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Last active September 24, 2019 23:34
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public class BuyAndSellStock {
* Brute-Force
* Time: O(N^2)
public static double maxProfitBruteForce(List<Double> prices) {
double maxProfit = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < prices.size(); ++i) {
for (int j = i; j < prices.size(); ++j) {
double profit = prices.get(j) - prices.get(i);
if (profit > maxProfit) {
maxProfit = profit;
return maxProfit;
* Divide-and-Conquer
* Time: O(N)
// BuySell (helper class)
private static class BuySell {
int buyTime; int sellTime;
int minTime; int maxTime;
BuySell(int b, int s, int min, int max) {
buyTime = b; sellTime = s; minTime = min; maxTime = max;
public static double maxProfitCDQ(List<Double> prices) {
BuySell result = maxProfit(prices, 0, prices.size() - 1);
return prices.get(result.sellTime) - prices.get(result.buyTime);
// helper function
private static BuySell maxProfit(List<Double> prices, int lo, int hi) {
if (lo >= hi) { // base case: only 1 time left
return new BuySell(lo, lo, lo, lo);
// divide
int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
// conquer
BuySell left = maxProfit(prices, lo, mid);
BuySell right = maxProfit(prices, mid + 1, hi);
// combine
return combine(prices, left, right);
private static BuySell combine(List<Double> prices, BuySell left, BuySell right) {
// case 1 (left.buyTime, left.sellTime)
double bestProfit = prices.get(left.sellTime) - prices.get(left.buyTime);
int bestBuyTime = left.buyTime; // set case 1 as default
int bestSellTime = left.sellTime;
// case 2 (right.buyTime, right.sellTime)
double case2Profit = prices.get(right.sellTime) - prices.get(right.buyTime);
if (case2Profit > bestProfit) { // compare
bestProfit = case2Profit;
bestBuyTime = right.buyTime;
bestSellTime = right.sellTime;
// case 3 (left.minTime, right.maxTime)
double case3Profit = prices.get(right.maxTime) - prices.get(left.minTime);
if (case3Profit > bestProfit) { // compare
bestProfit = case3Profit;
bestBuyTime = left.minTime;
bestSellTime = right.maxTime;
// update min and max
int newMinTime = (prices.get(left.minTime) < prices.get(right.minTime)) ? left.minTime : right.minTime;
int newMaxTime = (prices.get(left.maxTime) > prices.get(right.maxTime)) ? left.maxTime : right.maxTime;
return new BuySell(bestBuyTime, bestSellTime, newMinTime, newMaxTime);
* OnePass
* Time: O(N)
* Space: O(1)
public static double computeMaxProfit(List<Double> prices) {
double maxProfit = 0.0; // cannot init with Double.MIN_VALUE
double minPrice = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (double price : prices) {
maxProfit = Math.max(maxProfit, price - minPrice);
minPrice = Math.min(minPrice, price);
return maxProfit;
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