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Created January 10, 2011 01:30
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# *************************************************************************************************
# Copyright (C) 2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated -
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the
# distribution.
# Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
# its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
# from this software without specific prior written permission.
# *************************************************************************************************
# ez430-Chronos Datalogger Application TCL/Tk script
# *************************************************************************************************
# Rev 1.1
# - extended 12H / 24H format switch function
# - added WBSL support
# Rev 1.0
# - initial version released to manufacturing
# *************************************************************************************************
set exit_prog 0
# load libraries -----------------------------------------------------
package require Tk
# Set COM port where RF Access Point is mounted
set com "/dev/ttyACM0"
# Include BlueRobin BM-USBD1 driver
# Adds global variable "vcp"
source "eZ430-Chronos_driver.tcl"
# Open COM port
if { [BM_OpenCOM $com 115200 30 0 0] == 0 } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Error" "Could not detect USB dongle. Press OK to close application." info 0 OK
set com_available 0
exit 0
} else {
set com_available 1
# Reset hardware
after 20
# Flush channel
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
after 10
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Global variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script revision number
set revision 1.1
# Ini file for variables
set ini_file "ez430-chronos-DL.ini"
# SimpliciTi variables
set simpliciti_on 0
set simpliciti_ap_started 0
# Initial settings for Sync
set sync_use_metric_units 1
set sync_time_is_am 1
set sync_time_hours_24 4
set sync_time_hours_12 4
set sync_time_minutes 30
set sync_time_seconds 0
set sync_date_year 2009
set sync_date_month 9
set sync_date_day 1
set sync_altitude_24 500
set sync_altitude_12 1640
set sync_temperature_24 22
set sync_temperature_12 72
set sync_file "ez430_data.log"
set sync_data_log_mode 0
set sync_data_log_interval 0
set sync_data_log_bytes 0
set sync_data_log_mode_hr 1
set sync_data_log_mode_temp 0
set sync_data_log_mode_alt 0
set sync_data_log_mode_acc 0
set packets_max [expr 8192/16]
set packets_expected 0
for { set i 0 } { $i < $packets_max } {incr i } {
set packet($i) "m"
# WBSL global variables
set select_input_file ""
set call_wbsl_timer 0
set call_wbsl_1 2
set call_wbsl_2 3
set wbsl_progress 0
set wbsl_on 0
set wbsl_ap_started 0
set fsize 0
set fp 0
set rData [list]
set rData_index 0
set low_index 0
set list_count 0
set wbsl_opcode 0
set maxPayload 0
set ram_updater_downloaded 0
set wirelessUpdateStarted 0
set wbsl_timer_enabled 0
set wbsl_timer_counter 0
set wbsl_timer_flag 0
set wbsl_timer_timeout 0
# Function required by WBSL
proc ceil x {expr {ceil($x)} }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function prototypes --------------------------------------------------------------------
proc get_wbsl_status {} {}
proc wbsl_set_timer { timeout } {}
proc wbsl_reset_timer {} {}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Graphical user interface setup ---------------------------------------------------------
# Some custom styles for graphical elements
ttk::setTheme clam
ttk::style configure custom.TCheckbutton -font "Helvetica 10"
ttk::style configure custom.TLabelframe -font "Helvetica 12 bold"
ttk::style configure custom.TRadiobutton -font "Helvetica 9"
# Define basic window geometry
wm title . "Texas Instruments eZ430-Chronos Datalogger $revision"
wm geometry . 640x510
wm resizable . 0 0
wm iconname . "ttknote"
ttk::frame .f
pack .f -fill both -expand 1
set w .f
# Map keys to internal functions
bind . <Key-q> { exitpgm }
## Make the notebook and set up Ctrl+Tab traversal
ttk::notebook $w.note
pack $w.note -fill both -expand 1 -padx 2 -pady 3
ttk::notebook::enableTraversal $w.note
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sync pane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ttk::frame $w.note.sync -style custom.TFrame
$w.note add $w.note.sync -text "SimpliciTI\u2122 Datalogger" -underline 0 -padding 2
grid columnconfigure $w.note.sync {0 1} -weight 1 -uniform 1
# Buttons
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.f0 -borderwidth 0
ttk::button $w.note.sync.f0.btn_start_ap -text "Start Access Point" -command { start_simpliciti_ap } -width 14
ttk::button $w.note.sync.f0.btn_get_watch_settings -text "Read Watch" -command { sync_read_watch } -width 11
ttk::button $w.note.sync.f0.btn_get_time_and_date -text "Copy System Time" -command { sync_get_time_and_date } -width 14
ttk::button $w.note.sync.f0.btn_set_watch -text "Set Watch" -command { sync_write_watch } -width 8
ttk::button $w.note.sync.f0.btn_erase_mem -text "Erase Memory" -command { sync_erase } -width 11
grid $w.note.sync.f0 -row 0 -column 0 -pady 5 -padx 8 -sticky ew -columnspan 2
pack $w.note.sync.f0.btn_start_ap -side left -fill x -padx 8
pack $w.note.sync.f0.btn_erase_mem -side right -fill x -padx 8
pack $w.note.sync.f0.btn_set_watch -side right -fill x -padx 8
pack $w.note.sync.f0.btn_get_time_and_date -side right -fill x -padx 8
pack $w.note.sync.f0.btn_get_watch_settings -side right -fill x -padx 8
# Download data
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.fdl -borderwidth 0
ttk::button $w.note.sync.fdl.btn1 -text "Download" -command { sync_download } -width 16
ttk::label $w.note.sync.fdl.lbl -text "Save data to:" -anchor e -font "Helvetica 9"
entry $w.note.sync.fdl.entry -textvariable sync_file -width 30
ttk::button $w.note.sync.fdl.btn2 -text "Browse" -command "fileDialog $w $w.note.sync.fdl.entry save" -width 10
grid $w.note.sync.fdl -row 1 -column 0 -pady 5 -padx 8 -sticky ew -columnspan 2
pack $w.note.sync.fdl.btn1 -side left -fill x -padx 8
pack $w.note.sync.fdl.lbl -side left -fill x -padx 8
pack $w.note.sync.fdl.entry -side left -fill x -padx 8
pack $w.note.sync.fdl.btn2 -side left -fill x -padx 8
# Time
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.f1 -borderwidth 0
