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Created February 7, 2024 12:01
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The path to achieving improved security on IBM i is sometimes a winding road. SQL can help to get you there on time. In this installment, FRCA is raised from obscurity to something understandable. #SQLcandoit,
-- Subject: HTTP Servers and FRCA
-- Author: Scott Forstie
-- Date : February, 2024
-- Features Used : This Gist uses SQL PL, qsys2.object_statistics, qsys2.syspartitionstat,
-- SQL aliases, SQL built-in functions, UDTF, qsys2.ifs_read, and pipe
-- HTTP Server configuration detail resides in the IFS.
-- The HTTP Server instance file (QUSRSYS/QATMHINSTC *FILE)
-- points to the IFS path to use for each specific server.
-- The member name corresponds to the HTTP Server name
-- Resources:
select *
from table (
qsys2.object_statistics('QUSRSYS', '*FILE', 'QATMHINSTC')
-- List all of the HTTP Server instances
select table_partition
from qsys2.syspartitionstat a
where table_schema = 'QUSRSYS' and
order by create_timestamp desc;
-- Examination of a specific HTTP Server instance
create or replace alias qtemp.http_server_mbr for QUSRSYS.QATMHINSTC(AJSP);
select * from qtemp.http_server_mbr;
-- Examination of a specific HTTP Server instance - Construct the IFS path
select rtrim(
charfield, locate_in_string(charfield, '-d', 1, 1) + 3, locate_in_string(
charfield, ' ', locate_in_string(charfield, '-d', 1, 1) + 3, 1) -
(locate_in_string(charfield, '-d', 1, 1) + 3))) concat '/' concat
charfield, locate_in_string(charfield, '-f', 1, 1) + 3, locate_in_string(
charfield, ' ', locate_in_string(charfield, '-f', 1, 1) + 3, 1) -
(locate_in_string(charfield, '-f', 1, 1) + 3))) as server_instance_path
from qtemp.http_server_mbr;
-- Examination of a specific HTTP Server instance - Configuration detail
select substr(line, 1, locate_in_string(line, ' ', 1, 1)) as attribute_name,
rtrim(substr(line, locate_in_string(line, ' ', 1, 1) + 1, 10000)) as attribute_value
from table(
order by line_number asc;
-- Fast Response Cache Accelerator (FRCA) information
-- Note 1: FRCA is used to potentially improve server performance via the use of a local cache.
-- The HTTP Server does not check for authorization on content served from FRCA.
-- Therefore, it is advised to find servers that have FRCA established and
-- change the configuration to no longer use FRCA.
-- Note 2: FRCA does not support SSL.
-- Therefore, do not specify FRCA option for IP addresses
-- and ports that are used for SSL connections.
-- Goal: Zero rows returned. Any use of FRCA has security concerns.
create or replace function systools.frca_info()
returns table (
server_name varchar(10) for sbcs data,
attribute_name varchar(100) for sbcs data,
attribute_value varchar(100) for sbcs data,
server_config_path varchar(5000) for sbcs data
specific systools.frca_info
modifies sql data
not deterministic
no external action
not fenced
disallow parallel
set option commit = *NONE
declare error_hit integer default 0;
declare sql_stmt_text varchar(10000) for sbcs data;
declare server_config_path varchar(10000) for sbcs data;
declare v_member varchar(10) for sbcs data;
declare v_attribute_name varchar(100) for sbcs data;
declare v_attribute_value varchar(100) for sbcs data;
declare not_found int default 0;
declare at_end int default 0;
declare at_end2 int default 0;
declare FRCA_setup_csr cursor for FRCA_setup_stmt;
declare HTTP_servers_csr cursor for
select table_partition
from qsys2.syspartitionstat a
where table_schema = 'QUSRSYS' and
order by create_timestamp desc;
declare continue handler for not found set at_end = 1;
open HTTP_servers_csr;
set at_end = 0;
fetch from HTTP_servers_csr into v_member;
while (at_end = 0) do
call systools.lprintf('Processing server: ' concat v_member);
execute immediate 'create or replace alias qtemp.http_server_mbr for QUSRSYS.QATMHINSTC(' concat v_member concat ')';
select rtrim(
charfield, locate_in_string(charfield, '-d', 1, 1) + 3, locate_in_string(
charfield, ' ', locate_in_string(charfield, '-d', 1, 1) + 3, 1) -
(locate_in_string(charfield, '-d', 1, 1) + 3))) concat '/' concat
rtrim(substr(charfield, locate_in_string(charfield, '-f', 1, 1) + 3, locate_in_string(
charfield, ' ', locate_in_string(charfield, '-f', 1, 1) + 3, 1) -
(locate_in_string(charfield, '-f', 1, 1) + 3))) into server_config_path
from qtemp.http_server_mbr;
set sql_stmt_text = 'select substr(line, 1, locate_in_string(line, '' '', 1, 1)) ,
rtrim(substr(line, locate_in_string(line, '' '', 1, 1) + 1, 10000))
from table(qsys2.ifs_read(''' concat server_config_path concat '''))
where upper(line) like ''%FRCA%'' order by line_number asc';
-- call systools.lprintf('Stmt: ' concat sql_stmt_text);
declare continue handler for not found set at_end2 = 1;
prepare FRCA_setup_stmt from sql_stmt_text;
open FRCA_setup_csr;
set at_end2 = 0;
fetch from FRCA_setup_csr into v_attribute_name, v_attribute_value;
while (at_end2 = 0) do
pipe(v_member, v_attribute_name, v_attribute_value, server_config_path);
fetch from FRCA_setup_csr into v_attribute_name, v_attribute_value;
end while;
close FRCA_setup_csr;
set at_end = 0;
fetch from HTTP_servers_csr into v_member;
end while;
close HTTP_servers_csr;
-- Do we have any HTTP Servers that are configured to use FRCA?
select *
from table (
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