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Last active October 3, 2022 02:35
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  • Save forstie/8fd5c99804e3f07e157c445860efe020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This example shows the power of the REGEXP_REPLACE built-in function, when combined with IBM i Services for security and dynamic SQL.
-- Author: Scott Forstie
-- Email :
-- Date : July 28, 2019
-- Subtract '*IOSYSCFG from all users by producing the CHGUSRPRF command
-- necessary to get the job done
with iosyscfg_users (user_name) as (
select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*IOSYSCFG%'
and user_creator <> '*IBM'
iosyscfg_groups (group_name) as (
select distinct (group_profile_name)
from qsys2.group_profile_entries
where group_profile_name in (select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*IOSYSCFG%'
and user_creator <> '*IBM')
select user_name
from iosyscfg_users
union all
select group_name
from iosyscfg_groups;
-- description: Retain list (those that get to retain *IOSYSCFG)
declare global temporary table retain_list (un) as
(values ('GIORDANO'), ('SCOTTF'))
with data
with replace;
-- description: Generate CL Commands
with iosyscfg_users (user_name) as (
select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*IOSYSCFG%'
and user_creator <> '*IBM'
and authorization_name not in (select un from session.retain_list)
iosyscfg_groups (group_name) as (
select distinct (group_profile_name)
from qsys2.group_profile_entries
where group_profile_name in (select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*IOSYSCFG%'
and user_creator <> '*IBM')
select 'QSYS/CHGUSRPRF USRPRF(' concat authorization_name concat ') SPCAUT('
concat regexp_replace(special_authorities, '\*IOSYSCFG', '', 1, 1, '')
concat ')'
from qsys2.user_info where authorization_name in (select user_name from iosyscfg_users)
union all
select 'QSYS/CHGUSRPRF USRPRF(' concat authorization_name concat ') SPCAUT('
concat regexp_replace(special_authorities, '\*IOSYSCFG', '', 1, 1, '')
concat ')'
from qsys2.user_info where authorization_name in (select group_name from iosyscfg_groups);
-- description: Proceduralize it
cl: crtlib coolstuff;
create or replace procedure coolstuff.subtract_iosyscfg ()
declare not_found condition for '02000';
declare error_count integer default 0;
declare at_end int default 0;
declare v_cmd_text varchar(1000);
declare iosyscfg_users_cursor cursor for
with iosyscfg_users (user_name) as (
select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*IOSYSCFG%'
and user_creator <> '*IBM'
and authorization_name not in (select un from session.retain_list)
iosyscfg_groups (group_name) as (
select distinct (group_profile_name)
from qsys2.group_profile_entries
where group_profile_name in (select authorization_name
from qsys2.user_info
where special_authorities like '%*IOSYSCFG%'
and user_creator <> '*IBM')
select 'QSYS/CHGUSRPRF USRPRF(' concat authorization_name concat ') SPCAUT('
concat regexp_replace(special_authorities, '\*IOSYSCFG', '', 1, 1, '')
concat ')'
from qsys2.user_info where authorization_name in (select user_name from iosyscfg_users)
union all
select 'QSYS/CHGUSRPRF USRPRF(' concat authorization_name concat ') SPCAUT('
concat regexp_replace(special_authorities, '\*IOSYSCFG', '', 1, 1, '')
concat ')'
from qsys2.user_info where authorization_name in (select group_name from iosyscfg_groups);
declare continue handler for sqlexception set error_count = error_count + 1;
declare continue handler for sqlexception set at_end = 1;
declare continue handler for not_found set at_end = 1;
open iosyscfg_users_cursor;
fetch from iosyscfg_users_cursor into v_cmd_text;
while (at_end = 0) do
call qsys2.qcmdexc(v_cmd_text);
fetch from iosyscfg_users_cursor into v_cmd_text;
end while;
close iosyscfg_users_cursor;
call coolstuff.subtract_iosyscfg ();
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