ttk::label $w.note.sync.f1.l1 -text "Time" -width 18 -font "Helvetica 10 bold"
spinbox $w.note.sync.f1.sb1 -textvariable sync_time_hours_24 -justify right -width 2 -from 0 -to 23 -command { update_time_24 }
spinbox $w.note.sync.f1.sb2 -textvariable sync_time_minutes -justify right -width 2 -from 0 -to 59
spinbox $w.note.sync.f1.sb3 -textvariable sync_time_seconds -justify right -width 2 -from 0 -to 59
grid $w.note.sync.f1 -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 1 -pady 0 -padx 10 -sticky ew
pack $w.note.sync.f1.l1 -side left -fill x
pack $w.note.sync.f1.sb1 -side left -fill x -padx 5
pack $w.note.sync.f1.sb2 -side left -fill x -padx 5
pack $w.note.sync.f1.sb3 -side left -fill x -padx 5
# Time format AM/PM
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.ampm -borderwidth 0
ttk::radiobutton $w.note.sync.ampm.rb1 -text "AM" -variable sync_time_is_am -value 1 -style custom.TRadiobutton -state disabled -command { update_time_12 }
ttk::radiobutton $w.note.sync.ampm.rb2 -text "PM" -variable sync_time_is_am -value 0 -style custom.TRadiobutton -state disabled -command { update_time_12 }
grid $w.note.sync.ampm -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -pady 0 -padx 10 -sticky ew
pack $w.note.sync.ampm.rb1 -side left -fill x -padx 5
pack $w.note.sync.ampm.rb2 -side left -fill x -padx 5
# Date
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.f2 -borderwidth 0
ttk::label $w.note.sync.f2.l1 -text "Date (" -width 18 -font "Helvetica 10 bold"
spinbox $w.note.sync.f2.sb1 -textvariable sync_date_day -justify right -width 2 -from 1 -to 31
spinbox $w.note.sync.f2.sb2 -textvariable sync_date_month -justify right -width 2 -from 1 -to 12
spinbox $w.note.sync.f2.sb3 -textvariable sync_date_year -justify right -width 4 -from 2009 -to 2099
grid $w.note.sync.f2 -row 3 -column 0 -columnspan 1 -pady 0 -padx 10 -sticky ew
pack $w.note.sync.f2.l1 -side left -fill x
pack $w.note.sync.f2.sb1 -side left -fill x -padx 5
pack $w.note.sync.f2.sb2 -side left -fill x -padx 5
pack $w.note.sync.f2.sb3 -side left -fill x -padx 5
# Time / Date format
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.f1r -borderwidth 0
ttk::radiobutton $w.note.sync.f1r.rb1 -text "Metric units" -variable sync_use_metric_units -value 1 -style custom.TRadiobutton -command { switch_to_metric_units }
ttk::radiobutton $w.note.sync.f1r.rb2 -text "Imperial units" -variable sync_use_metric_units -value 0 -style custom.TRadiobutton -command { switch_to_imperial_units }
grid $w.note.sync.f1r -row 3 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -pady 0 -padx 10 -sticky ew
pack $w.note.sync.f1r.rb1 -side left -fill x -padx 5
pack $w.note.sync.f1r.rb2 -side left -fill x -padx 5
# Temperature
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.f4 -borderwidth 0
ttk::label $w.note.sync.f4.l1 -text "Temperature (\u00B0C)" -width 18 -font "Helvetica 10 bold"
spinbox $w.note.sync.f4.sb1 -textvariable sync_temperature_24 -justify right -width 3 -from -10 -to 60
grid $w.note.sync.f4 -row 5 -column 0 -columnspan 1 -pady 0 -padx 10 -sticky ew
pack $w.note.sync.f4.l1 -side left -fill x
pack $w.note.sync.f4.sb1 -side left -fill x -padx 5
# Altitude
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.f5 -borderwidth 0
ttk::label $w.note.sync.f5.l1 -text "Altitude (m)" -width 18 -font "Helvetica 10 bold"
spinbox $w.note.sync.f5.sb1 -textvariable sync_altitude_24 -justify right -width 4 -from -100 -to 4000
grid $w.note.sync.f5 -row 6 -column 0 -columnspan 1 -pady 0 -padx 10 -sticky ew
pack $w.note.sync.f5.l1 -side left -fill x
pack $w.note.sync.f5.sb1 -side left -fill x -padx 5
# Data log mode
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.f6 -borderwidth 0
ttk::label $w.note.sync.f6.l1 -text "Data log mode" -width 20 -font "Helvetica 10 bold"
ttk::checkbutton $w.note.sync.f6.cb1 -text "Heartrate" -variable sync_data_log_mode_hr
ttk::checkbutton $w.note.sync.f6.cb2 -text "Temperature" -variable sync_data_log_mode_temp
ttk::checkbutton $w.note.sync.f6.cb3 -text "Altitude" -variable sync_data_log_mode_alt
grid $w.note.sync.f6 -row 7 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 0 -padx 10 -sticky ew
pack $w.note.sync.f6.l1 -side left -fill x
pack $w.note.sync.f6.cb1 -side left -fill x -padx 5
pack $w.note.sync.f6.cb2 -side left -fill x -padx 5
pack $w.note.sync.f6.cb3 -side left -fill x -padx 5
# Data log interval
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.f7 -borderwidth 0
ttk::label $w.note.sync.f7.l1 -text "Data log interval (s)" -width 20 -font "Helvetica 10 bold"
spinbox $w.note.sync.f7.sb1 -textvariable sync_data_log_interval -justify right -width 2 -from 1 -to 60
grid $w.note.sync.f7 -row 8 -column 0 -columnspan 1 -pady 0 -padx 10 -sticky ew
pack $w.note.sync.f7.l1 -side left -fill x
pack $w.note.sync.f7.sb1 -side left -fill x -padx 5
# Data log bytes
ttk::labelframe $w.note.sync.f8 -borderwidth 0
ttk::label $w.note.sync.f8.l1 -text "Bytes logged" -width 20 -font "Helvetica 10 bold"
entry $w.note.sync.f8.sb1 -textvariable sync_data_log_bytes -justify right -width 5 -state readonly
grid $w.note.sync.f8 -row 9 -column 0 -columnspan 1 -pady 0 -padx 10 -sticky ew
pack $w.note.sync.f8.l1 -side left -fill x
pack $w.note.sync.f8.sb1 -side left -fill x -padx 5
# Status
labelframe $w.note.sync.status -borderwidth 1 -background "Yellow"
ttk::label $w.note.sync.status.l1 -text "Status:" -font "Helvetica 10 bold" -background "Yellow"
ttk::label $w.note.sync.status.l2 -text "Access Point is off." -font "Helvetica 10" -background "Yellow"
grid $w.note.sync.status -row 10 -column 0 -pady 20 -padx 10 -sticky ew -columnspan 2
pack $w.note.sync.status.l1 -side left -fill x
pack $w.note.sync.status.l2 -side left -fill x
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Wireless Update pane -------------------------------------------------------------------
ttk::frame $w.note.wbsl -style custom.TFrame
$w.note add $w.note.wbsl -text "Wireless Update" -underline 0 -padding 2
grid columnconfigure $w.note.wbsl {0 1} -weight 1 -uniform 1
ttk::label $w.note.wbsl.label0 -font "Helvetica 10 bold" -width 40 -wraplength 600 -justify center -text "Only use this update function with watch firmware that allows to invoke the Wireless Update on the watch again.\n\nOlder eZ430-Chronos kits require a manual software update of the watch and access point. See Chronoswiki."
