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Last active March 8, 2024 13:29
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In this Gist, I show how you can leverage ACS's jar that is shipped on your IBM i to do your bidding. In this case, we can automate the creation and downloading of a spreadsheet to an IFS file where the contents of the spreadsheet is controlled with an SQL query. After the spreadsheet is created in the IFS, we use SQL once more to email the spre…
-- Note:
-- Documentation for ACS's cldownload and other fantastic hidden gems can be found here:
-- Do I have the ACS jar on this IBM i?
select create_timestamp, acs.*
from table (
qsys2.ifs_object_statistics( start_path_name => '/QIBM/ProdData/Access/ACS/Base/acsbundle.jar')
) acs;
-- Is there an update available for the 'IBM HTTP Server for i' PTF Group
select *
from systools.group_ptf_currency
where ptf_group_title like '%IBM HTTP%';
-- Review the top 10 storage consumers
select a.authorization_name,
sum(a.storage_used) as total_storage_used, b.text_description,
b.accounting_code, b.maximum_allowed_storage
from qsys2.user_storage a
inner join qsys2.user_info b
on b.user_name = a.authorization_name
where b.user_creator <> '*IBM'
group by a.authorization_name, b.text_description,
b.accounting_code, b.maximum_allowed_storage
order by total_storage_used desc
limit 10;
-- Where in the IFS should I create the spreadsheet?
select create_timestamp, acs.*
from table (
qsys2.ifs_object_statistics( start_path_name => '/home/SCOTTF/')
) acs order by create_timestamp desc limit 5;
-- What is the host name of this IBM i?
select HOST_NAME from qsys2.system_status_info;
-- Procedure to drive the spreadsheet creation
create or replace procedure coolstuff.generate_1_spreadsheet(
in v_ifs_path varchar(1000) for sbcs data,
in v_spreadsheet_query varchar(1000) for sbcs data)
declare cmdtext varchar(2000) for sbcs data;
declare v_ifs_full_path varchar(2000) for sbcs data;
set v_ifs_full_path = v_ifs_path concat
lpad(month(current date), 2, 0) concat
lpad(day(current date), 2, 0) concat
year(current date) concat
-- Note: more options...
-- Control options exist on CLDOWNLOAD.
-- /colheadings=<1/0> ==== Include column headings as the first row. When specified, the column names will be the heading.
-- /usecollabels ==== Use column labels for the heading.
-- Suffixes ==== .csv, .ods, .xlsx
-- Note 2:
-- Check to see whether your IBM i host name matches the name you specified on line 82...."/system=COMMON1"?
-- 1) execute this query: select HOST_NAME from qsys2.system_status_info;
-- 2) change line 82, the name after /system= should be your IBM i Host name.
set cmdtext =
'STRQSH CMD(''java -jar /QIBM/ProdData/Access/ACS/Base/acsbundle.jar '
concat '/plugin=cldownload /system=COMMON1 /clientfile='
concat v_ifs_full_path concat ' /sql="' concat
v_spreadsheet_query concat '"'')';
call qsys2.qcmdexc(cmdtext);
-- Create a spreadsheet
call coolstuff.generate_1_spreadsheet(v_ifs_path => '/home/SCOTTF/theTop10',
v_spreadsheet_query => 'select a.authorization_name,
sum(a.storage_used) as total_storage_used, b.text_description,
b.accounting_code, b.maximum_allowed_storage
from qsys2.user_storage a
inner join qsys2.user_info b
on b.user_name = a.authorization_name
group by a.authorization_name, b.text_description,
b.accounting_code, b.maximum_allowed_storage
order by total_storage_used desc
limit 10');
-- Did the file get created in the IFS?
select create_timestamp, acs.*
from table (
qsys2.ifs_object_statistics( start_path_name => '/home/SCOTTF/')
) acs
where path_name like '/home/SCOTTF/theTop10%'
order by create_timestamp desc limit 1;
-- Email the spreadsheet
-- One time setup!
-- Email an IFS file
-- Note: The SNDSMTPEMM command include more parameter options that could be extended here
create or replace procedure coolstuff.email_1_spreadsheet(
in v_ifs_path varchar(100) for sbcs data,
in v_email varchar(100) for sbcs data,
in v_subject varchar(100) for sbcs data,
in v_note varchar(100) for sbcs data
declare v_cmdstmt varchar(2000) for sbcs data;
set v_cmdstmt =
'SNDSMTPEMM RCP((''' concat v_email concat ''' *pri)) SUBJECT(''' concat v_subject concat ''') NOTE(''' concat v_note concat ''') ATTACH((''' concat v_ifs_path concat '''))';
call qsys2.qcmdexc(v_cmdstmt);
-- Email an IFS file
call coolstuff.email_1_spreadsheet( v_ifs_path => '/home/SCOTTF/theTop1008032020.xlsx',
v_email => '',
v_subject => 'Email sent by coolstuff.email_1_spreadsheet',
v_note => 'Here is your top 10 list of storage consumers') ;
create or replace procedure coolstuff.create_and_email_top10()
declare local_ifs_path_name varchar(100) for sbcs data;
-- Create a spreadsheet
call coolstuff.generate_1_spreadsheet(v_ifs_path => '/home/SCOTTF/theTop10',
v_spreadsheet_query => 'select a.authorization_name,
sum(a.storage_used) as total_storage_used, b.text_description,
b.accounting_code, b.maximum_allowed_storage
from qsys2.user_storage a
inner join qsys2.user_info b
on b.user_name = a.authorization_name
group by a.authorization_name, b.text_description,
b.accounting_code, b.maximum_allowed_storage
order by total_storage_used desc
limit 10');
select path_name into local_ifs_path_name
from table (
qsys2.ifs_object_statistics( start_path_name => '/home/SCOTTF/')
) acs
where path_name like '/home/SCOTTF/theTop10%'
order by create_timestamp desc limit 1;
call coolstuff.email_1_spreadsheet( v_ifs_path => local_ifs_path_name,
v_email => '',
v_subject => 'Email sent by coolstuff.email_1_spreadsheet',
v_note => 'Here is your top 10 list of storage consumers') ;
-- Create the spreadsheets on a schedule
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forstie commented Feb 15, 2021

