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Last active October 6, 2023 11:42
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Use SQL to retrieve the QUSRSYS/QSRSAV21 *DTAARA and transform the detail therewithin into consumable history.
-- ========================================================
-- iSee - GO SAVE Option 21 ( Save Entire system ) deetz
-- ========================================================
-- Author: Scott Forstie
-- Date : September, 2023
-- Email :
-- Details for the previous GO SAVE Option 21 operations are found
-- within the QUSRSYS/QSRSAV21 *DTAARA
-- Documentation:
select data_area_value, DATA_AREA_LIBRARY
from qsys2.data_area_info
where data_area_library = 'QUSRSYS' and
data_area_name = 'QSRSAV21';
-- description: Review previous GO SAVE option 21 steps
create or replace function systools.go_save_info ()
returns table (
step_time timestamp(0), step_name varchar(16), device varchar(10)
not deterministic
modifies sql data
external action
set option usrprf = *user, dynusrprf = *user
declare pos int default 1;
declare step int default 1;
declare meter int;
declare step_count int;
declare at_end int;
declare dtaara_guts varchar(2000) ccsid 37;
declare v_step_name varchar(16) for sbcs data;
declare v_step_time timestamp(0);
declare v_start_of_savsys timestamp(0);
declare found_a_savsys integer;
declare sav21 cursor for
select step_name, step_time
order by step_time asc;
declare global temporary table SESSION.SAV21_INFO (
step_time timestamp(0), step_name varchar(16), device varchar(10))
set dtaara_guts = (select data_area_value
from qsys2.data_area_info
where data_area_library = 'QUSRSYS' and
data_area_name = 'QSRSAV21');
set step_count = length(rtrim(dtaara_guts)) / 50 + 1;
while (step <= step_count) do
insert into SESSION.SAV21_INFO
values (timestamp_format(substr(dtaara_guts, pos, 14), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),
when rtrim(substr(dtaara_guts, pos + 15, 10)) = '********' then 'GO SAVE Complete'
else rtrim(substr(dtaara_guts, pos + 15, 10))
end, substr(dtaara_guts, pos + 26, 10));
set pos = pos + 50;
set step = step + 1;
end while;
-- Remove any SAVSYS's that do not reach GO SAVE complete!
declare continue handler for not found set at_end = 1;
open sav21;
set at_end = 0;
set meter = 1;
set found_a_savsys = 0;
fetch from sav21
into v_step_name, v_step_time;
call systools.lprintf('Fetched step: ' concat v_step_name);
while (at_end = 0 and meter < 50) do
set meter = meter + 1;
if (v_step_name = 'SAVSYS') then
if (found_a_savsys = 1) then
delete from SESSION.SAV21_INFO where step_time >= v_start_of_savsys and
step_time < v_step_time;
call systools.lprintf('Deleting rows');
set v_start_of_savsys = v_step_time;
set found_a_savsys = 1;
end if;
end if;
if (v_step_name = 'GO SAVE Complete') then
if (found_a_savsys = 1) then
set v_start_of_savsys = null;
set found_a_savsys = 0;
end if;
end if;
set at_end = 0;
fetch from sav21
into v_step_name, v_step_time;
call systools.lprintf('Fetched step: ' concat v_step_name);
end while;
close sav21;
return select step_time, step_name, device
-- Save steps
select *
from table (
order by step_time asc;
-- Add in OLAP
select step_time, device, step_name, row_number() over (
order by step_time
) as row_num
from table (
-- description: Study elapsed time of GO SAVE option 21
with SAVE_Start (step_start_time, device, row_num) as (
select step_time, device, row_number() over (
order by step_time
) as row_num
from table (
where step_name in ('SAVSYS')
Earliest_Save (step_time) as (
select min(step_start_time)
from SAVE_Start
SAVE_End (step_end_time, row_num) as (
select e.step_time, row_number() over (
order by e.step_time
) as row_num
from Earliest_Save b, table (
) e
where step_name = 'GO SAVE Complete' and
e.step_time > b.step_time
select s.row_num, device, s.step_start_time, e.step_end_time,
timestampdiff(8, cast(e.step_end_time - s.step_start_time as char(22)))
as GOSAVE_hours,
timestampdiff(4, cast(e.step_end_time - s.step_start_time as char(22)))
as GOSAVE_minutes
from SAVE_Start s inner join SAVE_End e on s.row_num = e.row_num
where timestampdiff(4, cast(e.step_end_time - s.step_start_time as char(22))) > 0;
-- description: Study elapsed time of GO SAVE option 21
create or replace view systools.go_save21_info as
with SAVE_Start (step_start_time, device, row_num) as (
select step_time, device, row_number() over (
order by step_time
) as row_num
from table (
where step_name in ('SAVSYS')
Earliest_Save (step_time) as (
select min(step_start_time)
from SAVE_Start
SAVE_End (step_end_time, row_num) as (
select e.step_time, row_number() over (
order by e.step_time
) as row_num
from Earliest_Save b, table (
) e
where step_name = 'GO SAVE Complete' and
e.step_time > b.step_time
select s.row_num as save_num, device, s.step_start_time, e.step_end_time,
timestampdiff(8, cast(e.step_end_time - s.step_start_time as char(22)))
as GOSAVE_hours,
timestampdiff(4, cast(e.step_end_time - s.step_start_time as char(22)))
as GOSAVE_minutes
from SAVE_Start s inner join SAVE_End e on s.row_num = e.row_num
where timestampdiff(4, cast(e.step_end_time - s.step_start_time as char(22))) > 0;
-- description: GO SAVE option 21 info
select * from systools.go_save21_info;
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forstie commented Sep 19, 2019

DATA_AREA_INFO only exists on IBM i 7.3 and higher.
You can find release and Db2 Fix pack level support detail here:

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forstie commented Jun 14, 2022

Just improved this gist

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