grid $w.note.wbsl.label0 -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ew -columnspan 3 -pady 10 -padx 10
#ttk::labelframe $w.note.wbsl.lf -borderwidth 0
ttk::label $w.note.wbsl.label1 -font "Helvetica 10" -text "Select the firmware file that you want to download to the watch:"
ttk::entry $w.note.wbsl.entry0 -state readonly -textvariable select_input_file
grid $w.note.wbsl.label1 -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew -columnspan 3 -pady 10 -padx 10
grid $w.note.wbsl.entry0 -row 2 -column 0 -sticky ew -columnspan 2 -padx 10
ttk::button $w.note.wbsl.btnBrowse -text "Browse..." -command { open_file } -width 16
grid $w.note.wbsl.btnBrowse -row 2 -column 2 -sticky ew -padx 10
ttk::button $w.note.wbsl.btnDwnld -text "Update Chronos Watch" -command { start_wbsl_ap } -width 16 -default "active"
grid $w.note.wbsl.btnDwnld -row 3 -column 0 -sticky ew -pady 20 -padx 8 -columnspan 3
# Progress bar
labelframe $w.note.wbsl.frame1p -borderwidth 0
ttk::label $w.note.wbsl.frame1p.lblProgress -text "Progress " -font "Helvetica 10 bold"
ttk::progressbar $w.note.wbsl.frame1p.progBar -orient horizontal -value 0 -variable wbsl_progress -mode determinate
grid $w.note.wbsl.frame1p -row 4 -column 0 -sticky ew -pady 15 -padx 10 -columnspan 3
pack $w.note.wbsl.frame1p.lblProgress -side left
pack $w.note.wbsl.frame1p.progBar -side left -fill x -expand 1
#Dummy Labels to fill Space
ttk::label $w.note.wbsl.importantNote -width 80 -wraplength 640 -justify center -text "Important: If the wireless update fails during the firmware download to flash memory, the watch display will be blank and the watch will be in sleep mode. To restart the update, press the down button." -font "Helvetica 10 bold"
grid $w.note.wbsl.importantNote -row 5 -column 0 -sticky ew -columnspan 3 -pady 5 -padx 10
# Frame for status display
labelframe $w.note.wbsl.frame0b -borderwidth 1 -background "Yellow"
ttk::label $w.note.wbsl.frame0b.lblStatus -text "Status:" -font "Helvetica 10 bold" -background "Yellow"
ttk::label $w.note.wbsl.frame0b.lblStatusText -text "Access Point is off." -font "Helvetica 10" -background "Yellow"
grid $w.note.wbsl.frame0b -row 6 -column 0 -pady 48 -padx 10 -sticky ew -columnspan 3
pack $w.note.wbsl.frame0b.lblStatus -side left -fill x
pack $w.note.wbsl.frame0b.lblStatusText -side left -fill x
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# About pane -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ttk::frame $w.note.about -style custom.TFrame
$w.note add $w.note.about -text "About" -underline 0 -padding 2
grid rowconfigure $w.note.about 1 -weight 1 -uniform 1
grid columnconfigure $w.note.about {0 1} -weight 1 -uniform 1
# SimpliciTI box
ttk::labelframe $w.note.about.s -borderwidth 1
ttk::label $w.note.about.s.txt1 -font "Helvetica 12 bold" -justify "left" -width 4 -anchor center -style custom.TLabel -text "SimpliciTI\u2122"
ttk::label $w.note.about.s.txt2 -font "Helvetica 10" -width 80 -wraplength 550 -justify left -anchor n -style custom.TLabel \
-text "SimpliciTI\u2122 is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed at small RF networks.\
\n\nSuch networks typically contain battery operated devices which require long battery life, low data rate and low duty cycle and have a limited number of nodes talking directly to each other or through an access point or range extenders. Access point and range extenders are not required but provide extra functionality such as store and forward messages.\
\n\nWith SimpliciTI\u2122 the MCU resource requirements are minimal which results in low system cost."
ttk::label $w.note.about.s.txt3 -font "Helvetica 10 bold" -wraplength 550 -justify left -anchor n -style custom.TLabel -text "Learn more about SimpliciTI\u2122 at"
grid $w.note.about.s -row 0 -column 0 -sticky new -pady 0 -columnspan 2
pack $w.note.about.s.txt1 -side top -fill x -pady 5 -padx 2m
pack $w.note.about.s.txt2 -side top -fill x -pady 0 -padx 2m
pack $w.note.about.s.txt3 -side top -fill x -pady 5 -padx 2m
# BlueRobin box
ttk::labelframe $w.note.about.b -borderwidth 1
ttk::label $w.note.about.b.txt1 -font "Helvetica 12 bold italic" -foreground "Dark Blue" -justify "left" -width 4 -anchor center -text "BlueRobin\u2122" -style custom.TLabel
ttk::label $w.note.about.b.txt2 -font "Helvetica 10" -width 80 -wraplength 550 -justify left -anchor n -style custom.TLabel \
-text "The BlueRobin\u2122 protocol provides low data rate transmission for wireless body area sensor networks and team monitoring systems. Ultra-low power consumption, high reliability and low hardware costs are key elements of BlueRobin\u2122.\
\n\nBlueRobin\u2122 is successfully used in personal and multi-user heart rate monitoring systems, sports watches, chest straps, foot pods, cycle computers and other fitness equipment."
ttk::label $w.note.about.b.txt3 -font "Helvetica 10 bold" -wraplength 550 -justify left -anchor n -style custom.TLabel -text "Learn more about BlueRobin\u2122 at"
grid $w.note.about.b -row 1 -column 0 -sticky new -pady 5 -columnspan 2
pack $w.note.about.b.txt1 -side top -fill x -pady 5 -padx 2m
pack $w.note.about.b.txt2 -side top -fill x -pady 0 -padx 2m
pack $w.note.about.b.txt3 -side top -fill x -pady 5 -padx 2m
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help pane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ttk::frame $ -style custom.TFrame
$w.note add $ -text "Help" -underline 0 -padding 2
grid rowconfigure $ 1 -weight 1 -uniform 1
grid columnconfigure $ {0 1} -weight 1 -uniform 1
ttk::labelframe $ -borderwidth 1
ttk::label $ -font "Helvetica 12 bold" -justify "right" -width 4 -anchor center -style custom.TLabel -text "Help"
ttk::label $ -font "Helvetica 10" -width 80 -wraplength 500 -justify left -anchor n -style custom.TLabel \
-text "If you cannot communicate with the RF access point, please check the following points:\
\n\n1) Do you have another instance of the GUI open?\n\nIf so, please close it, since it may block the COM port.\
\n\n2) Is the RF Access Point mounted (will be done automatically by Linux)?\n\nIt must appear as '/dev/ttyACM0'. You might also want to run the 'lsusb' command. The RF Access Point should be listed as 'Bus xxx Device xxx: ID 0451:16a6 Texas Instruments, Inc.'. If not, disconnect the RF Access Point from the USB port and reconnect it."
pack $ -side top -fill x -pady 10 -padx 5m
pack $ -side top -fill x -pady 10 -padx 5m
grid $ -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ew -pady 0 -columnspan 2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic SimpliciTI functions -----------------------------------------------------------
# Start RF access point
proc start_simpliciti_ap { } {
global w
global simpliciti_on com_available
global simpliciti_ap_started
# No com port?
if { $com_available == 0} { return }
# SimpliciTI on?
if { $simpliciti_on == 1 } { return }
updateStatusSYNC "Starting access point."
after 500
# Link with SimpliciTI transmitter
catch { BM_SPL_Start } result
if { $result == 0 } {
updateStatusSYNC "Failed to start access point."
after 500
# Set on flag after some waiting time
set simpliciti_on 1
# Cancel out first received data
set simpliciti_ap_started 0
# Reconfig buttons
$w.note.sync.f0.btn_start_ap configure -text "Stop Access Point" -command { stop_simpliciti_ap }
updateStatusSYNC "Access point started. Now start watch in sync mode."
# Stop RF access point
proc stop_simpliciti_ap {} {
global w
global simpliciti_on com_available
global simpliciti_ap_started
# AP off?
if { $simpliciti_on == 0 } { return }
# Clear on flags
set simpliciti_on 0
# Send sync exit command
BM_SYNC_SendCommand 7
after 750
# Now stop SimpliciTI
# Show that link is inactive
updateStatusSYNC "Access point is off."
