allow further
// chaining
IFold<TA, Tuple<TX, TY>, TC> Apply<TC, TY>(IFold<TA, TY, Func<TB, TC>> fold);
// Implementation for folds
internal sealed class FoldImpl<TA, TX, TB> : IFold<TA, TX, TB>
// Extract function for transforming the result of the fold
private readonly Func<TX, TB> _extractFn;
// Folding function
private readonly Func<TA, TX, TX> _foldFn;
// Initial argument for the folding function
private readonly TX _seed;
public FoldImpl(TX seed, Func<TA, TX, TX> foldFn, Func<TX, TB> extractFn)
_foldFn = foldFn;
_seed = seed;
_extractFn = extractFn;
public TB Fold(IFoldable<TA> foldable)
var folded = foldable.Fold(_seed, _foldFn);
return _extractFn(folded);
public IFold<TA, TX, TC> Select<TC>(Func<TB, TC> fn)
return new FoldImpl<TA, TX, TC>(_seed,
public IFold<TA, Tuple<TX, TY>, TC> Apply<TC, TY>(IFold<TA, TY, Func<TB, TC>> fold)
// Cast to concrete class to allow internal field access
var innerFold = (FoldImpl<TA, TY, Func<TB, TC>>) fold;
// Pair of initial folding values
var seeds = Tuple.Create(_seed, innerFold._seed);
// Combine the two folding functions into a single function
// operating on pairs
Func<TA, Tuple<TX, TY>, Tuple<TX, TY>> foldFn =
(a, t) => Tuple.Create(_foldFn(a, t.Item1), innerFold._foldFn(a, t.Item2));
// Combine the extract functions into a single function
// innerFold._extractFn returns a function which is applied to the
// result of the extract function of this fold
Func<Tuple<TX, TY>, TC> extractFns =
t => innerFold._extractFn(t.Item2)(_extractFn(t.Item1));
// Create a new fold from the combined seeds, folding and extract
// functions
return new FoldImpl<TA, Tuple<TX, TY>, TC>(
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
open System
open System.Text
type Fold<'a, 'x, 'b> =
| Fold of ('a -> 'x -> 'x) * 'x * ('x -> 'b)
let flip f a b = f b a
let fold (fold: Fold<'a, 'x, 'b>) (foldable: List<'a>) =
match fold with
Fold (step, seed, extract) ->
List.fold (flip step) seed foldable |> extract
let (<@>) (fn: 'b -> 'c) (fold: Fold<'a, 'x, 'b>) =
match fold with
Fold (step, seed, extract) -> Fold(step, seed, extract >> fn)
let (<*>) (foldL: Fold<'a, 'x, ('b -> 'c)>) (foldR: Fold<'a, 'y, 'b>) =
match (foldL, foldR) with
(Fold (stepL, seedL, extractL), Fold(stepR, seedR, extractR)) ->
let step a (xL, xR) = (stepL a xL, stepR a xR)
let seed = (seedL, seedR)
let extract (xL, xR) = extractR xR |> extractL xL
Fold(step, seed, extract)
let intSum = Fold((fun a x -> a + x), 0, fun x -> x)
let doubleProduct = Fold((fun (a: int) (x: float) -> (float a) * x),
1.0, fun x -> x)
let stringConcat () =
Fold((fun (i: int) (sb: StringBuilder) -> sb.Append(i)),
new StringBuilder(), fun sb -> sb.ToString())
type Blarg =
| Blarg of int * float * string
let blarg i f s = Blarg(i, f, s)
let blargFold = blarg <@> intSum <*> doubleProduct <*> stringConcat()
let main argv =
printfn "%A" argv
let list = [1..10000]
match fold blargFold list with
| Blarg(i, f, s) -> printfn "%A %A %A" i f s.Length
class Fold<A, X, B> {
constructor(private seed: X,
private step: (a: A) => (x: X) => X,
private done: (x: X) => B) { }
fold(foldable: Foldable<A>): B {
var folded = foldable.fold(this.seed, this.step);
return this.done(folded);
map<C>(fn: (b: B) => C): Fold<A, X, C> {
return new Fold(this.seed,
(x: X) => fn(this.done(x)));
apply<C, Y>(foldR: Fold<A, Y, (b: B) => C>): Fold<A, Pair<X, Y>, C> {
var seeds = new Pair<X, Y>(this.seed, foldR.seed);
var step = (a: A) => (p: Pair<X, Y>) =>
new Pair<X, Y>(this.step(a)(p.fst), foldR.step(a)(p.snd));
var done = (p: Pair<X, Y>) => foldR.done(p.snd)(this.done(p.fst));
return new Fold<A, Pair<X, Y>, C>(seeds, step, done);
class Pair<A, B> {
constructor(public fst: A, public snd: B) { }
interface Foldable<A> {
fold<X>(seed: X, step: (a: A) => (x: X) => X): X;
class ListFoldable<A> implements Foldable<A> {
constructor(private list: A[]) { }
fold<X>(seed: X, step: (a: A) => (x: X) => X): X {
var cb = (x: X, a: A) => step(a)(x);
return this.list.reduce(cb, seed);
class Blarg {
constructor(public i: number, public f: number, public s: string) { }
toString(): string {
return "Blarg(i: " + this.i + ", f: " + this.f + ", s: " + this.s + ")";
static create = (i: number) => (f: number) => (s: string): Blarg => new Blarg(i, f, s);
var sumFold = new Fold<number, number, number>(0, (a) => (x) => a + x, (x) => x);
var productFold = new Fold<number, number, number>(1, (a) => (x) => a * x, (x) => x);
var stringConcat = new Fold<number, string, string>("", (a) => (x) => x + a, (x) => x);
var foldable = new ListFoldable([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]);
