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function out = semiv (xy, z, lagw, maxr, varargin)
## calculate simple semivariance along with spherical (and other) fits
## out = semiv (xy, z, lagw, maxr, varargin)
## xy points, z value at each xy, lag width, max radius of biggest lag
## save input
out.xy = xy;
out.z = z;
forkandwait / dot emacs
Created March 28, 2011 21:49
My dot emacs
;; set current working directory somewhere reasonable -- home. on
;; windows, set this in the short cut
(setq default-directory "~")
(cd "~")
;; MS Windows specific
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(progn (message "Running windows -- ack!")
(tool-bar-mode 0)
(setq temporary-file-directory "C:\\Temp")
forkandwait /
Created March 24, 2011 20:23
Reworked script for loading tiger data
declare -A FIPS
declare -A STNAME
FIPS[AK]=02; STNAME[AK]=Alaska
FIPS[AL]=01; STNAME[AL]=Alabama
FIPS[AR]=05; STNAME[AR]=Arkansas
FIPS[AS]=60; STNAME[AS]=American Samoa
FIPS[AZ]=04; STNAME[AZ]=Arizona
FIPS[CA]=06; STNAME[CA]=California
FIPS[CO]=08; STNAME[CO]=Colorado
FIPS[CT]=09; STNAME[CT]=Connecticut