# Clear values
set simpliciti_ap_started 0
# Reconfig button
$w.note.sync.f0.btn_start_ap configure -text "Start Access Point" -command { start_simpliciti_ap }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SimpliciTI sync functions --------------------------------------------------------------
# Read watch settings
proc sync_read_watch {} {
global w simpliciti_on
global sync_use_metric_units sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours_24 sync_time_hours_12 sync_time_minutes sync_time_seconds
global sync_date_year sync_date_month sync_date_day
global sync_data_log_bytes sync_data_log_mode sync_data_log_interval
global sync_data_log_mode_hr sync_data_log_mode_temp sync_data_log_mode_alt sync_data_log_mode_acc
global sync_temperature_24 sync_altitude_24
# AP not enabled?
if { !$simpliciti_on } { return }
# Dummy read to clean buffer
catch { BM_SYNC_ReadBuffer } bin
# Request watch data
BM_SYNC_SendCommand 2
updateStatusSYNC "Requesting watch data."
# Wait for buffer to be filled with RX packet - or timeout
set repeat 10
while { $repeat > 0 } {
after 100
set status [ BM_SYNC_GetBufferStatus ]
if { $status == 1 } {
updateStatusSYNC "Received watch status information."
set repeat 0
catch { BM_SYNC_ReadBuffer } data
# Decode received data
# Received hours is always 24H format
set sync_use_metric_units [format "%d" [expr ([lindex $data 1]>>7) & 0x01 ]]
set sync_time_hours_24 [expr [lindex $data 1] & 0x7F]
set sync_time_minutes [format "%d" [lindex $data 2]]
set sync_time_seconds [format "%d" [lindex $data 3]]
set sync_date_year [format "%d" [expr ([lindex $data 4]<<8) + [lindex $data 5]]]
set sync_date_month [format "%d" [lindex $data 6]]
set sync_date_day [format "%d" [lindex $data 7]]
set sync_alarm_hours [format "%d" [lindex $data 8]]
set sync_alarm_minutes [format "%d" [lindex $data 9]]
set sync_temperature_24 [format "%2.0f" [expr [format "%2.1f" [expr ([lindex $data 10]<<8) + [lindex $data 11]]] / 10]]
set sync_altitude_24 [format "%d" [expr ([lindex $data 12]<<8) + [lindex $data 13]]]
set sync_data_log_mode [format "%d" [lindex $data 14]]
set sync_data_log_interval [format "%d" [lindex $data 15]]
set sync_data_log_bytes [format "%d" [expr ([lindex $data 16]<<8) + [lindex $data 17]]]
# Decode data log mode bits
if { [expr $sync_data_log_mode & 0x01] } { set sync_data_log_mode_hr 1 }
if { [expr $sync_data_log_mode & 0x02] } { set sync_data_log_mode_temp 1 }
if { [expr $sync_data_log_mode & 0x04] } { set sync_data_log_mode_alt 1 }
# Calculate new 24H / 12H time
# Reconfigure display
if { $sync_use_metric_units == 1 } {
} else {
} else {
set repeat [expr $repeat-1]
updateStatusSYNC "Error: Did not receive watch status information."
# Write watch settings
proc sync_write_watch {} {
global w simpliciti_on
global sync_use_metric_units sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours_24 sync_time_minutes sync_time_seconds
global sync_date_year sync_date_month sync_date_day
global sync_data_log_mode sync_data_log_interval
global sync_data_log_mode_hr sync_data_log_mode_temp sync_data_log_mode_alt sync_data_log_mode_acc
global sync_temperature_24 sync_altitude_24
# AP not enabled?
if { !$simpliciti_on } { return }
# Assemble mode bits
set sync_data_log_mode [expr ($sync_data_log_mode_hr&0x01) | (($sync_data_log_mode_temp<<1)&0x02) | (($sync_data_log_mode_alt<<2)&0x04)]
# Assemble command string
lappend cmd 0x03
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" [expr $sync_time_hours_24 | (($sync_use_metric_units<<7)&0x80)]]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $sync_time_minutes]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $sync_time_seconds]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" [expr $sync_date_year >> 8]]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" [expr $sync_date_year & 0xFF]]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $sync_date_month]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $sync_date_day]
lappend cmd "0x00 "
lappend cmd "0x00 "
set t1 [format "%.0f" [expr $sync_temperature_24*10]]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" [expr $t1 >> 8]]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" [expr $t1 & 0xFF]]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" [expr $sync_altitude_24 >> 8]]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" [expr $sync_altitude_24 & 0xFF]]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $sync_data_log_mode]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $sync_data_log_interval]
# Transfer command to RF access point
BM_SYNC_SendCommand $cmd
updateStatusSYNC "Sent data to watch."
# Update am/pm setting for a given 24H time
proc update_time_24 { hours } {
global sync_use_metric_units sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours
if { $hours >= 12 } {
set sync_time_is_am 0
} else {
set sync_time_is_am 1
# Convert to 12H time format
proc convert_time_to_12 { hours } {
global sync_use_metric_units sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours
if { $hours == 0 } {
set sync_time_is_am 1
set sync_time_hours [expr $hours + 12]
} elseif { $hours <= 12 } {
set sync_time_is_am 1
set sync_time_hours $hours
} else {
set sync_time_is_am 0
set sync_time_hours [expr $hours - 12]
# Convert global time to 24H time format
proc convert_time_to_24 {} {
global sync_use_metric_units sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours
if { $sync_use_metric_units == 1 } {
set hours $sync_time_hours
} else {
if { $sync_time_is_am == 1 } {
set hours $sync_time_hours
} else {
set hours [expr $sync_time_hours + 12]
return $hours
# Read system time and date
proc sync_get_time_and_date {} {
global w
global sync_use_metric_units sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours_24 sync_time_minutes sync_time_seconds
global sync_date_year sync_date_month sync_date_day
# Get date
set sync_date_year [format "%04.0f" [expr [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y"]]]
set sync_date_month [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%m"]
if { [string first 0 $sync_date_month] == 0 } {
set sync_date_month [string replace $sync_date_month 0 0]
set sync_date_day [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%e"]
# Get hours
set sync_time_hours_24 [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H"]
if { [string first 0 $sync_time_hours_24] == 0 } {
set sync_time_hours_24 [string replace $sync_time_hours_24 0 0]
# Calculate hours in 12H time format
# Get minutes and seconds
set sync_time_minutes [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%M"]
if { [string first 0 $sync_time_minutes] == 0 } {
set sync_time_minutes [string replace $sync_time_minutes 0 0]
set sync_time_seconds [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%S"]
if { [string first 0 $sync_time_seconds] == 0 } {
set sync_time_seconds [string replace $sync_time_seconds 0 0]
updateStatusSYNC "Copied system time and date to watch settings."
# Download packets, first in a burst, then missed packets packet-by-packet
proc sync_download {} {
global w simpliciti_on #ga declare ni ug variable namely w and
simpliciti_on ??
global sync_data_log_bytes sync_file
global packets_max packet packets_expected
# AP not enabled?
if { $simpliciti_on == 0 } { return }
# No bytes to download?
if { $sync_data_log_bytes == 0 } { return }
updateStatusSYNC "Requesting watch data."