Hi Mats,
None of us here have noticed or experienced what you describe. Please open a service ticket so that our team can see what you're seeing and provide a response.
Thank you, Scott

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Nicely Written and Documented Scott.

However, I am facing a problem. My procedure gets created. The call to the procedure also executed successfully with return code 0. But, the file is not created. I tried creating .xlsx as well as .csv files. Both did not work.

I am using ACS to create the procedure and also to make the calls.
My current grp level PTF is at level 8. I do have an update suggestion for Level 9. Is that the reason why the file is not getting created ?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you for your time and contribution.

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forstie commented Feb 24, 2021

Please check to see whether your IBM i host name matches the name you specified here: "/system=COMMON1"?
select HOST_NAME from qsys2.system_status_info;

The name after /system= should be your IBM i Host name.

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Sure. Thank you for your quick response. I will let you know if that worked. Appreciate your time.

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It worked. Awesome. Thank you. The file is created now. The System name was different.

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forstie commented Feb 24, 2021

Super to hear!
I updated the instructions in the gist.

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Awesome. Thank you.

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Hello Scott,

I needed your help. I was able to successfully implement this on our DEV and STG systems with your help, however on our PROD system when I tried to execute this SQL statement below I got an error:

select create_timestamp, acs.*
from table (
qsys2.ifs_object_statistics( start_path_name => '/QIBM/ProdData/Access/ACS/Base/acsbundle.jar')
) acs;

We are on version 7.3 on our PROD systems and 7.4 on DEV and STG.

Error message:---
 select create_timestamp, acs.* from table ( qsys2.ifs_object_statistics( start_path_name => '/QIBM/ProdData/Access/ACS/Base/acsbundle.jar') ) acs  

SQL State: 42704 Vendor Code: -204 Message: [SQL0204] IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS in QSYS2 type *N not found. Cause . . . . . :   IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS in QSYS2 type *N was not found. If the member name is *ALL, the table is not partitioned. If this is an ALTER TABLE statement and the type is *N, a constraint or partition was not found. If this is not an ALTER TABLE statement and the type is *N, a function, procedure, trigger or sequence object was not found. If a function was not found, IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS is the service program that contains the function.  The function will not be found unless the external name and usage name match exactly.  Examine the job log for a message that gives more details on which function name is being searched for and the name that did not match. Recovery  . . . :   Change the name and try the request again.  If the object is a node group, ensure that the DB2 Multisystem product is installed on your system and create a nodegroup with the CRTNODGRP CL command. If an external function was not found, be sure that the case of the EXTERNAL NAME on the CREATE FUNCTION statement exactly matches the case of the name exported by the service program.

it says the table is not found. Why is that? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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forstie commented Mar 24, 2021

Please install this PTF Group: SF99703 Level 16 and retry.
Regards, Scott

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Thank you Scott for such Prompt reply. Appreciate it. Will let you know if that worked.

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SvKN0 commented Mar 30, 2021

Hi, Scott.
In general, it works, but =) I ran into the problem of getting certain field. If I add it to the result, I get an exit code 20 and no file is created. Perhaps this is due to it's size clob(2L). Tried trimming and substring but no luck.
Please help to figure it out. How to analyze the error having 20 only?
Thank you.

