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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Type class emulation in JavaScript: Maybe and State
// Compile with Traceur, available online here:
// Alternatively, load using node:
// $ node --harmony
// > .load filename.js
// Type classes
var Functor = (type, defs) => {
// <$>
type.prototype.fmap = defs.fmap;
var Applicative = (type, defs) => {
// <*>
type.prototype.ap = defs.ap;
type.pure = defs.pure;
var Monad = (type, defs) => {
// >>=
type.prototype.bind = defs.bind;
// >>
type.prototype.then = defs.then || function(fn) {
return this.bind(() => fn());
// Prelude
// Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
var fmap = fn => f => f.fmap(fn);
// Applicative f => a -> f a
var pure = val => m => m.pure(val);
// Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
var ap = a => f => a.ap(f);
// Monad m => a -> m b -> m a -> m b
var bind = fn => m => m.bind(fn);
// Monad m => m => m (m a) => m a
var join = val => m => m.bind(id);
// a -> a
var id = x => x;
// a -> b -> a
var constant = a => _ => a;
// Instances
var Maybe = (function() {
var Maybe = function(val) { this.val = val; };
Maybe.some = val => new Maybe(val);
Maybe.none = () => new Maybe(null);
return Maybe;
Functor(Maybe, {
fmap: function(fn) {
return this.val != null ? Maybe.some(fn(this.val)) : Maybe.none();
Applicative(Maybe, {
pure: val => Maybe.some(val),
ap: function(f) {
return this.val != null
? (f.val != null
? Maybe.some(this.val(f.val))
: Maybe.none())
: Maybe.none(); }
Monad(Maybe, {
bind: function(fn) {
return this.val != null ? fn(this.val) : Maybe.none();
var Pair = (function() {
var Pair = function(a, b) {
this.fst = a;
this.snd = b;
return Pair;
// Simpler ctor
var pair = (a, b) => new Pair(a, b);
Functor(Pair, {
fmap: function(fn) {
return pair(this.fst, fn(this.snd));
var State = (function() {
// The type of fn is `s -> (a, s)'
// State's magic is that it threads the state in s. Running the operations
// on the the state gives back a pair of `a' and `s'. `a' represents the
// result of the computation while `s' contains the state. This allows
// running a stateful computation, extracting the result, and using the
// final state later.
var State = function(fn) { this.fn = fn; }; = function(s) {
return this.fn(s);
State.get = () => new State(s => pair(s, s));
State.put = s => new State(_ => pair(null, s));
State.modify = fn => new State(s => pair(null, fn(s)));
return State;
// Simpler ctor
var state = (fn) => new State(fn);
Functor(State, {
fmap: function(fn) {
var that = this;
return state(s => {
var p =;
return pair(fn(p.fst), p.snd);
Applicative(State, {
pure: val => state(s => pair(val, s)),
ap: function(f) {
return this.bind(s1 => f.bind(s2 => State.pure(s1(s2))));
Monad(State, {
bind: function(fn) {
var that = this;
return state(s => {
var p =;
return fn(p.fst).run(p.snd);
// Simple examples
var inputIncrementer =
bind(a => State.put(a + 1)).
then(_ => State.get());
// run(1)
var inputIgnoringIncrementer =
then(_ => State.modify(x => x + 1)).
then(_ => State.get());
// run(1337)
// More complex examples
// Classic use case: No explicit intermediate state
var launchMissiles = (s) => {
// evil: interleaved IO
console.log("State: " + s.toString());
return s;
var pureState =
bind(a => State.put(Math.pow(a, 3)).
then(_ => State.modify(s => Math.PI * s + Math.E)).
then(_ => State.pure(a)));
// run(1793)
// Another case: non-destructive array-operations
var arrayOps =
then(_ => State.modify(ary => ary.concat(4))).
then(_ => State.modify(ary => ary.slice(-3))).
then(_ => State.modify(ary => ary.concat(5, 6))).
then(_ => State.get()).
bind(a => State.pure(a[0]));
// run([1,2,3])
// Notice: `a' and `s' are different! The latter `State.get()' pulls the
// result of the previous operations from `s' into `a' so that the last
// bind can return the first element; the state still contains the full array.
// Passing State around
// Even though this is a more complex example, it is still pretty trivial.
// The same effect could be achieved using partial function application.
// Capture some calculation
var circumference =
then(_ => State.modify(r => 2 * Math.PI * r));
// Obtain some data
var height = 13.37;
// Add some more state
var businessProcess =
circumference.then(_ => State.modify(c => c * Math.sqrt(height)));
// Run the computation
var complexResult =;
// Some words on staircasing: as long as there is no need for binding something
// to a name, I advise using then(). This also avoids having to chain directly
// on the result. The following example shows two different notations in x and
// y with equal results.
var x = State.get().
then(_ => State.modify(s => s * Math.PI).
then(_ => State.modify(s => [s]).
then(_ => State.get().
bind(a => State.modify(s => s.concat(17, 3, 49)).
then(_ => State.pure(a))))));
var y = State.get().
then(_ => State.modify(s => s * Math.PI)).
then(_ => State.modify(s => [s])).
then(_ => State.get()).
bind(a => State.modify(s => s.concat(17, 3, 49)).
then(_ => State.pure(a)));
// TL;DR: -> Type class-style code is possible
// -> Monads are awesome
// -> Arrow-functions rock (suck it, VB!)
// -> Do-notation is sorely missed
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