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Last active January 10, 2024 13:58
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PTFs should help, not hurt. That's the credo, goal, and expectation. But... sometimes things go the wrong way. This gist shows how to use SQL to consume an IBM provided resource, compare what you have locally and most importantly, tell you if you are exposed to a known defective PTF. Please use this gist to gain skills with SQL, but more importa…
-- Subject: Is this IBM i at risk of a known defective PTF?
-- Author: Scott Forstie
-- Date : February, 2023
-- Features Used : This Gist uses qsys2.http_get, a defective PTF service from IBM, CTEs, sysibmadm.env_sys_info, string manipulation BIFs, SYSTOOLS.split
-- Notes:
-- ===============================================
-- 1) The data returned here is the same data you would find when using
-- Go QMGTOOLS/MG option 24 (PTF Menu) --> option 3 (Compare DEFECTIVE PTFs from IBM)
-- 2) If you've never used the QSYS2-based HTTP functions, you might have a decision to make and one time setup.
-- The QSYS2-based HTTP functions rely upon a keystore, where as the SYSTOOLS-based HTTP functions implicitely used the keystore leveraged by Java.
-- The following page in IBM Documentation includes lots of detail about how to use the QSYS2-based HTTP functions:
-- There's even a section named "SSL considerations" that includes a working setup script. Please read this page.
-- Show me every defective PTF for IBM i 7.4, and the corrective PTF number (super raw)
values qsys2.HTTP_GET('', '');
-- Show me every defective PTF for IBM i 7.4, and the corrective PTF number (raw)
with raw_webpage (webpage_text) as (
values qsys2.HTTP_GET('', '')
def_ptfs (agg_list) as (
substring(webpage_text, posstr(webpage_text, '----------') + 11, 30000) as varchar(30000)
ccsid 37) as URL_STRING
from raw_webpage
select *
from def_ptfs;
-- Show me every defective PTF for IBM i 7.4, and the corrective PTF number (raw-ish)
with raw_webpage (webpage_text) as (
values qsys2.HTTP_GET('', '')
def_ptfs (agg_list) as (
substring(webpage_text, posstr(webpage_text, '----------') + 11, 30000) as varchar(30000)
ccsid 37) as URL_STRING
from raw_webpage
select x.*
from def_ptfs, table (
SYSTOOLS.split(agg_list, x'25')
) as X where length(rtrim(element)) > 0;
-- Show me every defective PTF for IBM i 7.4, and the corrective PTF number (refined)
with raw_webpage (webpage_text) as (
values qsys2.HTTP_GET('', '')
def_ptfs (agg_list) as (
substring(webpage_text, posstr(webpage_text, '----------') + 11, 30000) as varchar(30000)
ccsid 37) as URL_STRING
from raw_webpage
select cast('IBM i 7.4' as varchar(9)) as Operating_System_Level,
substring(x.element, 1, 7) as Bad_PTF, substring(x.element, 10, 7) as APAR,
substring(x.element, 19, 7) as LICPGM,
coalesce(substring(x.element, 28, 7), 'MISSING') as Fixing_PTF
from def_ptfs, table (
SYSTOOLS.split(agg_list, x'25')
) as X where length(rtrim(element)) > 0;
-- What verion of the IBM i operating system are we using?
With iLevel(iVersion, iRelease, VRM) AS
'R' concat OS_VERSION concat OS_RELEASE concat '0'
from sysibmadm.env_sys_info
select * from iLevel;
-- Show me every defective PTF for this IBM i, and the corrective PTF number (super fine)
with iLevel (defective_PTF_URL) as (
select '' concat OS_VERSION concat
OS_RELEASE concat '0DEFECT.txt'
from sysibmadm.env_sys_info
raw_webpage (webpage_text) as (
select qsys2.HTTP_GET(defective_PTF_URL, '')
from iLevel
def_ptfs (agg_list) as (
substring(webpage_text, posstr(webpage_text, '----------') + 11, 30000) as varchar(30000)
ccsid 37) as URL_STRING
from raw_webpage
