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Last active March 7, 2021 18:01
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GrassCompute (the Compute Shader)
// Created by @Forkercat on 03/04/2021.
// A URP grass shader using compute shader rather than geometry shader.
// This file contains kernel function which works like a geometry function.
// It defines the buffers needed to pass data from renderer C# script to here
// and from here to our vertex and fragment functions.
// Note that data flows differently in different cases.
// [Compute Shader] Data Flow : Mesh -> Compute Shader -> Vertex Shader -> Fragment Shader
// [Geometry shader] Data Flow : Mesh -> Vertex Shader -> Geometry Shader -> Fragment Shader
// Please check out NedMakesGames for learning compute shaders and MinionsArt for
// the logic of generating grass, although the scripts are pretty different though.
// Let me know if you have any question!
// Note that this shader works with the grass painter tool created by MinionsArt.
// Checkout the website for the tool scripts. I also made an updated version that
// introduces shortcuts just for convenience.
// References & Credits:
// 1. GrassBladesCompute.hlsl (NedMakesGames,
// 2. GrassGeometry.shader (MinionsArt,
// Each #kernel tells which function to compile; you can have many kernels
#pragma kernel Main
// Import some helper functions
// ...
// Define some constants
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define TWO_PI 6.28318530717958647693
// This describes a vertex on the source mesh
struct SourceVertex
float3 positionOS; // position in object space
float3 normalOS;
float2 uv; // contains widthMultiplier, heightMultiplier
float3 color;
// Source buffers, arranged as a vertex buffer and index buffer
StructuredBuffer<SourceVertex> _SourceVertices;
// This describes a vertex on the generated mesh
struct DrawVertex
float3 positionWS; // The position in world space
float2 uv;
float3 diffuseColor;
// shadows variable is no needed (same as positionWS)
// float fogFactor;
// A triangle on the generated mesh
struct DrawTriangle
float3 normalOS;
DrawVertex vertices[3]; // The three points on the triangle
// A buffer containing the generated mesh
AppendStructuredBuffer<DrawTriangle> _DrawTriangles;
// The indirect draw call args, as described in the renderer script
struct IndirectArgs
uint numVerticesPerInstance;
uint numInstances;
uint startVertexIndex;
uint startInstanceIndex;
// The kernel will count the number of vertices, so this must be RW enabled
RWStructuredBuffer<IndirectArgs> _IndirectArgsBuffer;
// These values are bounded by limits in C# scripts,
// because in the script we need to specify the buffer size
#define GRASS_BLADES 4 // blade per vertex
#define GRASS_SEGMENTS 5 // segments per blade
// ----------------------------------------
// Variables set by the renderer
int _NumSourceVertices;
// Local to world matrix
float4x4 _LocalToWorld;
// Time
float _Time;
// Grass
half _GrassHeight;
half _GrassWidth;
float _GrassRandomHeight;
// Wind
half _WindSpeed;
float _WindStrength;
// Interactor
half _InteractorRadius, _InteractorStrength;
// Blade
half _BladeRadius;
float _BladeForward;
float _BladeCurve;
int _MaxBladesPerVertex;
int _MaxSegmentsPerBlade;
// Camera
float _MinFadeDist, _MaxFadeDist;
// Uniforms
uniform float3 _PositionMoving;
uniform float3 _CameraPositionWS;
// ----------------------------------------
// Helper Functions
float rand(float3 co)
return frac(
sin(dot(, float3(12.9898, 78.233, 53.539))) * 43758.5453);
// A function to compute an rotation matrix which rotates a point
// by angle radians around the given axis
// By Keijiro Takahashi
float3x3 AngleAxis3x3(float angle, float3 axis)
float c, s;
sincos(angle, s, c);
float t = 1 - c;
float x = axis.x;
float y = axis.y;
float z = axis.z;
return float3x3(
t * x * x + c, t * x * y - s * z, t * x * z + s * y,
t * x * y + s * z, t * y * y + c, t * y * z - s * x,
t * x * z - s * y, t * y * z + s * x, t * z * z + c);
// Generate each grass vertex for output triangles
DrawVertex GrassVertex(float3 positionOS, float width, float height,
float offset, float curve, float2 uv, float3x3 rotation, float3 color)
DrawVertex output = (DrawVertex)0;
float3 newPosOS = positionOS + mul(rotation, float3(width, height, curve) + float3(0, 0, offset));
output.positionWS = mul(_LocalToWorld, float4(newPosOS, 1)).xyz;
output.uv = uv;
output.diffuseColor = color;
// shadows is exactly as positionWS (no need to create a new variable)
return output;
// ----------------------------------------
// The main kernel
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)]