var fold = stringConcat.apply(productFold.apply(;
var folded = fold.fold(foldable);
Option Strict On
Namespace Data.Foldable
Public Interface IFold(Of TA, TX, Out TB)
Function Fold _
(foldable As IFoldable(Of TA)) _
''' <summary>
''' Creates a new fold where the result of the fold is transformed using the given
''' selector function.
''' </summary>
''' <typeparam name="TC"></typeparam>
''' <param name="selector"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
Function [Select](Of TC) _
(selector As Func(Of TB, TC)) _
As IFold(Of TA, TX, TC)
''' <summary>
''' Create an new fold where each element is transformed before the fold using the
''' given selector function.
''' </summary>
''' <typeparam name="TC"></typeparam>
''' <param name="selector"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
Function ContraSelect(Of TC) _
(selector As Func(Of TC, TA)) _
As IFold(Of TC, TX, TB)
''' <summary>
''' Create a new fold where only the values passing the predicate are folded.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="predicate"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
Function Where _
(predicate As Func(Of TA, Boolean)) _
As IFold(Of TA, TX, TB)
Function Apply(Of TC, TY) _
(fold As IFold(Of TA, TY, Func(Of TB, TC))) _
As IFold(Of TA, Tuple(Of TX, TY), TC)
End Interface
Friend NotInheritable Class FoldImpl(Of TA, TX, TB)
Implements IFold(Of TA, TX, TB)
' Extract function for transforming the result of the fold
Private ReadOnly _extractFn As Func(Of TX, TB)
' Folding function
Private ReadOnly _foldFn As Func(Of TA, TX, TX)
' Initial argument for the folding function
Private ReadOnly _seed As TX
Public Sub New _
(seed As TX,
foldFn As Func(Of TA, TX, TX),
extractFn As Func(Of TX, TB))
Check.NotNull(foldFn, NameOf(foldFn))
Check.NotNull(extractFn, NameOf(extractFn))
_extractFn = extractFn
_foldFn = foldFn
_seed = seed
End Sub
Public Function Fold _
(foldable As IFoldable(Of TA)) _
As TB _
Implements IFold(Of TA, TX, TB).Fold
Check.NotNull(foldable, NameOf(foldable))
Dim folded = foldable.Fold(_seed, _foldFn)
Return _extractFn(folded)
End Function
Public Function [Select](Of TC) _
(selector As Func(Of TB, TC)) _
As IFold(Of TA, TX, TC) _
Implements IFold(Of TA, TX, TB).Select
Check.NotNull(selector, NameOf(selector))
Return New FoldImpl(Of TA, TX, TC)(
End Function
Public Function ContraSelect(Of TC) _
(selector As Func(Of TC, TA)) _
As IFold(Of TC, TX, TB) _
Implements IFold(Of TA, TX, TB).ContraSelect
Check.NotNull(selector, NameOf(selector))
Return New FoldImpl(Of TC, TX, TB)(
Function(current As TC, acc As TX) _foldFn(selector(current), acc),
End Function
Public Function Where _
(predicate As Func(Of TA, Boolean)) _
As IFold(Of TA, TX, TB) _
Implements IFold(Of TA, TX, TB).Where
Check.NotNull(predicate, NameOf(predicate))
Return New FoldImpl(Of TA, TX, TB)(
Function(current As TA, acc As TX) If(predicate(current),
_foldFn(current, acc),
End Function
Public Function Apply(Of TC, TY) _
(fold As IFold(Of TA, TY, Func(Of TB, TC))) _
As IFold(Of TA, Tuple(Of TX, TY), TC) _
Implements IFold(Of TA, TX, TB).Apply
Check.NotNull(fold, NameOf(fold))
' Cast to concrete class to allow internal field access
Dim innerFold = DirectCast(fold, FoldImpl(Of TA, TY, Func(Of TB, TC)))
' Pair of initial folding values
Dim seeds = Tuple.Create(_seed, innerFold._seed)
' Combine the two folding functions into a single function
' operating on pairs
Dim foldFn As Func(Of TA, Tuple(Of TX, TY), Tuple(Of TX, TY)) =
Function(a, t) Tuple.Create(_foldFn(a, t.Item1), innerFold._foldFn(a, t.Item2))
' Combine the extract functions into a single function
' innerFold._extractFn returns a function which is applied to the
' result of the extract function of this fold
Dim extractFns As Func(Of Tuple(Of TX, TY), TC) =
Function(t) innerFold._extractFn(t.Item2)(_extractFn(t.Item1))
' Create a new fold from the combined seeds, folding and extract
' functions
Return New FoldImpl(Of TA, Tuple(Of TX, TY), TC)(
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
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Performance measurements (Debug mode, target platform x64, optimizations enabled, .NET 4.5):

Combined folds, 1000 runs: total 17152,0704ms, per run 17,152ms
Separate folds, 1000 runs: total 13858,9862ms, per run 13,8589ms
Custom loop, 1000 runs: total 11597,2656ms, per run 11,5972ms

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F# port feature complete -- missing, however, is a Foldable type class

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