  • cast(clob_var as varchar(5000)) helps

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forstie commented Mar 30, 2021

The cldownload plugin provides support for "basic" production of spreadsheets. In the resource I list at the top of this Gist, the readme file includes minimal detail about cldownload, and no definition of the boundaries of its support.
That said, sometimes an automated processing of a basic spreadsheet from an SQL query and into the IFS is a very good thing indeed.


  1. Open an IBM support ticket, collect the LOGs that ACS produces and have IBM answer your questions.
  2. When the basic support in cldownload doesn't satisfy the business requirements, look to a far more advanced and Enterprise ready solution like
  3. If casting from CLOB to varchar circumvents the problem, stick with that approach and tolerate having to fuss with queries and truncate data to get it to work. Cldownload doesn't support LOBs or XML column data types.


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Please install this PTF Group: SF99703 Level 16 and retry.
Regards, Scott

Hello Scott,

After installing the PTF it worked. I am able to see the IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS table. Thank you for the help.

However, I am facing another small hick-up on our prod systems. Below command did not work.


The command executed and added the entry into job schedule and the job also executed, but it did not send any email alerts due to an error.

Below is the error:---------------------------------------

*NONE Request 04/28/21 08:00:00.029814 QWTSCSBJ *N QCMD QSYS 0195
From user . . . . . . . . . : QSYS
Message . . . . : -RUNSQL SQL('call qgpl.create_and_email_table_size()')
QSH0005 Completion 00 04/28/21 08:00:00.094851 QSHELL *STMT QSQRUN4 QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . :
From procedure . . . . . . : main
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 149
To module . . . . . . . . . : QSQCALLSP
To procedure . . . . . . . : CALLPROGRAM
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 44502
Message . . . . : Command ended normally with exit status 2.
TCP5302 Escape 40 04/28/21 08:00:00.228167 QTCP *STMT QTMSSNDEMM QTCP *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . :
From procedure . . . . . . : sendError__FP13QTMSErrorCodePc
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 3
To module . . . . . . . . . : QTMSSNDEMM
To procedure . . . . . . . : main
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 53
Message . . . . : Value for parameter 6 for API not valid.
Cause . . . . . : You passed an invalid value for parameter 6 on a call to
API QTMSCreateSendEmail. This is not a supported parameter for this api.
Recovery . . . : Change the value passed to API QTMSCreateSendEmail
parameter 6 to a supported format and try the request again.

It says the value in parameter 6 is invalid. what am I missing?

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forstie commented Apr 28, 2021

Parameter 6 is the attachments parameter, so it would imply that there is something wrong in either the pathname being passed for the spreadsheet or the authority to the pathname.
Did the spreadsheet get generated? Do you see it using ACS's Integrated File System dialog?
You could add calls to systools.lprintf() within the procedure to understand the execution.

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Hello Scott,

When I executed this command manually thru ACS "call qrst.create_and_email_table_size()", it worked and sent the email. That tells me the path name should be fine. Plus, I coded your modified procedure sample, which creates and sends the spreadsheet in the same procedure. And it does sends it when called manually thru ACS.

Could it be an authority issue related to JOBD or the user id. I will try to use systools.lprintf().

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forstie commented Apr 28, 2021

Nice going. Yes, there must be some explanation of why it works interactively but fails when automated.
Hopefully the lprintf's and saving of the joblog provide the answer.

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Sure. Thank you will let you know.

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SvKN0 commented Apr 29, 2021

from my experience of using it you must grant access for the USER under which the task will run to

  1. write access to the target folder where the report will be created
  2. read access to /QIBM/ProdData/Access/ACS/Base/acsbundle.jar
  3. create and grant write access to /home/USER directory
    and of corse access to parrent folders to find the way...

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from my experience of using it you must grant access for the USER under which the task will run to

  1. write access to the target folder where the report will be created
  2. read access to /QIBM/ProdData/Access/ACS/Base/acsbundle.jar
  3. create and grant write access to /home/USER directory
    and of corse access to parrent folders to find the way...

Thank you for your input. I will work on it. Appreciate it.

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This stuff is great!
I want to check to see if the file I am creating already exists (and delete it if it does).
Will something like this work?
-- if this file already exists, delete it first
select count(path_name) into IFS_FILE_FOUND
from table(qsys2.IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS(
start_path_name => V_IFS_FULL_PATH
)) ;
call qcmdexc (IFS_RMVLNK);

is there a better way?

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forstie commented Apr 30, 2021

For IFS file existence, I find it a bit easier to use: QSYS2.IFS_OBJECT_references_INFO.
IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS can return multiple rows when pointed to a directory. If you're sure that you'll never input a subdirectory for path_name, it could work.

An example can be found in this Gist:

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Thank you. More testing showed that code wasn't necessary. If the file already exists, it updates/replaces it.