# Dummy read to clean buffer
catch { BM_SYNC_ReadBuffer } bin
after 10
# Calculate how many packets (1 packet = 16 bytes data) are available for download
set packet_start 0
set packet_end [expr $sync_data_log_bytes / 16]
set packets_expected [expr $packet_end + 1]
set packets_per_burst 50
set packets_received 0
# Prepare received packet buffer
for { set i 0 } { $i < $packets_max } {incr i } {
set packet($i) "m" # packet($i) is an array?? What is “m” for>
# Request packet bursts until all packets have been requested once
for { set i 0 } { $i < $packets_expected } {set i [expr $i + $packets_per_burst]} {
# Request burst
set start_hi [expr ($i >> 8) & 0xFF]
set start_lo [expr $i & 0xFF]
if { $packet_end > [expr $i + $packets_per_burst] } {
set end_hi [expr (($i + $packets_per_burst - 1) >> 8) & 0xFF]
set end_lo [expr ($i + $packets_per_burst - 1) & 0xFF]
} else {
# Last burst request
set end_hi [expr ($packet_end >> 8) & 0xFF]
set end_lo [expr $packet_end & 0xFF]
lappend cmd 0x04
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $start_hi] #what lappend cmd actually do in
this lines?
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $start_lo]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $end_hi]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $end_lo]
# Transfer command to RF access point
BM_SYNC_SendCommand $cmd
# Wait for buffer to be filled - or timeout
set repeat 200
while { $repeat > 0 } {
set status [ BM_SYNC_GetBufferStatus ]
if { $status == 1 } {
catch { BM_SYNC_ReadBuffer } data
#binary scan $bin H* hex
# Store packet
set idx [format "%d" [expr ([lindex $data 1]<<8) + [lindex $data 2]]]
#set idx [expr 0x[string range $hex 2 5]] #what is the use of
if { $packet($idx) == "m" } {
#set packet($idx) $hex
set packet($idx) $data
incr packets_received
updateStatusSYNC "Received [format %4d [expr $packets_received*16]] bytes."
set repeat 10
} else {
set repeat [expr $repeat-1]
after 2
# Clear buffer
catch { BM_SYNC_ReadBuffer } bin
# While packets are missing, download them separately (up to 180 missed packets)
set packets_missed_count 1
set repeats 0
while { $packets_missed_count > 0 && $repeats < 20 } {
incr repeats
# Create list of missed packets
catch { unset packets_missed }
set packets_missed_count 0
for { set i 0 } { $i < $packets_expected } {incr i } {
if { $packet($i) == "m" } {
lappend packets_missed $i
incr packets_missed_count
# Packets missed?
if { $packets_missed_count > 0 } {
# Request 9 packets per command
set packets_single [lrange $packets_missed 0 8] #setting range from 0 to 8??
# Add dummy packets
while { [llength $packets_single] < 9 } {
lappend packets_single [lindex $packets_missed 0]
# Split packet indizes into high and low byte
for { set i 0 } { $i < 9 } {incr i } {
set ps_hi($i) [expr ([lindex $packets_single $i] >> 8) & 0xFF]
set ps_lo($i) [expr [lindex $packets_single $i] & 0xFF]
# Request packets
updateStatusSYNC "Requesting missed packets $packets_single"
# Assemble command string
unset cmd
lappend cmd "0x05"
for { set i 0 } { $i < 9 } {incr i } {
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $ps_hi($i)]
lappend cmd [format "0x%02X" $ps_lo($i)]
# Transfer command to RF access point
BM_SYNC_SendCommand $cmd
# Wait for buffer to be filled - or timeout
set repeat 100
while { $repeat > 0 } {
set status [ BM_SYNC_GetBufferStatus ]
if { $status == 1 } {
catch { BM_SYNC_ReadBuffer } data #what is the role of “data” here??
# Store packet #what does this line mean ([lindex $data 1]<<8) ??
set idx [format "%d" [expr ([lindex $data 1]<<8) + [lindex $data 2]]]
if { $packet($idx) == "m" } {
set packet($idx) $data
incr packets_received
updateStatusSYNC "Received [format %4d [expr $packets_received*16]] bytes."
set repeat 20
} else {
set repeat [expr $repeat-1]
after 2
# Output received data
if { $packets_received >= $packets_expected } {
} else {
updateStatusSYNC "Error: Did not receive all logged data."
# Dummy read to clean buffer
catch { BM_SYNC_ReadBuffer } bin
# Decode datastream
proc sync_decode_data {} {
global sync_file sync_data_log_mode
global packets_max packet packets_expected
#global hex_arr
global sync_use_metric_units
updateStatusSYNC "Writing data to file."
set wp [open $sync_file w]
# Write raw data and create a hex array
set decode 1
set hex_arr_len 0
set data_stream ""
for { set i 0 } { $i < $packets_expected } {incr i } {
# Uncomment next line to output raw data at start of file
#puts $wp "$i $packet($i)"
if { $packet($i) != "m" } {
# Split data line in separate bytes
set data [ split $packet($i) " " ]
# Append data bytes to raw data stream
for { set j 3 } { $j <= 18 } { incr j } {
lappend hex_arr [lindex $data $j]
} else {
# Data missing?
updateStatusSYNC "Error: Not all data has been received."
