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Created April 16, 2024 22:40
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import os
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import requests
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnnotationBbox, OffsetImage
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
# Example URLS
# Constants
NUM_PARALLEL_REQUESTS = 25 # matches are fetched in parallel
# api format: MLS
SEASON_ID_MLS = "2024"
# api format: EPL
SEASON_ID_EPL = "2023/2024"
# Config
if True:
elif False:
CONFIG_SEASONS = ["2021", "2022", "2023", "2024"]
# Runtime pseudo-constants
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def try_load_from_cache(filepath):
if os.path.exists(filepath):
with open(filepath, "r") as file:
result = json.load(file)
print(f"Loaded from cache: {filepath}")
return result
return None
def write_to_cache(json_data, filepath):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True) # python is regarded
with open(filepath, "w") as file:
json.dump(json_data, file, indent=4)
print(f"Wrote to cache: {filepath}")
def fetch_url_json(url: str):
print(f"Fetching: {url}")
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception("Failed to fetch: [{url}]\nResponse: [{str(response)}]")
return response.json()
def fetch_match_details(match_id):
url = f"{match_id}"
return fetch_url_json(url)
def get_seasons_info(league_id, seasons):
result = []
for season in seasons:
print(f" Loading season: {season}")
# compute season filepath
filename = f"season_{league_id}_{season}.json"
filepath = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "cache", filename)
# check cache
season_data = try_load_from_cache(filepath)
if season_data:
# try to fetch
url = f"{league_id}&season={season}"
season_data = fetch_url_json(url)
# write to cache
write_to_cache(season_data, filepath)
# return result
return result
def get_matches(seasons):
result = []
requests = []
# iterate all seasons
for season in seasons:
# iterate all matches
matches = season["matches"]["allMatches"]
for match in matches:
match_id = match["id"]
# ignore games that haven't finished
if match["status"]["finished"] == False:
# compute match filepath
filename = f"match_{match_id}.json"
filepath = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "cache", filename)
# chech cache
match_data = try_load_from_cache(filepath)
if match_data:
# try to fetch
url = f"{match_id}"
requests.append((url, filepath))
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=NUM_PARALLEL_REQUESTS) as executor:
print(f" Async fetching {len(requests)} matches")
# wrapper to return the filepath with the url
def fetch_url_wrapper(url, filepath):
return (fetch_url_json(url), filepath)
# Submit tasks to the executor
futures = [executor.submit(fetch_url_wrapper, url, filepath) for (url, filepath) in requests]
# Wait for all tasks to complete and get their results
for future in futures:
(match_data, filepath) = future.result()
# write to cache
write_to_cache(match_data, filepath)
# append result
return result
def accumulate_team_xg(matches):
result = {}
# iterate matches
for match in matches:
# ignore games that didn't finish
if match["general"]["finished"] == False:
# some stats mysteriously missing
if match["content"]["stats"] == None:
# determine teams
home_team_name = match["general"]["homeTeam"]["name"]
away_team_name = match["general"]["awayTeam"]["name"]
# ignore bad data
if home_team_name == "Tottenham" or away_team_name == "Tottenham":
# find xG and xGoT data
xg_data = match["content"]["stats"]["Periods"]["All"]["stats"][2]
xg = None
xgot = None
for entry in xg_data["stats"]:
if entry["key"] == "expected_goals" and entry["stats"][0] != None:
xg = entry["stats"]
elif entry["key"] == "expected_goals_on_target" and entry["stats"][0] != None:
xgot = entry["stats"]
# ignore this game if we couldn't find xg and xgot
if xg == None or xgot == None:
# ensure keys because Python is regarded
if not home_team_name in result:
result[home_team_name] = { "goals_for": 0, "xg": 0.0, "xgot": 0.0, "goals_against": 0, "xg_against": 0.0, "xgot_against": 0.0 }
if not away_team_name in result:
result[away_team_name] = { "goals_for": 0, "xg": 0.0, "xgot": 0.0, "goals_against": 0, "xg_against": 0.0, "xgot_against": 0.0 }
# get data
home_goals = match["header"]["teams"][0]["score"]
home_xg = float(xg[0])
home_xgot = float(xgot[0])
assert(match["header"]["teams"][0]["name"] == home_team_name)
away_goals = match["header"]["teams"][1]["score"]
away_xg = float(xg[1])
away_xgot = float(xgot[1])
assert(match["header"]["teams"][1]["name"] == away_team_name)
# accumulate home
result[home_team_name]["goals_for"] = result[home_team_name]["goals_for"] + home_goals
result[home_team_name]["xg"] = result[home_team_name]["xg"] + home_xg
result[home_team_name]["xgot"] = result[home_team_name]["xgot"] + home_xgot
result[home_team_name]["goals_against"] = result[home_team_name]["goals_against"] + away_goals
result[home_team_name]["xg_against"] = result[home_team_name]["xg_against"] + away_xg
result[home_team_name]["xgot_against"] = result[home_team_name]["xgot_against"] + away_xgot
# accumulate away
result[away_team_name]["goals_for"] = result[away_team_name]["goals_for"] + away_goals
result[away_team_name]["xg"] = result[away_team_name]["xg"] + away_xg
result[away_team_name]["xgot"] = result[away_team_name]["xgot"] + away_xgot
result[away_team_name]["goals_against"] = result[away_team_name]["goals_against"] + home_goals
result[away_team_name]["xg_against"] = result[away_team_name]["xg_against"] + home_xg
result[away_team_name]["xgot_against"] = result[away_team_name]["xgot_against"] + home_xgot
return result
def accumulate_player_xg(matches):
result = {}
# iterate matches
for match in matches:
# ignore games that didn't finish
if match["general"]["finished"] == False:
# iterate shots in match
for shot in match["content"]["shotmap"]["shots"]:
player = shot["playerName"]
# ignore own goals
if shot["isOwnGoal"]:
# ensure player
if not player in result:
result[player] = { "xg": 0.0, "xgot": 0.0, "goals": 0 }
result[player]["xg"] = result[player]["xg"] + shot["expectedGoals"]
if shot["expectedGoalsOnTarget"] != None:
result[player]["xgot"] = result[player]["xg"] + shot["expectedGoalsOnTarget"]
if shot["eventType"] == "Goal":
result[player]["goals"] = result[player]["goals"] + 1
return result
def plot_one(x, y, icon_paths, title, x_label, y_label, ul_label, lr_label, filename):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5.625))
# scatter plot with fancy icons
if icon_paths is None:
ax.scatter(x, y)
icon_width = 20
for i in range(len(x)):
image = plt.imread(icon_paths[i])
image_width = image.shape[1]
zoom = icon_width / image_width
offset_image = OffsetImage(image, zoom=zoom, interpolation="antialiased")
ab = AnnotationBbox(offset_image, (x[i], y[i]), xycoords='data', frameon=False)
