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Last active October 20, 2023 18:51
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# # Check if running as an administrator
# $currentUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
# $adminRole = [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator
# if (-not ($currentUser.IsInRole($adminRole))) {
# Write-Error "You must run this script as an administrator because we need to set the trusted hosts list for WinRM."
# exit 1
# }
# # Prompt for the Tidal workspace URL (e.g.,
# $url = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Tidal workspace URL (e.g.,"
# # Prompt for the Tidal workspace username (e.g.,
# $email = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Tidal workspace username (e.g.,"
# # Prompt for the Tidal workspace password
# $password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Tidal workspace password" -AsSecureString
# # Convert the password to plain text
# $passwordPlainText = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password))
# # Set the Tidal configuration values
# & tidal config set tidal.url $url
# & tidal config set $email
# & tidal config set tidal.password $passwordPlainText
# # Verify API configuration
# & tidal doctor
# # Add all targets to the trusted hosts list
# Set-Item WSMan:localhost\client\trustedhosts -value *
# # Verify the value of the trusted hosts list
# Get-Item WSMan:localhost\client\trustedhosts
# # Prompt for the first IP address to write to C:\machine_stats\windows\servers.txt
# $ipAddress = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the IP address of the first target host to test"
# # Write the IP address to C:\machine_stats\windows\servers.txt
# $ipAddress | Out-File -FilePath C:\machine_stats\windows\servers.txt
# # Write that we are about to prompt for the service account password to use to connect to the target hosts
# Write-Host "Enter the service account password to use to connect to the target hosts"
# cd to C:\machine_stats\windows
Set-Location C:\machine_stats\windows
# Run the powershell script C:\machine_stats\windows\save_password.ps1
#& C:\machine_stats\windows\save_password.ps1
# Prompt for the username of the service account to use to connect to the target hosts
$Username = Read-Host "Enter the username of the service account to use to connect to the target hosts"
# Execute the runner script for point-in-time collection and capture errors
#try {
# # Executing the script
# $output = .\runner.ps1 -UserName $Username 2>&1
# # Pipe the output to the Tidal sync servers command
# $output2 = Write-Output $output | tidal sync servers 2>&1
#catch {
# Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
# exit 1
# Check if the output contains the error message
#if ($output -match '.*error.*' -or $output2 -match '.*wrong.*') {
# Write-Host "An error occurred, fix the error and try again:" -ForegroundColor Red
# Write-Host "$output" -ForegroundColor Red
# Write-Host "$output2" -ForegroundColor Red
#else {
# Write-Host "Command executed successfully: $output" -ForegroundColor Green
# Create the machine-stats wrapper script C:\machine_stats\windows\run_default.ps1 to run runner.ps1
$Content = "C:\machine_stats\windows\runner.ps1 ```
-UserName $Username ```
-ServersPath `"C:\machine_stats\windows\servers.txt`" ```
-ServerStatsPath `"C:\machine_stats\windows\server_stats.ps1`" ```
-SecurePwdFilePath `"C:\machine_stats\windows\SecuredText.txt`" ```
-CpuUtilizationTimeout 1 ```
-CpuUtilizationOnlyValue ```
-Measurements ```
| tidal request -X POST /api/v1/measurements/import"
Set-Content -Path "C:\machine_stats\windows\run_default.ps1" -Value $Content
# Prompt for the username to use to run the scheduled task (defaults to tidal)
$Username = Read-Host "Enter the username to use to run the scheduled task (defaults to tidal)"
if ($Username -eq "") {
$Username = "tidal"
# Schedule run_default.ps1 to run every 5 minutes with HighestAvailable run level
# /rp allows this task to run whether the user is logged on or not
schtasks /create /tn "machine-stats1" /tr "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\machine_stats\windows\run_default.ps1" /sc minute /mo 5 /ru $Username /rl highest /rp
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