# Append dummy byte to eof
lappend hex_arr 0x00
lappend hex_arr 0x00
lappend hex_arr 0x00
lappend hex_arr 0x00
# Decode data (format is lo-hi) and write to file
set session 0
for { set i 0 } { $i < [expr [llength $hex_arr] - 2] } {incr i } {
# Scan for markers
# Markers can appear only at 16-bit boundaries
if { [lindex $hex_arr $i]==0 && [expr $i%2]==1 } {
set next_word [expr ([lindex $hex_arr [expr $i+2]]<<8) | [lindex $hex_arr [expr $i+1]]]
} else {
set next_word [expr ([lindex $hex_arr [expr $i+1]]<<8) | [lindex $hex_arr $i]]
# Check for start marker
if { $session == 0 } {
if { $next_word == 0xFFFB } {
set session 1
# Decode header
incr i
incr i
set rec_mode [format "0x%02X" [lindex $hex_arr $i]]
incr i
set rec_interval [format %02d [lindex $hex_arr $i]]
incr i
set rec_day [format %02d [lindex $hex_arr $i]]
incr i
set rec_month [format %02d [lindex $hex_arr $i]]
incr i
set rec_year [expr ([lindex $hex_arr [expr $i+1]]<<8) | [lindex $hex_arr $i]]
incr i
incr i
set rec_hour [format %02d [lindex $hex_arr $i]]
incr i
set rec_minute [format %02d [lindex $hex_arr $i]]
incr i
set rec_second [format %02d [lindex $hex_arr $i]]
set start_time [clock scan "$rec_year-$rec_month-$rec_day $rec_hour:$rec_minute:$rec_second" -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}]
} elseif { $next_word == 0xFFFE } {
# End marker found
set session 0
} else {
# Get the next data set bytes
set byte0 [lindex $hex_arr $i]
set byte1 [lindex $hex_arr [expr $i+1]]
set byte2 [lindex $hex_arr [expr $i+2]]
set byte3 [lindex $hex_arr [expr $i+3]]
set rec_hr 0
set rec_temp 0
set rec_alt 0
# Decode data
switch $rec_mode {
0x01 { # HR
set rec_hr [format %d $byte0]
0x02 { # TEMP
set rec_temp [format %2.1f [expr [format %2.1f [expr (($byte0<<8) | $byte1)]]/10]]
# Move to next data set
set i [expr $i+2-1]
0x04 { # ALT
set rec_alt [format %d [expr ($byte0<<8) | $byte1]]
# Move to next data set
set i [expr $i+2-1]
0x07 { # HR + TEMP + ALT
set rec_hr [format %d $byte0]
set rec_temp [format %2.1f [expr [format %2.1f [expr (($byte1<<4) | (($byte2>>4)&0x0F))]]/10]]
set rec_alt [format %d [expr (($byte2&0x0F)<<8) | $byte3]]
# Move to next data set
set i [expr $i+4-1]
0x03 { # HR + TEMP
set rec_hr [format %d $byte0]
set rec_temp [format %2.1f [expr [format %2.1f [expr (($byte1<<8) | $byte2)]]/10]]
# Move to next data set
set i [expr $i+3-1]
0x05 { # HR + ALT
set rec_hr [format %d $byte0]
set rec_alt [format %d [expr ($byte1<<8) | $byte2]]
# Move to next data set
set i [expr $i+3-1]
0x06 { # TEMP + ALT
set rec_temp [format %2.1f [expr [format %2.1f [expr (($byte0<<4) | (($byte1>>4)&0x0F))]]/10]]
set rec_alt [format %d [expr (($byte1&0x0F)<<8) | $byte2]]
# Move to next data set
set i [expr $i+3-1]
# Convert metric temperature and altitude to Imperial units
if { $sync_use_metric_units == 0 } {
set rec_temp [format %2.1f [expr ($rec_temp*9)/5+32]]
set rec_alt [format %.0f [expr $rec_alt*3.28084]]
# Write data set to file
puts $wp "[clock format $start_time -format {%d.%m.%Y}],[clock format $start_time -format {%H:%M:%S}],$rec_hr,$rec_temp,$rec_alt"
# Calculate time for next data sample
set start_time [expr $start_time + $rec_interval]
close $wp
after 500
updateStatusSYNC "Data download finished."
# Erase memory on watch
proc sync_erase {} {
global w simpliciti_on
global sync_data_log_bytes
# AP not enabled?
if { !$simpliciti_on } { return }
# Transfer command to RF access point
BM_SYNC_SendCommand 6
updateStatusSYNC "Sent erase command to watch."
after 1000
updateStatusSYNC "Updating watch status."
# Check if erase was successful
if { $sync_data_log_bytes != 0 } {
updateStatusSYNC "Error: Memory erase or status update failed. Please try again."
# Change all affected parameters to metric units / 24H time format
proc switch_to_metric_units {} {
global w
global sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours
global sync_date_year sync_date_month sync_date_day
global sync_temperature_24 sync_altitude_24
# Update 24H time
# Reconfigure hours
$w.note.sync.f1.sb1 configure -textvariable sync_time_hours_24 -command { update_time_24 } -from 0 -to 23
$w.note.sync.ampm.rb1 configure -state disabled
$w.note.sync.ampm.rb2 configure -state disabled
# Configure date fields
$w.note.sync.f2.l1 configure -text "Date ("
$w.note.sync.f2.sb1 configure -textvariable sync_date_day -from 1 -to 31
$w.note.sync.f2.sb2 configure -textvariable sync_date_month -from 1 -to 12
# Change temperature
$w.note.sync.f4.l1 configure -text "Temperature (\u00B0C)"
$w.note.sync.f4.sb1 configure -textvariable sync_temperature_24 -from -10 -to 60
# Change altitude
$w.note.sync.f5.l1 configure -text "Altitude (m)"
$w.note.sync.f5.sb1 configure -textvariable sync_altitude_24 -from -100 -to 4000
# Change all affected parameters to imperial units / 12H time format
proc switch_to_imperial_units {} {
global w
global sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours
global sync_date_year sync_date_month sync_date_day
global sync_temperature_12 sync_altitude_12
# Update 12H time
# Reconfigure hours
$w.note.sync.f1.sb1 configure -textvariable sync_time_hours_12 -command { update_time_12 } -from 1 -to 12
$w.note.sync.ampm.rb1 configure -state normal
$w.note.sync.ampm.rb2 configure -state normal
# Change date
$w.note.sync.f2.l1 configure -text "Date (mm.dd.yyyy)"
$w.note.sync.f2.sb1 configure -textvariable sync_date_month -from 1 -to 12
$w.note.sync.f2.sb2 configure -textvariable sync_date_day -from 1 -to 31
# Change temperature
$w.note.sync.f4.l1 configure -text "Temperature (\u00B0F)"
$w.note.sync.f4.sb1 configure -textvariable sync_temperature_12 -from 14 -to 140
# Change altitude
$w.note.sync.f5.l1 configure -text "Altitude (ft)"
$w.note.sync.f5.sb1 configure -textvariable sync_altitude_12 -from -328 -to 9999
# Keep 24H and 12H time variable in sync
proc update_time_24 {} {
global sync_use_metric_units sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours_24 sync_time_hours_12
# Calculate 12H time
if { $sync_time_hours_24 == 0 } {
set sync_time_hours_12 [expr $sync_time_hours_24 + 12]
set sync_time_is_am 1
} elseif { $sync_time_hours_24 <= 12 } {
set sync_time_hours_12 $sync_time_hours_24
set sync_time_is_am 1
} else {
set sync_time_hours_12 [expr $sync_time_hours_24 - 12]
set sync_time_is_am 0
# Keep 24H and 12H time variable in sync
proc update_time_12 {} {
global sync_use_metric_units sync_time_is_am sync_time_hours_24 sync_time_hours_12
# Calculate 12H time
if { $sync_time_is_am == 1 } {
if { $sync_time_hours_12 == 12 } {
set sync_time_hours_24 0
} else {
set sync_time_hours_24 $sync_time_hours_12
} else {
set sync_time_hours_24 [expr $sync_time_hours_12 + 12]
# Trace altitude and temperature and update internal units
proc update_temperature args {
global sync_use_metric_units sync_temperature_24 sync_temperature_12
# Convert to internal format
if { $sync_use_metric_units == 1 } {
set sync_temperature_12 [format "%2.0f" [expr ($sync_temperature_24*9/5)+32]]
} else {
set sync_temperature_24 [format "%2.0f" [expr ($sync_temperature_12-32)/9*5]]
proc update_altitude args {
global sync_use_metric_units sync_altitude_24 sync_altitude_12
# Convert to internal format
if { $sync_use_metric_units == 1 } {
set sync_altitude_12 [format "%4.0f" [expr $sync_altitude_24*3.28084]]
} else {
set sync_altitude_24 [format "%4.0f" [expr $sync_altitude_12/3.28084]]
trace add variable sync_temperature_24 write update_temperature
trace add variable sync_temperature_12 write update_temperature
trace add variable sync_altitude_24 write update_altitude
trace add variable sync_altitude_12 write update_altitude
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# WBSL Update functions ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prompt the user to select a file
proc open_file {} {
global select_input_file
global w
set types {
{{CC430 Firmware} {.txt} }
set select_input_file [tk_getOpenFile -title "Select File" -filetypes $types]
# Safely execute WBSL service functions (non-overlapping)
proc call_wbsl_funcs {} {
global call_wbsl_timer call_wbsl_1 call_wbsl_2
if { $call_wbsl_timer == $call_wbsl_1 } {
set call_wbsl_1 [expr $call_wbsl_timer + 2]
if { $call_wbsl_timer == $call_wbsl_2 } {
set call_wbsl_2 [expr $call_wbsl_timer + 3]
incr call_wbsl_timer
# Start the Wireless update procedure, and put RF Access Point in RX mode
proc start_wbsl_ap {} {
global w
global simpliciti_on com_available
global wbsl_on select_input_file
global wbsl_ap_started
global fsize
global fp
global rData
global rData_index
global low_index
global list_count maxPayload
global ram_updater_downloaded
global wirelessUpdateStarted
# init needed variables
set rData [list]
