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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Save forsythetony/3ac8f04fe0af913f23b1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Function Name: getUserData
# Inputs: None
# Output:
# -$userData: A dictionary containing the entries...
# - "start" -> A dateTime object that marks the start of the date range
# - "end" -> A dateTime object that marks the end of the date range
# - "folderPath"-> A path (string) object containing the folderPath to the folder containing the subfolder "KinectData"
# Purpose: To gather input from the user to know which videos this script should convert
function getUserData
Do {
$rootPath = Read-Host "Enter the path to the folder containing the dated folders containing the video files"
# $rootPath = "C:\Users\muengrcerthospkinect\Desktop\testing"
$pathTest = Test-Path $rootPath
if (!$pathTest) { Write-Host "Path provided was not valid, try again." }
} while ($pathTest -eq $false)
Do {
$userID = Read-Host "Enter the userID (Enter all to search all files)"
$isValidID = checkUserIDString $userID
Write-Host $isValidID.message
$userID = $isvalidID.path
} while ($isValidID.isValid -eq $false)
$rootPathLength = $rootPath.length - 1
if($rootPath[$rootPathLength] -ne "\")
$rootPath = "$rootPath\"
$folderPath = $rootPath
$startDate = Read-Host "Enter the start date for the date range in the format M/d/YYYY h:m AM/PM"
# $startDate = "5/20/2013"
$endDate = Read-Host "Enter the end date for the date range in the format M/d/YYYY h:m AM/PM"
# $endDate = "5/20/2013"
$startParseString = checkDateString $startDate
$endParseString = checkDateString $endDate
$startDate = [dateTime]::ParseExact($startDate, $startParseString, $null)
$endDate = [dateTime]::ParseExact($endDate, $endParseString , $null)
$converterLocation = Read-Host "To use the correct location for ffmpeg please choose your machine...Echo [0] , Test-Machine[1] , Other[2]"
$converterLocation = checkConverterLocation $converterLocation
$userData = @{
"start" = $startDate;
"end" = $endDate;
"folderPath" = $folderPath;
"ffmpegPath" = $converterLocation;
return $userData
function checkConverterLocation($locationOption)
Switch ($locationOption)
0 {
$location = "C:\Program Files\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe"
1 {
$location = "C:\Users\arfv2b\Downloads\ffmpeg\ffmpeg-20140609-git-958168d-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe"
default {
$location = Read-Host "Enter the location to use"
while((Test-Path $location) -eq $null)
$location = Read-Host "Invalid path entered. Please try that again."
return $location
# Function Name: checkUserIDString
# Inputs:
# - $string: A string containing the user ID that is to be validated
# Output:
# - $package: A dictionary with the following entries...
# - "isValid" -> A boolean value indicating whether the ID entered was a valid ID
# - "path" -> A string that contains the original string if it is a valid ID or $null if it is not.
# - "message" -> A message describing the output. Error message or success message.
# Purpose: The purpose of this function is to check whether the user inputed ID value is a number of the right lenght or if it is the
# string 'All' which would indicate the function would be looking through all ID's
function checkUserIDString($string)
$length = $string.length
if ($string -eq "all" -or $string -eq "All")
$package = @{ "isValid" = $true;
"path" = "";
"message" = "User has chosen to search all user IDs";
return $package
if ($length -ne 3)
$package = @{ "isValid" = $false;
"path" = $null;
"message" = "The user ID entered is not of the right length. Please try again.";
return $package
if (!($string -match "^[0-9]*$"))
$package = @{ "isValid" = $false;
"path" = $null;
"message" = "The user ID entered is not a numeric value. Please try again.";
return $package
$package = @{ "isValid" = $true;
"path" = $string;
"message" = "The userID entered was in the correct format.";
return $package
# Function Name: checkDateString
# Inputs:
# -$string: A string containing the date that whose format will be checked.
# Output:
# -$parseString: A string that shows the format of the date string that was passed into the function.
# Purpose: To determine the format of the date string so that the ParseExact function knows what kind of
# date to expect.
function checkDateString($string)
$tokens = $string.Split(" ")
$count = $tokens.length
if ($count -eq 1)
$parseString = "M/d/yyyy"
elseif ($count -eq 2)
$parseString = "M/d/yyyy H:m"
elseif ($count -eq 3)
$parseString = "M/d/yyyy h:m tt"
return $parseString
# Function Name: updateFilesInRange
# Inputs:
# -$range: A dictionary containing the following entries...
# - "start" -> A dateTime object that marks the start of the date range
# - "end" -> A dateTime object that marks the end of the date range
# - "folderPath"-> A path (string) object containing the folderPath to the folder containing the subfolder "KinectData"
# Output: None
# Purpose: To convert videos within the specified date range and folder from .avi's to .mp4's
function updateFilesInRange($range)
$pathToFiles = $range.folderPath
# $theChild = Get-ChildItem -Path $pathToFiles | Where {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $true -and $_.Name -eq "KinectData"}
sortedFileConversion $pathToFiles $range
# Function Name: extractDateFromFolder
# Inputs:
# -$folderName: A string containing the name of the folder
# Output:
# -$dateObject: A date object built from the date specified in the string $folderName which was passed into the function.
