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Created May 14, 2021 14:02
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Someone sent me an "SQL Challenge". Challenge accepted! #SQLcandoit
-- If you're not ready to use IFS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGES, this might help you...
-- Note: A special thanks to Sue Romano for her help with this Gist
-- create an alias over the most recent execution of PRTPRVAUT
declare sqlstmt clob(1g);
declare v_partition_name varchar(10);
declare prtprvaut cursor for
select table_partition
from qsys2.syspartitionstat
where table_schema = 'QUSRSYS' and
table_name = 'QPVSTMF'
order by create_timestamp desc
limit 1;
open prtprvaut;
fetch from prtprvaut
into v_partition_name;
set sqlstmt = 'create or replace alias coolstuff.prtprvaut FOR QUSRSYS.QPVSTMF('
concat v_partition_name concat ')';
execute immediate sqlstmt;
close prtprvaut;
-- Raw
select * from coolstuff.prtprvaut;
-- Refined
select timestamp(timestamp_format(ADRDAT concat adrtim, 'YYMMDDHH24MISS'), 0) as time,
varbinary_format(hex(smallint(length(ADRPON) / 2)) concat hex(ADRPON)) as vargraphic(2048)
ccsid 1200) as path_name,
varbinary_format(hex(smallint(length(ADROBN) / 2)) concat hex(ADROBN)) as vargraphic(512)
ccsid 1200) as object_name,
ADRATL as authorization_list,
ADROWN as owner,
ADRPGR as primary_group,
ADRPRF as user_name,
case hex(adrmgt)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as object_management,
case hex(adrexs)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as object_existence,
case hex(adralt)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as object_alter,
case hex(adrref)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as object_reference,
case hex(adropr)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as object_operational,
case hex(adrrea)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as data_read,
case hex(adradd)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as data_add,
case hex(adrupd)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as data_update,
case hex(adrdlt)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as data_delete,
case hex(adrexe)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as data_execute,
case hex(adrexc)
when hex(x'01') then 'YES'
else 'NO'
end as exclude,
ADROBT as object_type,
ADRONL as object_name_length,
ADRCCD as object_name_ccsid,
ADRCNT as object_name_country,
ADRLNG as object_name_languaage,
ADRPAU as parent_public_authority,
ADRPNL as parent_name_length,
ADRPCS as parent_name_ccsid,
ADRPCC as parent_name_country,
ADRPLG as parent_name_language,
hex(ADRFID) as file_identifier,
hex(ADRPFI) as parent_file_identifier
from coolstuff.prtprvaut;
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