select 'V' concat OS_VERSION concat 'R' concat OS_RELEASE as Operating_System_Level,
char(substring(x.element, 1, 7), 7) as Bad_PTF,
char(substring(x.element, 10, 7), 7) as APAR,
char(substring(x.element, 19, 7), 7) as LICPGM,
char(coalesce(substring(x.element, 28, 7), 'MISSING'), 7) as Fixing_PTF
from sysibmadm.env_sys_info, def_ptfs, table (
SYSTOOLS.split(agg_list, x'25')
) as X where length(rtrim(element)) > 0;
-- Show me every defective PTF for this IBM i, and the corrective PTF number (ultra fine)
-- Where this IBM i has the defective PTF applied, but does NOT have the corrective PTF applied
with iLevel (defective_PTF_URL) as (
select '' concat OS_VERSION concat
OS_RELEASE concat '0DEFECT.txt'
from sysibmadm.env_sys_info
raw_webpage (webpage_text) as (
select qsys2.HTTP_GET(defective_PTF_URL, '')
from iLevel
def_ptfs (agg_list) as (
substring(webpage_text, posstr(webpage_text, '----------') + 11, 30000) as varchar(30000)
ccsid 37) as URL_STRING
from raw_webpage
defective_ptfs(partition, host, serial_no, OS_level, Bad_PTF, APAR, LICPGM, Fixing_PTF) as (
select PARTITION_NAME, b.host_name, serial_number,
'V' concat OS_VERSION concat 'R' concat OS_RELEASE,
char(substring(element, 1, 7), 7),
char(substring(element, 10, 7), 7),
char(substring(element, 19, 7), 7),
case when length(rtrim(substring(char(element,100), 28, 7))) > 0
then rtrim(char(substring(char(element,100), 28, 7)))
else 'UNKNOWN' end as Fixing_PTF
from qsys2.system_status_info_basic a, sysibmadm.env_sys_info b, def_ptfs, table (
SYSTOOLS.split(agg_list, x'25')
) where length(rtrim(element)) > 0)
select * from defective_ptfs
-- The Bad PTF is on in any form
bad_PTF in (select PTF_IDENTIFIER from qsys2.ptf_info where PTF_PRODUCT_ID = LICPGM)
-- The corrective PTF is not applied
Fixing_PTF not in (select PTF_IDENTIFIER from qsys2.ptf_info where PTF_PRODUCT_ID = LICPGM and
create or replace view systools.defective_ptf_currency for system name def_ptfs
(partition_name for part_name, host_name, serial_number for serial, os_release_level for os_release, defective_ptf for def_ptf, apar_id, product_id for licpgm, fixing_ptf)
-- Show me every defective PTF for this IBM i, and the corrective PTF number (ultra fine)
-- Where this IBM i has the defective PTF applied, but does NOT have the corrective PTF applied
with iLevel (defective_PTF_URL) as (
select '' concat OS_VERSION concat
OS_RELEASE concat '0DEFECT.txt'
from sysibmadm.env_sys_info
raw_webpage (webpage_text) as (
select qsys2.HTTP_GET(defective_PTF_URL, '')
from iLevel
def_ptfs (agg_list) as (
substring(webpage_text, posstr(webpage_text, '----------') + 11, 30000) as varchar(30000)
ccsid 37) as URL_STRING
from raw_webpage
defective_ptfs(partition, host, serial_no, OS_level, Defective_PTF, APAR, LICPGM, Fixing_PTF) as (
select PARTITION_NAME, b.host_name, serial_number,
cast('V' concat OS_VERSION concat 'R' concat OS_RELEASE as varchar(10)),
char(substring(element, 1, 7), 7),
char(substring(element, 10, 7), 7),
char(substring(element, 19, 7), 7),
cast(case when length(rtrim(substring(char(element,100), 28, 7))) > 0
then rtrim(char(substring(char(element,100), 28, 7)))
else 'UNKNOWN' end as char(7)) as Fixing_PTF
from qsys2.system_status_info_basic a, sysibmadm.env_sys_info b, def_ptfs, table (
SYSTOOLS.split(agg_list, x'25')
) where length(rtrim(element)) > 0)
select * from defective_ptfs
-- The Bad PTF is on in any form
Defective_PTF in (select PTF_IDENTIFIER from qsys2.ptf_info
-- The corrective PTF is not applied
Fixing_PTF not in (select PTF_IDENTIFIER from qsys2.ptf_info where PTF_PRODUCT_ID = LICPGM and
select *
from systools.defective_ptf_currency;
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dad71 commented Mar 8, 2023