set rData_index 0
set low_index 0
# No com port?
if { $com_available == 0} { return }
# Testing REMOVE
# set ram_updater_downloaded 1
set ram_updater_file "ram_based_updater.txt"
if { $ram_updater_downloaded == 0 } {
# Check that the user has selected a file
if { [string length $select_input_file] == 0 } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "No file selected" {Please select a watch firmware file (*.txt) to download to the watch.} info 0 OK
# Check that the file selected by the user has the extension .txt
if { [string first ".txt" $select_input_file] == -1 } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Invalid .txt File" {The file selected is not a .txt file.} info 0 OK
# First off check that the file trying to be downloaded has the right format
catch { file size $select_input_file } fsize
# Check if the file exist
if { [string first "no such file" $fsize] != -1 } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "File doesnt exist" {The selected file doesnt exist, please verify the path.} info 0 OK
# Open the file for reading
catch { open $select_input_file r } fp
fconfigure $fp -translation binary
# read the first character of the file, it should be an @ symbol
set test_at [read $fp 1]
if { $test_at != "@" } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Invalid .txt File" {The .txt file is NOT formatted correctly.} info 0 OK
close $fp
# read the complete file
set rawdata [read $fp $fsize]
close $fp
# Remove spaces, tabs, endlines from the data
regsub -all {[ \r\t\nq]*} $rawdata "" stripped_data
set lines 0
# Divide the file by the symbol @ so that in each list there is data to be written consecutively at the address indicated by the first 2 bytes
set datainlist [split $stripped_data "@"]
set list_count 0
set byteCounter 0
# For each line, convert the ASCII format in which is saved to Raw HEX format
foreach lines $datainlist {
set lines [join $lines]
regsub -all {[ \r\t\nq]*} $lines "" line
if { [catch { binary format H* $line } line] } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Invalid .txt File" {The .txt file is NOT formatted correctly.} info 0 OK
lappend rData $line
incr list_count
# Check if the RAM_UPDATER is not yet on the watch so that we download this first
if { $ram_updater_downloaded == 0 } {
# init needed variables
set rData [list]
set rData_index 0
set low_index 0
catch { file size $ram_updater_file} fsize
# Check that the RAM Updater file is present on the GUI working directory
if { [string first "no such file" $fsize] != -1 } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "No Updater File" {The RAM Updater File is not present on the working directory. Filename should be:ram_based_updater.txt} info 0 OK
catch { open $ram_updater_file r } fp
fconfigure $fp -translation binary
set test_at [read $fp 1]
if { $test_at != "@" } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Invalid .txt File" {The ram_based_updater.txt file is NOT formatted correctly.} info 0 OK
close $fp
set rawdata [read $fp $fsize]
close $fp
# Remove spaces, tabs, endlines from the data
regsub -all {[ \r\t\nq]*} $rawdata "" stripped_data
set datainlist [split $stripped_data "@"]
set list_count 0
set byteCounter 0
foreach lines $datainlist {
set lines [join $lines]
regsub -all {[ \r\t\nq]*} $lines "" line
if { [catch { binary format H* $line } line] } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Invalid .txt File" {The ram_based_updater.txt file is NOT formatted correctly.} info 0 OK
lappend rData $line
incr list_count
# In AP mode?
if { $simpliciti_on == 1 } {
after 500
updateStatusWBSL "Starting Wireless Update."
after 200
# Link with WBSL transmitter
after 100
set result [ BM_WBSL_GetMaxPayload ]
after 10
set result [ BM_WBSL_GetMaxPayload ]
if { $result < 2 } {
updateStatusWBSL "$result Failed to start Wireless Update."
set maxPayload $result
# Calculate the number of packets needed to be sent
#initialize the number of packets
set fsize 0
# sum up all the bytes to be sent
foreach block $rData {
set byteCounter [string length $block]
set dByte [expr {double($byteCounter)}]
set dMax [expr {double($maxPayload)} ]
set temp [ceil [expr $dByte / $dMax]]
set fsize [expr $fsize + $temp]
# Set on WBSL flag
set wbsl_on 1
# Cancel out first received data
set wbsl_ap_started 0
# Reconfig buttons
$w.note.wbsl.btnDwnld configure -text "Cancel Update" -command { stop_wbsl_ap }
# Stop the wireless update procedure
proc stop_wbsl_ap {} {
global w
global simpliciti_on com_available wbsl_on
global ram_updater_downloaded
global wirelessUpdateStarted
# AP off?
if { $wbsl_on == 0 } { return }
# Clear on flags
set wbsl_on 0
set ram_updater_downloaded 0
after 500
# Show that link is inactive
updateStatusWBSL "Wireless Update is off."
# Initialize the variable that tell us when the update procedure has been initiated by the Watch
set wirelessUpdateStarted 0
# Reconfig button and re-enable it in case the update procedure was started and it was disabled during the procedure
$w.note.wbsl.btnDwnld configure -text "Update Chronos Watch" -command { start_wbsl_ap } -state enabled
proc get_wbsl_packet_status {} {
global w
global wbsl_on
global wbsl_ap_started
global fsize
global fp
global rData
global rData_index
global low_index
global list_count maxPayload
global wbsl_opcode
global ram_updater_downloaded
global vcp_reply
set status 0
# return if WBSL is not active
if { $wbsl_on == 0 } { return }
# Check packet status
set status [ BM_WBSL_GetPacketStatus ]
if { $status == 1 } {
# WBSL_DISABLED Not started by watch
} elseif { $status == 2 } {
# WBSL Is processing a packet
} elseif { $status == 4 } {
# Send the size of the file
set packets [expr {int($fsize)} ]
# send opcode 0 which is a info packet, which contains the total packets to be sent
catch { BM_WBSL_SendData 0 $packets } status
# The next packet will contain an address
set wbsl_opcode 1
} elseif { $status == 8 } {
# Send the next data packet
if { $rData_index < $list_count } {
# Choose the appropriate block of data
set data_block [lindex $rData $rData_index]
# Get the size of the block of data, to know if we have sent all of the data in this block and move to the next
set block_size [string length $data_block]
# Read MaxPayload Bytes from the list
set c_data [string range $data_block $low_index [expr $low_index + [expr $maxPayload - 1]]]
# Send the read bytes to the dongle
set status [BM_WBSL_SendData $wbsl_opcode $c_data]
#update the low index
set low_index [expr $low_index + $maxPayload]
# Next packet is a normal data packet
set wbsl_opcode 2
if { $low_index >= $block_size } {
incr rData_index
set low_index 0
# Next packet will include an address at the beginning of the packet
set wbsl_opcode 1
} else {
# ERROR only the previous options should be returned
if { $ram_updater_downloaded == 0 } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Error in communication" {There was an error in the communication between the RF Access Point and the watch during the download to RAM. The watch should have reset itself. Please retry the update the same way as before.} info 0 OK
} else {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Error in communication" {There was an error in the communication between the RF Access Point and the watch during the download to Flash. The watch is in a sleep mode now. Please press the "Update Chronos Watch" first and then press the down button on the watch to restart the update.} info 0 OK
after 200
# Get the global status of the AP, check if the state in which the GUI is, matches the state of the AP
proc get_wbsl_status {} {
global w vcp
global wbsl_on
global wbsl_ap_started wbsl_progress
global ram_updater_downloaded
global wirelessUpdateStarted
global wbsl_timer_flag
global vcp_reply fh
set status 0
# return if WBSL is not active
if { $wbsl_on == 0 } { return }
# Check if the flag has been set, which means the communication was lost while trying to link to download the update image
if { $wbsl_timer_flag == 1 } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Error in communication" {There was an error in the communication between the AP and the Watch while trying to start the download to Flash. The watch should have reset itself. Please retry the update the same way as before.} info 0 OK
after 300
# Update status box
set status [ BM_GetStatus1 ]
if { $status == 9 } {
# just starting AP
updateStatusWBSL "Starting access point."
