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Created March 10, 2020 20:42
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At a recent webinar, I was asked whether a flexible view could be constructed such that it consumed a subset of members within a multiple member physical file. This is a working example of how to leverage a Db2 for i Global Variable as the external control for such view. The member processing is encapsulated within a User Defined Table Function …
-- ====================================================================
-- description: Flexible view that uses a multiple member physical file
-- author: Scott Forstie
-- date: March 10, 2020
-- Create a global variable that will be used to create the select statement
create or replace variable coolstuff.member_query_statement_text clob(1M) for sbcs data;
-- Create a global variable that will control the # of members to query
create or replace variable coolstuff.member_count integer default 10;
-- This UDTF finds the N most recent members in the qpfrdata/qapmsqlpc multiple member physical file.
-- This file contains Collection Services timesliced statistics of the SQL Plan Cache Performance Data.
-- Documentation:
create or replace function coolstuff.mti_usage (
cs_member_count integer default 10
returns table (
cs_capture_date date, minimum_mtis bigint, maximum_mtis bigint, mtis_created bigint,
mtis_delete bigint
not deterministic
external action
modifies sql data
not fenced
set option commit = *none
declare v_print_line char(133);
declare local_sqlcode integer;
declare local_sqlstate char(5);
declare v_message_text varchar(70);
-- Discover the members, and create an SQL alias for every member
-- within the target multi-member physical file
declare query_sqlstmt clob(1g) default '';
declare sqlstmt clob(1g);
declare lc integer default 0;
declare alias_count integer;
declare v_partition_name varchar(10);
declare collection_services_sqe_pc_members cursor for
select table_partition
from qsys2.syspartitionstat
where table_schema = 'QPFRDATA'
and table_name = 'QAPMSQLPC'
order by create_timestamp desc
limit cs_member_count;
select min(count(*), cs_member_count)
into alias_count
from qsys2.syspartitionstat
where table_schema = 'QPFRDATA'
and table_name = 'QAPMSQLPC';
open collection_services_sqe_pc_members;
set query_sqlstmt = 'select date(datetime) as cs_Capture_date,
min(sqcurmti) as minimum_mtis, max(sqcurmti) as maximum_mtis,
sum(sqmticrt) as mtis_created, sum(sqmtidlt) as mtis_delete
FROM (';
while (lc < alias_count) do
set lc = lc + 1;
fetch from collection_services_sqe_pc_members into v_partition_name;
set sqlstmt = 'create or replace alias QTEMP.SQEPC' concat lc concat
' FOR QPFRDATA.QAPMSQLPC(' concat v_partition_name concat ')';
execute immediate sqlstmt;
set query_sqlstmt = query_sqlstmt concat 'select * FROM QTEMP.SQEPC' concat lc;
if (lc < alias_count) then
set query_sqlstmt = query_sqlstmt concat ' UNION ALL ';
end if;
end while;
set query_sqlstmt = query_sqlstmt concat ' ) group by date(datetime)';
set coolstuff.member_query_statement_text = query_sqlstmt;
close collection_services_sqe_pc_members;
declare v_cs_capture_date date;
declare v_minimum_mtis bigint;
declare v_maximum_mtis bigint;
declare v_mtis_created bigint;
declare v_mtis_delete bigint;
declare c_return_sqe_pc_summary cursor for return_sqe_pc_summary_query;
declare continue handler for sqlexception
get diagnostics condition 1
local_sqlcode = db2_returned_sqlcode, local_sqlstate = returned_sqlstate;
set v_message_text = 'coolstuff.MTI_Usage() failed with: ' concat local_sqlcode
concat ' AND ' concat local_sqlstate;
signal sqlstate 'QPC01'
set message_text = v_message_text;
prepare return_sqe_pc_summary_query from coolstuff.member_query_statement_text;
open c_return_sqe_pc_summary;
l1: loop
fetch from c_return_sqe_pc_summary into v_cs_capture_date, v_minimum_mtis,
v_maximum_mtis, v_mtis_created,
get diagnostics condition 1
local_sqlcode = db2_returned_sqlcode, local_sqlstate = returned_sqlstate;
if (local_sqlstate = '02000') then
close c_return_sqe_pc_summary;
end if;
pipe (
v_minimum_mtis, v_maximum_mtis, v_mtis_created, v_mtis_delete);
end loop; /* L1 */
close c_return_sqe_pc_summary;
-- The view is flexible, at the member level.
-- The UDTF's input parameter is a Global Variable.
-- If you change the contents of the Global Variable,
-- the query will find the requested # of members (newest to oldest)
create or replace view coolstuff.mti_usage as
select *
from table (
-- Usage
select cs_capture_date, minimum_mtis, maximum_mtis, mtis_created, mtis_delete
from coolstuff.mti_usage;
-- or
set coolstuff.member_count = 15;
select cs_capture_date, minimum_mtis, maximum_mtis, mtis_created, mtis_delete
from coolstuff.mti_usage;
-- or
set coolstuff.member_count = default;
select cs_capture_date, minimum_mtis, maximum_mtis, mtis_created, mtis_delete
from coolstuff.mti_usage;
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