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Created July 1, 2022 16:37
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(deterministic) timeout at 'isDefEq', maximum number of heartbeats (200000) has been reached (use 'set_option maxHeartbeats <num>' to set the limit)
noncomputable section
namespace MWE
universe u v w
inductive Id {A : Type u} : A → A → Type u
| refl {a : A} : Id a a
attribute [eliminator] Id.casesOn
infix:50 (priority := high) " = " => Id
@[matchPattern] abbrev idp {A : Type u} (a : A) : a = a := Id.refl
def Id.symm {A : Type u} {a b : A} (p : a = b) : b = a :=
by { induction p; apply idp }
def {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {a b : A} (f : A → B) (p : a = b) : f a = f b :=
by { induction p; apply idp }
def Id.trans {A : Type u} {a b c : A} (p : a = b) (q : b = c) : a = c :=
by { induction p; apply q }
infixl:60 " ⬝ " => Id.trans
postfix:max "⁻¹" => Id.symm
def Id.reflRight {A : Type u} {a b : A} (p : a = b) : p ⬝ idp b = p :=
by { induction p; apply idp }
def Iff (A : Type u) (B : Type v) :=
(A → B) × (B → A)
infix:30 (priority := high) " ↔ " => Iff
def Iff.left {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (w : A ↔ B) : A → B := w.1
def Iff.right {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (w : A ↔ B) : B → A := w.2
def Iff.comp {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {C : Type w} :
(A ↔ B) → (B ↔ C) → (A ↔ C) :=
λ p q => (q.left ∘ p.left, p.right ∘ q.right)
inductive Empty : Type u
attribute [eliminator] Empty.casesOn
notation "𝟎" => Empty
def Not (A : Type u) : Type u := A → (𝟎 : Type)
def Neq {A : Type u} (a b : A) := Not (Id a b)
prefix:90 (priority := high) "¬" => Not
infix:50 (priority := high) " ≠ " => Neq
def dec (A : Type u) := Sum A (¬A)
inductive hlevel
| minusTwo
| succ : hlevel → hlevel
notation "ℕ₋₂" => hlevel
notation "−2" => hlevel.minusTwo
notation "−1" => hlevel.succ hlevel.minusTwo
def hlevel.ofNat : Nat → ℕ₋₂
| => succ (succ −2)
| Nat.succ n => hlevel.succ (ofNat n)
instance (n : Nat) : OfNat ℕ₋₂ n := ⟨hlevel.ofNat n⟩
def contr (A : Type u) := Σ (a : A), ∀ b, a = b
def prop (A : Type u) := ∀ (a b : A), a = b
def hset (A : Type u) := ∀ (a b : A) (p q : a = b), p = q
def propset := Σ (A : Type u), prop A
notation "Ω" => propset
def isNType : hlevel → Type u → Type u
| −2 => contr
| hlevel.succ n => λ A => ∀ (x y : A), isNType n (x = y)
notation "is-" n "-type" => isNType n
def nType (n : hlevel) : Type (u + 1) :=
Σ (A : Type u), is-n-type A
notation n "-Type" => nType n
inductive Unit : Type u
| star : Unit
attribute [eliminator] Unit.casesOn
def Homotopy {A : Type u} {B : A → Type v} (f g : ∀ x, B x) :=
∀ (x : A), f x = g x
infix:80 " ~ " => Homotopy
def linv {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (f : A → B) :=
Σ (g : B → A), g ∘ f ~ id
def rinv {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (f : A → B) :=
Σ (g : B → A), f ∘ g ~ id
def biinv {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (f : A → B) :=
linv f × rinv f
def Equiv (A : Type u) (B : Type v) : Type (max u v) :=
Σ (f : A → B), biinv f
infix:25 " ≃ " => Equiv
namespace Equiv
def forward {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (e : A ≃ B) : A → B := e.fst