# Check if there was an error during the communication between the AP and the watch
} elseif { $status == 11 || $status == 12 } {
if { $ram_updater_downloaded == 0 } {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Error in communication" {There was an error in the communication between the RF Access Point and the watch during the download to RAM. The watch should have reset itself. Please retry the update the same way as before.} info 0 OK
} else {
tk_dialog .dialog1 "Error in communication" {There was an error in the communication between the RF Access Point and the watch during the download to Flash. The watch is in sleep mode now. Please press the "Update Chronos Watch" first and then press the down button on the watch to restart the update.} info 0 OK
after 300
} elseif { $status == 10 } {
# Read WBSL data from dongle
set data [ BM_WBSL_GetStatus ]
# if { $data == "" } { return }
if { $wbsl_ap_started == 0} {
if { $ram_updater_downloaded == 0 } {
updateStatusWBSL "Access point started. Now start watch in rFbSL mode."
after 2000
} else {
updateStatusWBSL "Starting to download update image to watch."
# We will now try to link with the watch to start downloading the Update Image, we need a timer in case the communication is lost
# while trying to link, since for the linking to start, the Dongle normally waits until the watch initiates the procedure.
wbsl_set_timer 1
set wbsl_ap_started 1
} else {
# Check if data is valid
if { $data < 0 } {
set wbsl_progress $data
if { $wbsl_progress != 0 } {
if { $wirelessUpdateStarted == 0 } {
set wirelessUpdateStarted 1
# Reconfig buttons
$w.note.wbsl.btnDwnld configure -state disabled
if { $ram_updater_downloaded == 1 } {
# The download to FLASH has started, we don't need the timer to keep running
updateStatusWBSL "Downloading update image to watch. Progress: [format %d $wbsl_progress]%"
if { $wbsl_progress >= 100 } {
updateStatusWBSL "Image has been successfully downloaded to the watch"
after 1500
} else {
updateStatusWBSL "Downloading the RAM Based Updater. Progress: [format %d $wbsl_progress]%"
#puts $fh "\nDownloading the RAM Based Updater.\n"
if { $wbsl_progress >= 100 } {
updateStatusWBSL "RAM Based Updater downloaded. Starting download of update image."
set ram_updater_downloaded 1
set wbsl_on 0
# Stop and reset the timer variables
proc wbsl_reset_timer { } {
global wbsl_timer_enabled
global wbsl_timer_counter
global wbsl_timer_flag
global wbsl_timer_timeout
set wbsl_timer_counter 0
set wbsl_timer_flag 0
set wbsl_timer_timeout 0
set wbsl_timer_enabled 0
# Set the timeout variable and start the timer
proc wbsl_set_timer { timeout } {
global wbsl_timer_enabled
global wbsl_timer_counter
global wbsl_timer_flag
global wbsl_timer_timeout
set wbsl_timer_counter 0
set wbsl_timer_flag 0
set wbsl_timer_timeout $timeout
set wbsl_timer_enabled 1
# Called every 2.5 seconds, acts as the timer, it only counts if it's enabled
proc wbsl_simple_timer {} {
global wbsl_timer_enabled
global wbsl_timer_counter
global wbsl_timer_flag
global wbsl_timer_timeout
if { $wbsl_timer_enabled == 0 } {
set wbsl_timer_counter [expr $wbsl_timer_counter+1]
if { $wbsl_timer_counter > $wbsl_timer_timeout } {
set wbsl_timer_flag 1
set wbsl_timer_enabled 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# System procedures
# Generic file browse dialog
proc fileDialog {w ent operation} {
global selected_type
# Define default file types
set types {
{"eZ430-Chronos datalogger files" {.log} }
{"All files" *}
# Use standard Windows file dialog
if {$operation == "open"} {
if {![info exists selected_type]} {
set selected_type "eZ430-Chronos datalogger files"
set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -parent $w -typevariable selected_type]
} else {
set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -parent $w -initialfile Untitled -defaultextension .log]
# Copy selected file to entry
if {[string compare $file ""]} {
$ent delete 0 end
$ent insert 0 $file
$ent xview end
# Read variables from file
proc load_ini_file {} {
global w
global ini_file
global sync_use_metric_units
# Try to open file with key definitions
catch { set fhandle [open "$ini_file" r] } res
# Exit if file is missing
if { [string first "couldn't open" $res] == 0 } { return }
fconfigure $fhandle -buffering line
# Read file line by line and set global variables
while { ![eof $fhandle] } {
# Get next line
gets $fhandle line
# Split line
set data [ split $line "=" ]
# Verify that extracted strings consist of ASCII characters
if { [string is ascii [ lindex $data 0 ]] && [string is ascii [ lindex $data 1 ]] } {
# Set variable
set [ lindex $data 0 ] [ lindex $data 1 ]
close $fhandle
# Save variables to file
proc save_ini_file { } {
global w
global ini_file
global sync_use_metric_units
# Delete existing key file
catch { file delete "$ini_file" }
# Break if directory is write only
catch { set fhandle [open "$ini_file" a] } res
if { [string first "permission denied" $res] == 0 } {
fconfigure $fhandle -buffering line
# Make a list of all variables to save
set varlist { sync_use_metric_units }
# Walk through list and save variables to file
foreach { el } $varlist {
set val [expr $$el]
puts $fhandle "$el=$val"
close $fhandle
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Status output functions ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Status output
proc updateStatusSYNC { msg } {
global w
$w.note.sync.status.l2 configure -text $msg
proc updateStatusWBSL { msg } {
global w
$w.note.wbsl.frame0b.lblStatusText configure -text $msg
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start / stop application ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Exit program
proc exitpgm {} {
catch { stop_simpliciti_ap }
catch { BM_CloseCOM }
exit 0
# Load variables from ini file
# Reconfigure display
if { $sync_use_metric_units == 1 } {
} else {
# Exit program
if { $exit_prog == 1 } { exitpgm }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Periodic functions --------------------------------------------------------------------
proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [info level 0]}
every 10 { call_wbsl_funcs }
every 2500 { wbsl_simple_timer }
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