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Created March 24, 2023 21:26
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The request was this... I want to see how close some internal identification columns are to maxing out their maximum value. For example a counter that’s defined as DECIMAL(7,0) has a high value of 9,995,000 would indicate that we need to intercede ASAP.
-- Subject: Decimal column checker upper
-- Author: Scott Forstie
-- Date : March, 2023
-- Features Used : This Gist uses qsys2.syscolumns2, qsys2.object_statistics, RPAD, COALESCE, and SQL PL
-- Notes:
-- ===============================================
-- 1) This example can help find those columns which rely upon ever increasing values
-- 2) The examples could be revised to study other numeric columns, or ever descending values
-- Find database file columns that are based upon a decimal data type,
-- with no scale, and generate the maximum value for that column
with decimal_columns(sn, tn, cn, c_max) as (
select table_schema, table_name, column_name, rpad('', LENGTH, 9)
from qsys2.syscolumns2, lateral
(select objattribute from table(qsys2.object_statistics(table_schema, '*FILE', table_name))) ttt
where data_type = 'DECIMAL' and
numeric_scale = 0 and
ttt.objattribute = 'PF' and
table_schema not like 'Q%'
select * from decimal_columns;
-- Find database file columns that are based upon a decimal data type,
-- with scale, and generate the maximum value for that column
with decimal_columns(sn, tn, cn, c_max) as (
select table_schema, table_name, column_name, rpad('', LENGTH - numeric_scale, 9) concat
when numeric_scale > 0 then '.' concat rpad('', numeric_scale, 9)
else ''
from qsys2.syscolumns2, lateral
(select objattribute from table(qsys2.object_statistics(table_schema, '*FILE', table_name))) ttt
where data_type = 'DECIMAL' and
ttt.objattribute = 'PF' and
table_schema not like 'Q%'
select * from decimal_columns;
-- Decimal column fitness check
create or replace function coolstuff.decimal_check ()
returns table (
table_schema varchar(128) for sbcs data,
table_name varchar(128) for sbcs data,
column_name varchar(128) for sbcs data,
maximum_value_used varchar(1000) for sbcs data,
maximum_value_possible varchar(1000) for sbcs data,
percentage_used decimal(4,2)
not deterministic
external action
modifies sql data
not fenced
set option COMMIT = *NONE
declare local_sqlcode integer;
declare local_sqlstate char(5);
declare not_found condition for '02000';
declare at_end integer default 0;
declare at_end2 integer default 0;
declare v_error integer default 0;
declare v_message_text varchar(70);
declare v_table_schema varchar(128) for sbcs data;
declare v_table_name varchar(128) for sbcs data;
declare v_column_name varchar(128) for sbcs data;
declare v_maximum_value_used varchar(1000) for sbcs data;
declare v_maximum_value_possible varchar(1000) for sbcs data;
declare v_percentage_used decimal(4,2);
declare find_decimals_stmt_text varchar(5000) for sbcs data default
'select table_schema, table_name, column_name, rpad('''', LENGTH - numeric_scale, 9) concat
when numeric_scale > 0 then ''.'' concat rpad('''', numeric_scale, 9)
else ''''
from qsys2.syscolumns2, lateral
(select objattribute from table(qsys2.object_statistics(table_schema, ''*FILE'', table_name))) ttt
where data_type = ''DECIMAL'' and
ttt.objattribute = ''PF'' and
table_schema not like ''Q%'' ';
declare compute_current_max_text varchar(1000) for sbcs data;
declare c_find_decimals cursor for find_decimals_stmt;
declare continue handler for SQLEXCEPTION
get diagnostics condition 1
local_sqlcode = db2_returned_sqlcode, local_sqlstate = returned_sqlstate;
set v_message_text = 'coolstuff.decimal_check() failed with: ' concat local_sqlcode
concat ' AND ' concat local_sqlstate;
signal sqlstate 'QPC01'
set message_text = v_message_text;
declare continue handler for not_found set at_end = 1;
prepare find_decimals_stmt from find_decimals_stmt_text;
open c_find_decimals;
set at_end = 0;
fetch from c_find_decimals
into v_table_schema, v_table_name, v_column_name, v_maximum_value_possible;
while (at_end = 0) do
call systools.lprintf('Processing: ' concat v_table_schema concat '.' concat v_table_name concat '(' concat v_column_name concat ')');
declare c_compute_current_max cursor for compute_current_max_stmt;
declare continue handler for sqlexception set at_end2 = 1;
declare continue handler for not_found set at_end2 = 1;
set at_end2 = 0;
set compute_current_max_text = 'select max(' concat v_column_name concat '), coalesce(max(' concat v_column_name concat ') / ' concat v_maximum_value_possible concat ', 0.00) from ' concat v_table_schema concat '.' concat v_table_name;
prepare compute_current_max_stmt from compute_current_max_text;
open c_compute_current_max;
fetch from c_compute_current_max into v_maximum_value_used, v_percentage_used;
close c_compute_current_max;
-- project a row
pipe (v_table_schema, v_table_name, v_column_name, v_maximum_value_used, v_maximum_value_possible, v_percentage_used);
-- Move onto the next column
set at_end = 0;
fetch from c_find_decimals
into v_table_schema, v_table_name, v_column_name, v_maximum_value_possible;
end while;
close c_find_decimals;
-- Review the decimal-based columns to find those columns that are closest to consume the maximum value for that column
select *
from table (
order by percentage_used desc;
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