Hi Scott, just a silly correction in your last "big" and GREAT sql stmt.
In row 207 there is a closed parenthesis more ")" to be removed.
Always in row 207 I've added another condition "and PTF_LOADED_STATUS not like '%SUPERCEDE%'"
In row 211 I've added an additional condition "or PTF_LOADED_STATUS like '%SUPERSEDE%'"

### Here the last big script (just copy/paste)

create or replace view systools.defective_ptf_currency for system name def_ptfs
(partition_name for part_name, host_name, serial_number for serial, os_release_level for os_release, defective_ptf for def_ptf, apar_id, product_id for licpgm, fixing_ptf)
with iLevel (defective_PTF_URL) as (
select '' concat OS_VERSION concat
OS_RELEASE concat '0DEFECT.txt'
from sysibmadm.env_sys_info
raw_webpage (webpage_text) as (
select qsys2.HTTP_GET(defective_PTF_URL, '')
from iLevel
def_ptfs (agg_list) as (
substring(webpage_text, posstr(webpage_text, '----------') + 11, 30000) as varchar(30000)
ccsid 37) as URL_STRING
from raw_webpage
defective_ptfs(partition, host, serial_no, OS_level, Defective_PTF, APAR, LICPGM, Fixing_PTF) as (
select PARTITION_NAME, b.host_name, serial_number,
cast('V' concat OS_VERSION concat 'R' concat OS_RELEASE as varchar(10)),
char(substring(element, 1, 7), 7),
char(substring(element, 10, 7), 7),
char(substring(element, 19, 7), 7),
cast(case when length(rtrim(substring(char(element,100), 28, 7))) > 0
then rtrim(char(substring(char(element,100), 28, 7)))
else 'UNKNOWN' end as char(7)) as Fixing_PTF
from qsys2.system_status_info_basic a, sysibmadm.env_sys_info b, def_ptfs, table (
SYSTOOLS.split(agg_list, x'25')
) where length(rtrim(element)) > 0)
select * from defective_ptfs
-- The Bad PTF is on in any form
Defective_PTF in (select PTF_IDENTIFIER from qsys2.ptf_info
-- The corrective PTF is not applied
Fixing_PTF not in (select PTF_IDENTIFIER from qsys2.ptf_info where PTF_PRODUCT_ID = LICPGM and

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forstie commented Mar 8, 2023

Thanks dad71.
Oh, perfection is so elusive.
I changed line 271 to work with either SUPERCEDE or SUPERSEDE.


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dad71 commented Mar 10, 2023

Thanks a lot Scott! Great as usual :)
May I ask you a thing?
Is it feasible doing the same check also on Hipers?
I mean if there would be a similar page with Hipers per OS version, it would be great!
What do you think?

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forstie commented Mar 11, 2023

Hi again @dad71.
Wouldn't this suffice?

-- Are we current with the IBM i PTF GROUP for Hiper PTFs?
select *
from systools.group_ptf_currency
where upper(ptf_group_title) like '%HIPER%';

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dad71 commented Mar 13, 2023

Hi Scott.
This is useful as it gives me "at glance" the groups that I need to download.
normally in the "WHERE" condition I put this: WHERE PTF_GROUP_CURRENCY like '%UPDAT%' .

The point is, that once I've installed new CUM+Groups+Corrections, I perform 2 controls:

  • first one on the defective ptfs (that is the script you provided in this topic... and it's great)
  • another one is on new HIPERs detail... and this comparison gives me an overview if I'm missing particular PTFs that "it'd be better" having installed.

Normally to catch this information I use the following link (it's for 7.5, but it will be very useful also for 7.3): (it's the Summary of HIPER and Defective PTFs).

In the previous document I search for the list of "Service recommendations", and then move this list in my systems in order to find the "orphans" Hipers that I need to have a look.

Don't know if this is paranoid... :)

Just an example of the list that normally I load in systems and I verify for everyone if PTFs is not present.