def left {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (e : A ≃ B) : B → A := e.2.1.1
def right {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (e : A ≃ B) : B → A := e.2.2.1
def leftForward {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (e : A ≃ B) : e.left ∘ e.forward ~ id := e.2.1.2
def forwardRight {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (e : A ≃ B) : e.forward ∘ e.right ~ id := e.2.2.2
def biinvTrans {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {C : Type w}
{f : A → B} {g : B → C} (e₁ : biinv f) (e₂ : biinv g) : biinv (g ∘ f) :=
(⟨e₁.1.1 ∘ e₂.1.1, λ x => e₁.1.1 (e₂.1.2 (f x)) ⬝ e₁.1.2 x⟩,
⟨e₁.2.1 ∘ e₂.2.1, λ x => g (e₁.2.2 (e₂.2.1 x)) ⬝ e₂.2.2 x⟩)
def trans {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {C : Type w}
(f : A ≃ B) (g : B ≃ C) : A ≃ C :=
⟨g.1 ∘ f.1, biinvTrans f.2 g.2⟩
def ideqv (A : Type u) : A ≃ A :=
⟨id, (⟨id, idp⟩, ⟨id, idp⟩)⟩
end Equiv
def transport {A : Type u} (B : A → Type v) {a b : A} (p : a = b) : B a → B b :=
by { induction p; apply id }
def subst {A : Type u} {B : A → Type v} {a b : A} (p : a = b) : B a → B b :=
transport B p
def transportComposition {A : Type u} {a x₁ x₂ : A}
(p : x₁ = x₂) (q : a = x₁) : transport (Id a) p q = q ⬝ p :=
by { induction p; apply Id.symm; apply Id.reflRight }
def rewriteComp {A : Type u} {a b c : A}
{p : a = b} {q : b = c} {r : a = c} (h : r = p ⬝ q) : p⁻¹ ⬝ r = q :=
by { induction p; apply h }
def invComp {A : Type u} {a b : A} (p : a = b) : p⁻¹ ⬝ p = idp b :=
by { induction p; apply idp }
def apd {A : Type u} {B : A → Type v} {a b : A}
(f : ∀ (x : A), B x) (p : a = b) : subst p (f a) = f b :=
by { induction p; apply idp }
def propEquivLemma {A : Type u} {B : Type v}
(F : prop A) (G : prop B) (f : A → B) (g : B → A) : A ≃ B :=
⟨f, (⟨g, λ _ => F _ _⟩, ⟨g, λ _ => G _ _⟩)⟩
axiom funext {A : Type u} {B : A → Type v} {f g : ∀ x, B x} (p : f ~ g) : f = g
def propIsSet {A : Type u} (r : prop A) : hset A :=
by {
intros x y p q; have g := r x; apply Id.trans;
apply Id.symm; apply rewriteComp;
exact (apd g p)⁻¹ ⬝ transportComposition p (g x);
induction q; apply invComp
def contrImplProp {A : Type u} (h : contr A) : prop A :=
λ a b => (h.2 a)⁻¹ ⬝ (h.2 b)
def contrIsProp {A : Type u} : prop (contr A) :=
by {
intro ⟨x, u⟩ ⟨y, v⟩; have p := u y;
induction p; apply;
apply funext; intro a;
apply propIsSet (contrImplProp ⟨x, u⟩)
def ntypeIsProp : ∀ (n : hlevel) {A : Type u}, prop (is-n-type A)
| −2 => contrIsProp
| hlevel.succ n => λ p q => funext (λ x => funext (λ y => ntypeIsProp n _ _))
def propIsProp {A : Type u} : prop (prop A) :=
by {
intros f g;
apply funext; intro;
apply funext; intro;
apply propIsSet; assumption
def minusOneEqvProp {A : Type u} : (is-(−1)-type A) ≃ prop A :=
by {
apply propEquivLemma; apply ntypeIsProp; apply propIsProp;
{ intros H a b; exact (H a b).1 };
{ intros H a b; exists H a b; apply propIsSet H }
def equivFunext {A : Type u} {η μ : A → Type v}
(H : ∀ x, η x ≃ μ x) : (∀ x, η x) ≃ (∀ x, μ x) :=
by {
exists (λ (f : ∀ x, η x) (x : A) => (H x).forward (f x)); apply;
{ exists (λ (f : ∀ x, μ x) (x : A) => (H x).left (f x));
intro f; apply funext;
intro x; apply (H x).leftForward };
{ exists (λ (f : ∀ x, μ x) (x : A) => (H x).right (f x));
intro f; apply funext;