# Purpose:
# To convert the folder name, which is a basic string object, into a date object which can be used for comparisons with
# other date objects.
function extractDateFromFolder($folderName)
$dateTokens = $folderName -split "_"
if ($dateTokens.Count -ne 3) {
return $null
$thirdToken = $dateTokens[2];
if ($thirdToken.length -eq 4) {
$formatString = "MM/dd/yyyy"
elseif ($thirdToken.length -eq 2) {
$formatString = "MM/dd/yy"
else {
return $null
$dateString = ($dateTokens[0] + "/" + $dateTokens[1] + "/" + $dateTokens[2])
$dateObject = [dateTime]::ParseExact($dateString, $formatString , $null)
# Write-Host $dateObject
return $dateObject
function extractDateFromFolder2($folderName)
$dateTokens = $folderName -split "_"
if ($dateTokens.Count -ne 3) {
return $null
$thirdToken = $dateTokens[2];
if ($thirdToken.length -eq 4) {
$formatString = "MM/dd/yyyy"
elseif ($thirdToken.length -eq 2) {
$formatString = "MM/dd/yy"
else {
return $null
$dateString = ($dateTokens[0] + "/" + $dateTokens[1] + "/" + $dateTokens[2])
$dateObject = [dateTime]::ParseExact($dateString, $formatString , $null)
# Write-Host $dateObject
return $dateObject
# Function Name: extractDate
# Inputs:
# -$path: A string containing the name of the file from which a date can be extracted
# Output:
# -$dateObject: A dateTime object built from the string that was passed into the function
# Purpose:
# To convert the name of a file into a date which can be used for comparisons.
function extractDate($path)
$pathTokens = $path -split "-"
$dateTokens = $pathTokens[1] -split "_"
$timeTokens = $pathTokens[2] -split "_"
$timeString = ($dateTokens[0] + "/" + $dateTokens[1] + "/" + $dateTokens[2] + " " + $timeTokens[0] + ":" + $timeTokens[1] + ":" + $timeTokens[2])
$dateObject = [dateTime]::ParseExact($timeString, "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" , $null)
return $dateObject
function sortedFileConversion($path, $range)
$foldersArray = @()
Get-ChildItem -Path $path | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $true} | ForEach-Object {
$fullPath = $_.FullName
$name = $_.Name
$date = extractDateFromFolder2 $name
$props = @{
Path = $fullPath
Name = $name
Date = $date
$theObject = New-Object PSObject -Property $props
Write-Host ("The range start is " + $range.start)
Write-Host ("The range end is " + $range.end)
Write-Host ("The folder's date is " + $date)
Write-Host ("The path is " + $path)
if($date -ge $range.start -and $date -le $range.end)
$foldersArray += $theObject
$foldersArray | Sort-Object {$_.Date} -Descending | ForEach-Object {
Get-ChildItem -Path $_.Path -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $false -and $_.Extension -eq ".avi"} | ForEach-Object {
$existsBool = testIfVideoExists $_
if($existsBool -eq $true)
$existsMessage = ("The file at path " + $_.FullName + " already exists, will not convert this file.")
Write-Host $existsMessage
startConvertProcessOnVideo $_ $range
function testIfVideoExists($path)
$newName = [io.path]::ChangeExtension($path.FullName, '.mp4')
$existsBool = Test-Path $newName
return $existsBool
function startConvertProcessOnVideo($path, $range)
$newVideo = [io.path]::ChangeExtension($path.FullName, '.mp4')
$ArgumentList = '-i "{0}" -an -b:v 64k -bufsize 64k -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p "{1}"' -f $path.FullName, $newVideo;
$convertMessage = ("Converting video with argument list " + $ArgumentList)
Write-Host $convertMessage
Start-Process -FilePath $range.ffmpegPath -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Wait -NoNewWindow;
$error[0]|format-list -force
# Main program
$userData = getUserData
Write-Host ("Start Date: " + $userData.start)
Write-Host ("End Date: " + $userData.end)
Write-Host ("Folder path: " + $userData.folderPath)
updateFilesInRange $userData
$testPath = "C:\Users\arfv2b\Desktop\testingCopies\testing3\KinectData"
$testPath2 = "\\echo\mcp\100\KinectData"
getFoldersArray $testPath
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