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Created November 5, 2020 18:49
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The idea of this Gist is to take a step beyond access to a live view of who has *ALLOBJ user special authority, to also being able to see how the topic is changing over time. With the addition of a time dimension, clients can more easily focus on the delta changes.
-- ===============================================
-- Title: iSee how to track *ALLOBJ users
-- ===============================================
-- Date : November 5, 2020
-- Author: Scott Forstie
-- Use : iSee video series with Tim Rowe
-- ======================================================================================================
-- Start of 1 time setup
-- ======================================================================================================
create schema coolstuff;
create or replace table coolstuff.allobj_users for system name allobjusrs as (
select authorization_name as user_name, user_creator, status,
no_password_indicator, previous_signon, user_default_password,
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%' or authorization_name
in (select user_profile_name
from qsys2.group_profile_entries
where group_profile_name in (select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%'))
order by authorization_name
) with data on replace delete rows;
-- At this point, allobj_users will contain all users who currently have *ALLOBJ directly or indirectly via a Group Profile
select *
from coolstuff.allobj_users;
-- Temporalize the *ALLOBJ tracking table
alter table coolstuff.allobj_users
add column row_change timestamp not null implicitly hidden generated
always for each row on update as row change timestamp
add column row_birth timestamp(12) not null implicitly hidden
generated always as row begin
add column row_death timestamp(12) not null implicitly hidden
generated always as row end
add column transaction_time timestamp(12) implicitly hidden
generated always as transaction start id
add period system_time (row_birth, row_death);
create table coolstuff.allobj_users_hist like coolstuff.allobj_users;
alter table coolstuff.allobj_users
add versioning use history table coolstuff.allobj_users_hist;
-- SQL DML that will insert users have been granted *ALLOBJ
MERGE INTO coolstuff.allobj_users au USING
(select authorization_name, user_creator, status, no_password_indicator,
previous_signon, user_default_password, text_description
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%' or authorization_name
in (select user_profile_name from qsys2.group_profile_entries
where group_profile_name in (select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%'))
order by authorization_name) live ON
au.user_name = live.authorization_name
INSERT VALUES (live.authorization_name, live.user_creator, live.status,
live.no_password_indicator, live.previous_signon,
live.user_default_password, live.text_description) ;
-- SQL DML that will remove users that no longer have *ALLOBJ (good going!)
delete from coolstuff.allobj_users where user_name in (
select a.user_name
from coolstuff.allobj_users a
left exception join (
select authorization_name from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%' or
authorization_name in (select user_profile_name from qsys2.group_profile_entries
where group_profile_name in
(select authorization_name from qsys2.user_info where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%')))
on authorization_name = a.user_name);
-- Package the DML into an SQL procedure for ease of use, maintenance, and more
create or replace procedure coolstuff.maintain_allobj_users ()
set option usrprf = *user
merge into coolstuff.allobj_users au using (
select authorization_name, user_creator, status, no_password_indicator, previous_signon, user_default_password,
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%' or authorization_name in (select user_profile_name
from qsys2.group_profile_entries
where group_profile_name in (select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%'))
order by authorization_name
) live
on au.user_name = live.authorization_name
when not matched then insert values (live.authorization_name, live.user_creator, live.status,
live.no_password_indicator, live.previous_signon, live.user_default_password, live.text_description);
delete from coolstuff.allobj_users where user_name in (select a.user_name
from coolstuff.allobj_users a
left exception join (
select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%' or authorization_name in (select user_profile_name
from qsys2.group_profile_entries
where group_profile_name in (select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*ALLOBJ%'))
on authorization_name = a.user_name);
-- The work process can be called via:
-- 1) Directly using the SQL CALL statement
-- 2) Directly using the RUNSQL CL command
-- 3) Scheduled, using a scheduled job and RUNSQL
call coolstuff.maintain_allobj_users();
-- Or
cl: RUNSQL SQL('call coolstuff.maintain_allobj_users()') COMMIT(*NONE) NAMING(*SQL);
-- Or
-- ======================================================================================================
-- End of 1 time setup
-- ======================================================================================================
-- review the scheduled job detail
select command_string, last_successful_submission_timestamp, next_submission_date, sj.*
from qsys2.scheduled_job_info sj
where scheduled_job_name = 'COOLALLOBJ';
-- Compare the current number of users with *ALLOBJ with the number from a day ago
with today (allobj_count) as (
select count(*)
from coolstuff.allobj_users
yesterday (allobj_count) as (
select count(*) as current_allobj_yesterday
from coolstuff.allobj_users for system_time as of current timestamp - 1 day
select t.allobj_count as today_allobj_count,
y.allobj_count as yesterday_allobj_count
from today t, yesterday y;
-- Compare the current number of users with *ALLOBJ with the number from a week ago
with today (allobj_count) as (
select count(*)
from coolstuff.allobj_users
before (allobj_count) as (
select count(*)
from coolstuff.allobj_users for system_time as of current timestamp - 7 days
select t.allobj_count as today_allobj_count,
y.allobj_count as yesterday_allobj_count
from today t, before y;
-- which users had *ALLOBJ a week ago, but do not have it today?
with today (un) as (
select user_name
from coolstuff.allobj_users
before (un) as (
select user_name
from coolstuff.allobj_users for system_time as of current timestamp - 7 days
select y.un
from before y left exception join today t
on y.un = t.un;
-- which users did not have *ALLOBJ a week ago, but have it today?
with today (un, creator, default_pw) as (
select user_name, user_creator, user_default_password
from coolstuff.allobj_users
before (un) as (
select user_name
from coolstuff.allobj_users for system_time as of current timestamp - 7 days
select t.un
from today t left exception join before y
on y.un = t.un;
-- which users did not have *ALLOBJ a week ago, but have it today? (expanded report)
with today (un, creator, default_pw) as (
select user_name, user_creator, user_default_password
from coolstuff.allobj_users
before (un) as (
select user_name
from coolstuff.allobj_users for system_time as of current timestamp - 7 days
select t.un, creator, default_pw
from today t left exception join before y
on y.un = t.un;
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