# labels
# plots start at 0!
ax.set_xlim(max(0, min(x) - 5), max(x) + 5)
ax.set_ylim(max(0, min(y) - 5), max(y) + 5)
# dotted line at x==y
x_min, x_max = ax.get_xlim()
y_min, y_max = ax.get_ylim()
lims = [np.min([x_min, y_min]), np.max([x_max, y_max])]
ax.plot(lims, lims, 'k--', alpha=0.75, zorder=0)
# label upper-left region
x_upper_left = x_min + 0.05 * (x_max - x_min)
y_upper_left = y_max - 0.1 * (y_max - y_min)
ax.text(x_upper_left, y_upper_left, ul_label, fontsize=12, ha='left', va='top')
# label lower-right region
x_lower_right = x_max - 0.05 * (x_max - x_min)
y_lower_right = y_min + 0.1 * (y_max - y_min)
ax.text(x_lower_right, y_lower_right, lr_label, fontsize=12, ha='right', va='bottom')
filepath = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "output", filename)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True) # python is regarded
plt.savefig(filepath, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_team(xg):
# shared plot data
icon_paths = [f"{SCRIPT_DIR}/data/icons/{team}.png" for team, entry in xg.items()]
# xG vs xGoT
x = [entry['xg'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
y = [entry['xgot'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
plot_one(x, y, icon_paths, f"{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME} {CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME} - xG vs xGoT", "Expected Goals", "Expected Goals on Target", "Great Finishing", "Poor Finishing", f"{CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME}_{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME}/01_xg_vs_xgot.png")
# xG vs goals
x = [entry['xg'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
y = [entry['goals_for'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
plot_one(x, y, icon_paths, f"{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME} {CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME} - xG vs Actual Goals", "Expected Goals", "Actual Goals", "Overperform", "Underperform", f"{CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME}_{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME}/02_xg_vs_goals.png")
# xGoT vs goals
x = [entry['xgot'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
y = [entry['goals_for'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
plot_one(x, y, icon_paths, f"{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME} {CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME} - xGoT vs Actual Goals", "Expected Goals on Target", "Actual Goals", "Lucky", "Unlucky", f"{CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME}_{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME}/03_xgot_vs_goals.png")
# xG_against vs xGoT_against
x = [entry['xg_against'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
y = [entry['xgot_against'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
plot_one(x, y, icon_paths, f"{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME} {CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME} - xG Against vs xGoT Against", "Expected Goals Against", "Expected Goals on Target Against", "Great Finishing (by opponent)", "Poor Finishing (by opponent)", f"{CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME}_{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME}/04_xg_against_vs_xgot_against.png")
# xG_against vs goals_against
x = [entry['xg_against'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
y = [entry['goals_against'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
plot_one(x, y, icon_paths, f"{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME} {CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME} - xG Against vs Goals Against", "Expected Goals Against", "Actual Goals Against", "Opponent Overperform", "Opponent Underperform", f"{CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME}_{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME}/05_xg_against_vs_goals_against.png")
# xGoT_against vs goals_against
x = [entry['xgot_against'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
y = [entry['goals_against'] for team, entry in xg.items()]
plot_one(x, y, icon_paths, f"{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME} {CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME} - xGoT Against vs Goals Against", "Expected Goals on Target Against", "Actual Goals Against", "Bad Keeper", "Good Keeper", f"{CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME}_{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME}/06_xgot_against_vs_goals_against.png")
def plot_player(player_xg):
x = [data["xg"] for name, data in player_xg.items()]
y = [data["xgot"] for name, data in player_xg.items()]
plot_one(x, y, None, "Player xG vs xGoT", "Expected Goals", "Expected Goals on Target", "Clinical", "Sloppy", f"{CONFIG_SEASONS_FRIENDLY_NAME}_{CONFIG_LEAGUE_NAME}/07_player_xg_vs_xgot.png")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# get season info
print("Loading season...")
seasons = get_seasons_info(CONFIG_LEAGUE_ID, CONFIG_SEASONS)
# get matches info
print("Loading matches...")
matches = get_matches(seasons)
# get xg data
print("Accumulating data...")
team_xg = accumulate_team_xg(matches)
# get player xg data
player_xg = accumulate_player_xg(matches)
# Plot all the things
print("Plotting team data...")
print("Plotting player data...")
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