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Last active November 10, 2023 09:55
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Save formysister/02bafaac9d9111fccd9e215cd05331bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Analyze EVM network blocks and transactions and pick transactions that ERC721 NFT smart contract deployed.
'use strict'
const ethers = require('ethers');
const readline = require('readline').createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
const { RPC_URL_HTTP_ENDPOINT } = require('./config');
const ERC721 = require('./erc721-abi.json');
//define & initizlize ethers project
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(RPC_URL_HTTP_ENDPOINT);
//define data items
var collectedAddresses = [], startBlock, lastBlock;
* @description input the number of start block
const initApp = async () => {
//read blocknumber from console readline
readline.question("Please input block number: ", async (blockNumber) => {
startBlock = blockNumber;
lastBlock = await provider.getBlockNumber();
await mainProcess(startBlock, lastBlock);
* @param {String} startBlock
* @param {String} lastBlock
* @description get blocks between two block numbers from parameter and
* get ERC721 creation transactions for each block
const mainProcess = async (startBlock, lastBlock) => {
let block;
for (let i = startBlock; i <= lastBlock; i++) {
//get block and transactions from blocknumber
try {
block = await provider.getBlockWithTransactions(Number(i));
console.log(`Block ${i}_>`);
} catch (err) {
//scan each transaction in block
for await (const transaction of block.transactions) {
//check if any smart contract created with this transaction
if (transaction?.creates !== null) {
//check if created smart contract is ERC721 or not
try {
const contract = new ethers.Contract(transaction?.creates, ERC721.abi, provider);
const isERC721 = await contract.supportsInterface('0x80ac58cd');
if(isERC721) {
else {
} catch (_) {
//print result on console
if (collectedAddresses.length > 0) {
console.log(`For block ${i}: `, collectedAddresses);
collectedAddresses = [];
//close console readline
initApp(); //start app
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