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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Lenses à la van Laarhoven
public struct Store<A, B> {
// Setter of accessor (A), return new object (B)
public readonly Func<A, B> Put;
// Getter/Value of accessor (A)
public readonly A Pos;
public Store(Func<A, B> put, A pos) {
Put = put;
Pos = pos;
public static class Store {
public static Store<A, B> Create<A, B>(Func<A, B> put, A pos) {
return new Store<A, B>(put, pos);
public struct Lens<A, B> {
private readonly Func<A, Store<B, A>> _fn;
public Lens(Func<A, Store<B, A>> fn) {
_fn = fn;
public Store<B, A> Run(A a) {
return _fn(a);
public B Get(A a) {
return Run(a).Pos;
public A Set(A a, B b) {
return Run(a).Put(b);
public Func<A, A> Modify(Func<B, B> fn) {
var t = this;
return a => {
var x = t.Run(a);
return x.Put(fn(x.Pos));
public Lens<A, C> Then<C>(Lens<B, C> w) {
var t = this;
return Lens.Create<A, C>(a => {
Store<B, A> y = t.Run(a);
Store<C, B> z = w.Run(y.Pos);
return Store.Create<C, A>(c => y.Put(z.Put(c)), z.Pos);
public static class Lens {
public static Lens<A, B> Create<A, B>(Func<A, Store<B, A>> fn) {
return new Lens<A, B>(fn);
public static Lens<Tuple<A, B>, A> First<A, B>() {
return Lens.Create<Tuple<A, B>, A>(p =>
Store.Create(a => Tuple.Create(a, p.Item2), p.Item1));
public static Lens<Tuple<A, B>, B> Second<A, B>() {
return Lens.Create<Tuple<A, B>, B>(p =>
Store.Create(b => Tuple.Create(p.Item1, b), p.Item2));
type Store<'s, 'a> = { put : 's -> 'a; pos : 's }
type Lens<'a, 'b> = { run : 'a -> Store<'b, 'a> }
let get (l: Lens<'a, 'b>) (a: 'a) = ( a).pos
let set (l: Lens<'a, 'b>) (a: 'a) (b: 'b) = ( a).put b
let modify (l: Lens<'a, 'b>) (f: 'b -> 'b) = fun a -> let x =
let lens (f: 'a -> Store<'b, 'a>) = { run = f }
let store (f: 's -> 'a) (s: 's) = { put = f; pos = s }
// Lens composition
let (>->) (l1: Lens<_, _>) (l2: Lens<_, _>) =
lens (fun a -> let y =
let z =
store (z.put >> y.put) z.pos)
// Lenses for pairs
// Screw the value restriction!
let fst () = lens (fun p -> match p with (a, b) -> store (fun a1 -> (a1, b)) a)
let snd () = lens (fun p -> match p with (a, b) -> store (fun b1 -> (a, b1)) b)
let nested = (1, (2, (3, 4)))
get (snd() >-> fst()) nested |> printf "get: %A"
set (snd() >-> snd() >-> fst()) nested 5 |> printf "set: %A"
modify (snd() >-> snd() >-> snd()) (fun x -> x * 3) nested |> printf "modify: %A"
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