When I added the procedure to RPG and called interactively, it showed me this screen:
Transfer request is complete.
Transfer statistics: 00:00:02
Rows transferred: 1
Press ENTER to end terminal session.

is there a way to avoid the Enter to end?

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from my experience of using it you must grant access for the USER under which the task will run to

  1. write access to the target folder where the report will be created
  2. read access to /QIBM/ProdData/Access/ACS/Base/acsbundle.jar
  3. create and grant write access to /home/USER directory
    and of corse access to parrent folders to find the way...

I checked al the permission. Everything looks ok but still getting the error below. It works with ACS* thru interactive and sends email. But when scheduled thru batch it fails.

Command Used:



File . . . . . : QPRINT Page/Line 1/6
Control . . . . . Columns 1 - 130
Find . . . . . .
Transfer request is complete.
Transfer statistics: 00:00:01
Rows transferred: 4

QSH0005 Completion 00 05/05/21 16:24:33.258925 QZSHRUNC QSHELL *STMT QSQRUN4 QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QZSHRUNC
From procedure . . . . . . : main
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 149
To module . . . . . . . . . : QSQCALLSP
To procedure . . . . . . . : CALLPROGRAM
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 44502
Message . . . . : Command ended normally with exit status 0.
TCP5302 Escape 40 05/05/21 16:24:33.295346 QTMSCRTSNM QTCP *STMT QTMSSNDEMM QTCP *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QTMSCRTSNM
From procedure . . . . . . : sendError__FP13QTMSErrorCodePc
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 3
To module . . . . . . . . . : QTMSSNDEMM
To procedure . . . . . . . : main
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 53
Message . . . . : Value for parameter 6 for API not valid.
Cause . . . . . : You passed an invalid value for parameter 6 on a call to
API QTMSCreateSendEmail. This is not a supported parameter for this api.
Recovery . . . : Change the value passed to API QTMSCreateSendEmail
parameter 6 to a supported format and try the request again.

Let me know if any of you guys come up with any ideas around this error. Thanks much.

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forstie commented May 6, 2021

An idea.
Add a call to SYSTOOLS.LPRINTF() prior to the call to SNDSMTPEMM, to be certain as to the command being executed.

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Hello Scott,

I added the SYSTOOLS.LPRINTF() line before and after the send. Please find the results below in the comments. The query gets executed and the file is getting created but it doesn't send the file when automated. It does work properly when called from ACS interactively.

create or replace procedure qrst.email_test_spreadsheet(
in v_ifs_path varchar(500) for sbcs data,
in v_email varchar(500) for sbcs data,
in v_subject varchar(100) for sbcs data,
in v_note varchar(500) for sbcs data
declare v_cmdstmt varchar(2000) for sbcs data;
set v_cmdstmt =
'SNDSMTPEMM RCP(' concat v_email concat ') SUBJECT(''' concat v_subject concat ''') NOTE(''' concat v_note concat ''') ATTACH((''' concat v_ifs_path concat '''))';

CALL SYSTOOLS.LPRINTF('This is a test Message just before call.. sent on '
CONCAT CURRENT TIME); ------ This message gets displayed in job log.

call qsys2.qcmdexc(v_cmdstmt); -----This lines should send the email

CALL SYSTOOLS.LPRINTF('This is a test Message after.. sent on '
CONCAT CURRENT TIME); ------ This message does not get displayed job log.


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SvKN0 commented May 24, 2021

Hi, Scott.
After creating an XLS report, a QJVAEXEC task (per user) appears in the system and doesn't die after completion. Sys admin is worried a little about it. Is it normal that this job remains in the system? Is it possible to force end this job by providing some parameter?

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I was able to get those jobs to go away by appending
to the STRQSH cmd

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SvKN0 commented May 25, 2021

Thank you.
The killdaemon option is available only for the maint plugin. It doesn't work with the CLDownload directly but with additional call of the maint plugin works well.

FTP link to the ACS documentation that listed on the top is unavailable for me. I was able to read it only from Google cache...

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Hello Scott,

I think you missed this condition in your original query. " where b.user_creator <> '*IBM' ". I don't see this condition when you call the coolstuff.generate_1_spreadsheet () procedure.

I was able to point this out as I am dealing with a similar case. I have a where predicate where I need to equate it with a character string. But somehow I am not able to concat the strings.

Please can you help. I want to know how would you include this condition while calling coolstuff.generate_1_spreadsheet ().

---where b.user_creator <> '*IBM' -----

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I think I have this working. I use RUNSQL to call the stored procedure from a CLLE program that used to create a CSV file. When the program gets to the RUNSQL, it pops to the terminal screen to give me helpful information I really do not want. Is there way to suppress the terminal screen? Also, the stored procedure did not like pulling the data from a file in QTEMP. Is that my error or a "feature."?


Transfer statistics: 00:00:06
Rows transferred: 164
Press ENTER to end terminal session.

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