void Main(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
// Return if every triangle has been processed
if ((int)id.x >= _NumSourceVertices)
SourceVertex sv = _SourceVertices[id.x];
float forward = rand(sv.positionOS.yyz) * _BladeForward;
float3 perpendicularAngle = float3(0, 0, 1);
float3 faceNormal = cross(perpendicularAngle, sv.normalOS); // multiply GetMainLight().direction in later stage
float3 worldPos = mul(_LocalToWorld, float4(sv.positionOS, 1)).xyz;
// Camera Distance for culling
float distanceFromCamera = distance(worldPos, _CameraPositionWS);
float distanceFade = 1 - saturate((distanceFromCamera - _MinFadeDist) / (_MaxFadeDist - _MinFadeDist)); // my version
// float distanceFade = 1 - saturate((distanceFromCamera - _MinFadeDist) / _MaxFadeDist); // original
// Wind
float3 v0 =;
float3 wind1 = float3(
sin(_Time.x * _WindSpeed + v0.x) + sin(
_Time.x * _WindSpeed + v0.z * 2) + sin(
_Time.x * _WindSpeed * 0.1 + v0.x), 0,
cos(_Time.x * _WindSpeed + v0.x * 2) + cos(
_Time.x * _WindSpeed + v0.z));
wind1 *= _WindStrength;
// Interactivity
float3 dis = distance(_PositionMoving, worldPos);
float3 radius = 1 - saturate(dis / _InteractorRadius);
// in world radius based on objects interaction radius
float3 sphereDisp = worldPos - _PositionMoving; // position comparison
sphereDisp *= radius; // position multiplied by radius for falloff
// increase strength
sphereDisp = clamp( * _InteractorStrength, -0.8, 0.8);
// Set vertex color
float3 color = sv.color;
// Set grass height
_GrassWidth *= sv.uv.x; // UV.x == width multiplier (set in GeometryGrassPainter.cs)
_GrassHeight *= sv.uv.y; // UV.y == height multiplier (set in GeometryGrassPainter.cs)
_GrassHeight *= clamp(rand(, 1 - _GrassRandomHeight,
1 + _GrassRandomHeight);
// Blades & Segments
int numBladesPerVertex = min(GRASS_BLADES, max(1, _MaxBladesPerVertex));
int numSegmentsPerBlade = min(GRASS_SEGMENTS, max(1, _MaxSegmentsPerBlade));
int numTrianglesPerBlade = (numSegmentsPerBlade - 1) * 2 + 1;
DrawVertex drawVertices[GRASS_NUM_VERTICES_PER_BLADE];
for (int j = 0; j < numBladesPerVertex * distanceFade; ++j)
// set rotation and radius of the blades
float3x3 facingRotationMatrix = AngleAxis3x3(
rand( * TWO_PI + j, float3(0, 1, -0.1));
float3x3 transformationMatrix = facingRotationMatrix;
float bladeRadius = j / (float) numBladesPerVertex;
float offset = (1 - bladeRadius) * _BladeRadius;
for (int i = 0; i < numSegmentsPerBlade; ++i)
// taper width, increase height
float t = i / (float) numSegmentsPerBlade;
float segmentHeight = _GrassHeight * t;
float segmentWidth = _GrassWidth * (1 - t);
// the first (0) grass segment is thinner
segmentWidth = i == 0 ? _GrassWidth * 0.3 : segmentWidth;
float segmentForward = pow(abs(t), _BladeCurve) * forward;
// Add below the line declaring float segmentWidth
float3x3 transformMatrix = (i == 0)
? facingRotationMatrix
: transformationMatrix;
// First grass (0) segment does not get displaced by interactor
float3 newPos = (i == 0)
? v0
: v0 + (float3(sphereDisp.x, sphereDisp.y, sphereDisp.z) + wind1) * t;
// ----------------------------------------
// Append First Vertex
drawVertices[i * 2] = GrassVertex(newPos, segmentWidth, segmentHeight,
offset, segmentForward, float2(0, t),
transformMatrix, color);
// drawVertices[i * 2] = worldPos + float3(0.2 * (i + 1), 0.2 * (i + 1), 0); // for testing
// Append Second Vertex
drawVertices[i * 2 + 1] = GrassVertex(newPos, -segmentWidth, segmentHeight,
offset, segmentForward, float2(1, t),
transformMatrix, color);
// drawVertices[i * 2 + 1] = worldPos + float3(-0.2 * (i + 1), 0.2 * (i + 1), 0); // for testing
// Append Top Vertex
float3 topPosOS = v0 + float3(sphereDisp.x * 1.5, sphereDisp.y, sphereDisp.z * 1.5) + wind1;
drawVertices[numSegmentsPerBlade * 2] = GrassVertex(topPosOS, 0, _GrassHeight, offset, forward,
float2(0.5, 1), transformationMatrix, color);
// drawVertices[numSegmentsPerBlade * 2] = worldPos + float3(0, 1, 0); // for testing
// Append Triangles
for (int k = 0; k < numTrianglesPerBlade; ++k)
DrawTriangle tri = (DrawTriangle)0;
tri.normalOS = faceNormal;
tri.vertices[0] = drawVertices[k];
tri.vertices[1] = drawVertices[k + 1];
tri.vertices[2] = drawVertices[k + 2];
} // For loop - Blade
// InterlockedAdd(a, b) adds b to a and stores the value in a. It is thread-safe
// This call counts the number of vertices, storing it in the indirect arguments
// This tells the renderer how many vertices are in the mesh in DrawProcedural
// InterlockedAdd(_IndirectArgsBuffer[0].numVerticesPerInstance, 3);
numTrianglesPerBlade * numBladesPerVertex * 3);
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