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Created September 23, 2020 00:52
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Someone asked if you could count the stream file objects, by directory. This solution gets the job done and includes the total size count as well.
-- One time setup
cl:ADDDIRE USRID(<user-profile> RST) USRD('Your name') USER(<user-profile>);
-- description: Count the stream file objects, by subdirectory
-- Include the total size of all stream files in each subdirectory
-- Order the result by largest object count, descending
-- Note: Please note that this isn't a fast query and is meant to be run once in a while
-- and not During a performance critical period.
-- minvrm: v7r3m0
with all_ifs_dirs as
(select path_name as dir_path
from table (
start_path_name => '/',
subtree_directories => 'YES',
object_type_list => '*ALLDIR *NOQSYS',
ignore_errors => 'YES'
)) )
select dir_path, count(*) as stmf_count, sum(data_size) as total_size from
all_ifs_dirs, table ( qsys2.ifs_object_statistics(
start_path_name => dir_path,
subtree_directories => 'NO',
object_type_list => '*STMF',
ignore_errors => 'YES'
group by dir_path
order by 2 desc ;
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fplazavi commented Aug 3, 2021

Hello, I want this query for QDLS ...

I have included in first object_type_list to *ALLSTMF (Select all stream file object types. This includes *MBR, *DOC, *STMF, *DSTMF, and *USRSPC object types.) and object_type_list => '*DOC' the second .. but 0 is the result (I hace a lot of DOCs ...)

Any idea???

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iSeriesTeamAtTnA commented Dec 13, 2021

I wasn't able to get this done in one statement,...

`-- Create ifs tables.
-- ---------------------------------------------------
if not exists(select '1' from table(QSYS2.OBJECT_STATISTICS('DTSYSDTA', 'FILE', 'UTIFSDTL'))) then 
   call systools.lprintf('  create table UTIFSDTL');

   create table dtsysdta.UTifsdtl
          (sysname         char(8),
           collected       date,
           root_dir        varchar(4096),
           object_type     varchar(10),
           file_ext        varchar(10),
           dir_path        varchar(4096), 
           allocated_size  dec(15),
           created         date,
           last_used       date);
end if;

if not exists(select '1' from table(QSYS2.OBJECT_STATISTICS('DTSYSDTA', 'FILE', 'UTIFSSUM'))) then 
   call systools.lprintf('  create table UTIFSSUM');

   create table dtsysdta.UTifssum
          (sysname       char(8),
           collected     date,
           root_dir      varchar(4096),
           obj_count     dec(11), 
           total_size    dec(15),
           maxCreated    date, 
           maxLastUsed   date,
           objtxt        varchar(50));
end if;

-- Load ifs level detail.
-- ---------------------------------------------------
call systools.lprintf('  load ifs level detail.');

insert into dtsysdta.UTifsdtl
        regexp_substr(path_name, '^(\/.*?)(\/|$).*$',1,1,'i',1),
        lower(substr(coalesce(regexp_substr(path_name, '\.([0-9a-z]+)(?:[\?#]|$)', 1, 1, 'i', 1),' '),1,10)),
   from table(qsys2.ifs_object_statistics(start_path_name     => '/',
                                          subtree_directories => 'YES',
                                          object_type_list    => '*NOQDLS *NOQOPT *NOQSYS',
                                          ignore_errors       => 'YES')) as IOS;

-- Load ifs level summary.
-- ---------------------------------------------------
call systools.lprintf('  load ifs level summary.');

insert into dtsysdta.UTifssum                            
select sysname, collected, dtl.root_dir, 
       max(coalesce(Created, '1900-01-01')), 
       max(coalesce(Last_Used, '1900-01-01')),
       coalesce(txt.objtext, ' ')
  from dtsysdta.UTifsdtl      as dtl
  left join dtsysdta.UTifstxt as txt
    on (dtl.root_dir = txt.root_dir) 
 group by sysname, collected, dtl.root_dir, txt.objtext
 order by sysname, collected, dtl.root_dir;


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