intro x; apply (H x).forwardRight }
def zeroEqvSet {A : Type u} : (is-0-type A) ≃ hset A :=
Equiv.trans (Equiv.trans (Equiv.ideqv _) (equivFunext (λ x => equivFunext (λ y => minusOneEqvProp)))) (Equiv.ideqv _)
notation "𝟏" => Unit
notation "★" =>
def vect (A : Type u) : Nat → Type u
| => 𝟏
| Nat.succ n => A × vect A n
def algop (deg : Nat) (A : Type u) :=
vect A deg → A
def algrel (deg : Nat) (A : Type u) :=
vect A deg → Ω
def zeroeqv {A : Type u} (H : hset A) : 0-Type :=
⟨A, zeroEqvSet.left H⟩
variable {ι : Type u} {υ : Type v} (deg : Sum ι υ → Nat)
def Algebra (A : Type w) :=
(∀ i, algop (deg (Sum.inl i)) A) ×
(∀ i, algrel (deg (Sum.inr i)) A)
def Alg := Σ (A : 0-Type), Algebra deg A.1
variable {ι : Type u} {υ : Type v} {deg : Sum ι υ → Nat} (A : Alg deg)
def Alg.carrier := A.1.1
def Alg.op := A.2.1
def Alg.rel := A.2.2
def Alg.hset : hset A.carrier :=
zeroEqvSet.forward A.1.2
namespace Precategory
inductive Arity : Type
| left | right | mul | bottom
def signature : Sum Arity 𝟎 → Nat
| Sum.inl Arity.mul => 2
| Sum.inl Arity.left => 1
| Sum.inl Arity.right => 1
| Sum.inl Arity.bottom => 0
end Precategory
def Precategory : Type (u + 1) :=
Alg.{0, 0, u, 0} Precategory.signature
namespace Precategory
variable (𝒞 : Precategory.{u})
def intro {α : Type u} (H : hset α) (μ : α → α → α)
(dom cod : α → α) (bot : α) : Precategory.{u} :=
⟨zeroeqv H,
(λ | Arity.mul => λ (a, b, _) => μ a b
| Arity.left => λ (a, _) => dom a
| Arity.right => λ (a, _) => cod a
| Arity.bottom => λ _ => bot,
λ z => nomatch z)⟩
def carrier := 𝒞.1.1
def bottom : 𝒞.carrier :=
𝒞.op Arity.bottom ★
notation "∄" => bottom _
def μ : 𝒞.carrier → 𝒞.carrier → 𝒞.carrier :=
λ x y => 𝒞.op Arity.mul (x, y, ★)
def dom : 𝒞.carrier → 𝒞.carrier :=
λ x => 𝒞.op Arity.left (x, ★)
def cod : 𝒞.carrier → 𝒞.carrier :=
λ x => 𝒞.op Arity.right (x, ★)
def following (a b : 𝒞.carrier) :=
𝒞.dom a = 𝒞.cod b
def defined (x : 𝒞.carrier) := x ≠ ∄
prefix:70 "∃" => defined _
end Precategory
class category (𝒞 : Precategory) :=
(defDec : ∀ (a : 𝒞.carrier), dec (a = ∄))
(bottomLeft : ∀ a, 𝒞.μ ∄ a = ∄)
(bottomRight : ∀ a, 𝒞.μ a ∄ = ∄)
(bottomDom : 𝒞.dom ∄ = ∄)
(bottomCod : 𝒞.cod ∄ = ∄)
(domComp : ∀ a, 𝒞.μ a (𝒞.dom a) = a)
(codComp : ∀ a, 𝒞.μ (𝒞.cod a) a = a)
(mulDom : ∀ a b, ∃(𝒞.μ a b) → 𝒞.dom (𝒞.μ a b) = 𝒞.dom b)
(mulCod : ∀ a b, ∃(𝒞.μ a b) → 𝒞.cod (𝒞.μ a b) = 𝒞.cod a)
(domCod : 𝒞.dom ∘ 𝒞.cod ~ 𝒞.cod)
(codDom : 𝒞.cod ∘ 𝒞.dom ~ 𝒞.dom)
(mulAssoc : ∀ a b c, 𝒞.μ (𝒞.μ a b) c = 𝒞.μ a (𝒞.μ b c))
(mulDef : ∀ a b, ∃a → ∃b → (∃(𝒞.μ a b) ↔ 𝒞.following a b))
open category
def op (𝒞 : Precategory) : Precategory :=
Precategory.intro 𝒞.hset (λ a b => 𝒞.μ b a) 𝒞.cod 𝒞.dom ∄
postfix:max "ᵒᵖ" => op
def dual (𝒞 : Precategory) (η : category 𝒞) : category 𝒞ᵒᵖ :=
{ defDec := @defDec 𝒞 η,
bottomLeft := @bottomRight 𝒞 η,
bottomRight := @bottomLeft 𝒞 η,
bottomDom := @bottomCod 𝒞 η,
bottomCod := @bottomDom 𝒞 η,
domComp := @codComp 𝒞 η,
codComp := @domComp 𝒞 η,
mulDom := λ _ _ δ => @mulCod 𝒞 η _ _ δ,
mulCod := λ _ _ δ => @mulDom 𝒞 η _ _ δ,
domCod := @codDom 𝒞 η,
codDom := @domCod 𝒞 η,
mulAssoc := λ _ _ _ => Id.symm (@mulAssoc 𝒞 η _ _ _),
mulDef := λ a b α β => Iff.comp (@mulDef 𝒞 η b a β α) (Id.symm, Id.symm) }
end MWE
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