       DATE        APAR   VRM PTF/LIC FIX   LIC PGM      CUM PKG
  1. 10 Mar 2023 MA50081 750 MF70799 5770999
  2. 02 Mar 2023 SE79163 750 SI82509 5770SS1
  3. 24 Feb 2023 MA50069 750 MF70751 5770999
  4. 21 Feb 2023 MA50059 750 MF70757 5770999
  5. 10 Feb 2023 MA50049 750 MF70715 5770999
  6. 03 Feb 2023 SE79251 750 SI82617 5770SS1
  7. 01 Feb 2023 MA50026 750 MF70673 5770999
  8. 01 Feb 2023 MA50027 750 MF70672 5770999
  9. 01 Feb 2023 SE79238 750 SI82519 5770SS1
  10. 01 Feb 2023 MA50028 750 MF70689 5770999
  11. 27 Jan 2023 MA50030 750 MF70675 5770999
  12. 27 Jan 2023 MA50021 750 MF70662 5770999
  13. 26 Jan 2023 SE79143 750 SI82517 5770SS1
  14. 24 Jan 2023 MA50031 750 MF70676 5770999
  15. 18 Jan 2023 MA50014 750 MF70651 5770999
  16. 13 Jan 2023 SE78750 750 SI81580 5770SS1
  17. 11 Jan 2023 SE79096 750 SI82396 5770TC1
  18. 26 Dec 2022 MA49927 750 MF70450 5770999
  19. 26 Dec 2022 MA49976 750 MF70564 5770999
  20. 15 Dec 2022 MA49969 750 MF70545 5770999
  21. 15 Dec 2022 MA49967 750 MF70540 5770999
  22. 15 Dec 2022 MA49958 750 MF70529 5770999
  23. 14 Dec 2022 SE78740 750 SI81554 5770SS1
  24. 12 Dec 2022 MA49952 750 MF70538 5770999
  25. 12 Dec 2022 MA49963 750 MF70530 5770999
  26. 01 Dec 2022 SE78676 750 SI81438 5770SS1
  27. 30 Nov 2022 MA49951 750 MF70511 5770999
  28. 29 Nov 2022 SE78279 750 SI80776 5770TS1
  29. 29 Nov 2022 SE78918 750 SI81867 5770SS1
  30. 28 Nov 2022 SE78813 750 SI81706 5770SS1
  31. 22 Nov 2022 SE78893 750 SI81854 5770SS1
  32. 22 Nov 2022 SE78771 750 SI81800 5770SS1
  33. 22 Nov 2022 SE78907 750 SI81841 5770SS1
  34. 16 Nov 2022 MA49947 750 MF70501 5770999
  35. 09 Nov 2022 SE78809 750 SI81698 5770SS1
  36. 04 Nov 2022 SE78658 750 SI81417 5770DG1
  37. 01 Nov 2022 SE78587 750 SI81292 5733SC1
  38. 26 Oct 2022 MA49907 750 MF70407 5770999
  39. 26 Oct 2022 SE78586 750 SI81457 5770SS1
  40. 25 Oct 2022 MA49903 750 MF70403 5770999
  41. 17 Oct 2022 MA49883 750 MF70401 5770999 C2321750
  42. 17 Oct 2022 MA49797 750 MF70160 5770999 C2321750
  43. 04 Oct 2022 MA49852 750 MF70298 5770999 C2321750
  44. 03 Oct 2022 MA49869 750 MF70335 5770999 C2321750
  45. 03 Oct 2022 SE78577 750 SI81289 5770SS1

Thanks for your answer

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Thank you :)

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forstie commented Jul 16, 2023

You're welcome. Thanks for commenting.

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robinsg commented Aug 31, 2023

Hi Scott,

Is it possible to use values with the input of an IFS file rather than using HTTP_GET? My customer doesn’t allow web access from their LPARs so I’m looking at manually downloading the txt file in to the IFS and using that instead.

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forstie commented Aug 31, 2023

Hello robinsq,
With SQL, so much is possible. We have IFS_READ services and then the structure of the data would need to be pieced out into relational data.

Alternatively, ACS can be used to establish a proxy to the internet and then the SQL in this and similar Gists should run on that IBM i that doesn't allow web access.

IBM in the ACS getting started html file and here


HTTPPROXYUI will launch a secured HTTP proxy that enables connectivity from an IBM i to the internet via the computer running this proxy. Access to the internet is enabled from any SSH Terminal session that enters the commands provided by the HTTPPROXYUI plug-in.
Note: The SSH Terminal session must be running on the same computer as this proxy.
Alan Seiden also has a page

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robinsg commented Aug 31, 2023

Thanks Scott,

This is not going to work for me in this environment as the ACS session I’m running is managed by CyberArk and has no internet access. This is a bank so everything is locked down.

I have manual pasted the txt file in to values and that works but an IFS file would be more flexible.


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