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Last active March 28, 2019 11:20
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3D rotation matrices
Affine transformation matrices to rotate around (1) the X-axis; (2) the Y-axis; (3) the Z-axis; (4) an arbitrary 3D line. A
right-handed coordinate system is assumed.
1. X-axis
Z-axis | 'B A and B are two points in a YZ-plane
| ' ∠ AOB = β
| ' `A ∠ YOA = α
| ' ` |OA| = |OB| = r
| ' `
_|_'_`_ _ _ _ _ _ _
O/ Y-axis
/ X-axis
A = (y, z)
= (rcos{α}, rsin{α})
Let R be a rotation from A to B through an angle β
R: (y, z) → (rcos{α+β}, rsin{α+β})
→ (rcos{α}cos{β}-rsin{α}sin{β}, rsin{α}cos{β}+rcos{α}sin{β})
→ (ycos{β}-zsin{β}, zcos{β}+ysin{β})
Thus, we require a matrix M such that
|x| | x |
M |y| = | ycos{β}-zsin{β} |
|z| | zcos{β}+ysin{β} |
|1| | 1 |
Such an affine matrix is
| 1 0 0 0 |
M = | 0 cos{β} -sin{β} 0 |
| 0 sin{β} cos{β} 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
2. Y-axis
X-axis | 'B A and B are two points in a ZX-plane
| ' ∠ AOB = β
| ' `A ∠ ZOA = α
| ' ` |OA| = |OB| = r
| ' `
_|_'_`_ _ _ _ _ _ _
O/ Z-axis
/ Y-axis
A = (z, x)
= (rcos{α}, rsin{α})
Let R be a rotation from A to B through an angle β
R: (z, x) → (rcos{α+β}, rsin{α+β})
→ (rcos{α}cos{β}-rsin{α}sin{β}, rsin{α}cos{β}+rcos{α}sin{β})
→ (zcos{β}-xsin{β}, xcos{β}+zsin{β})
Thus, we require a matrix M such that
|x| | xcos{β}+zsin{β} |
M |y| = | y |
|z| | zcos{β}-xsin{β} |
|1| | 1 |
Such an affine matrix is
| cos{β} 0 sin{β} 0 |
M = | 0 1 0 0 |
| -sin{β} 0 cos{β} 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
3. Z-axis
Y-axis | 'B A and B are two points in an XY-plane
| ' ∠ AOB = β
| ' `A ∠ XOA = α
| ' ` |OA| = |OB| = r
| ' `
_|_'_`_ _ _ _ _ _ _
O/ X-axis
/ Z-axis
A = (x, y)
= (rcos{α}, rsin{α})
Let R be a rotation from A to B through an angle β
R: (x, y) → (rcos{α+β}, rsin{α+β})
→ (rcos{α}cos{β}-rsin{α}sin{β}, rsin{α}cos{β}+rcos{α}sin{β})
→ (xcos{β}-ysin{β}, ycos{β}+xsin{β})
Thus, we require a matrix M such that
|x| | xcos{β}-ysin{β} |
M |y| = | ycos{β}+xsin{β} |
|z| | z |
|1| | 1 |
Such an affine matrix is
| cos{β} -sin{β} 0 0 |
M = | sin{β} cos{β} 0 0 |
| 0 0 1 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
4. Arbitrary 3D line
Suppose the line's direction vector was pointing out of the screen towards you, then let a positive rotation angle
indicate an anticlockwise rotation.
The line will first be subject to a sequence of reversible transformations such that after they are applied the line
coincides with the origin and is orientated so that its direction vector points in the positive Z-axis direction.
Since the line now coincides with the Z-axis the actual rotation transformation which rotates the point around the line
is applied using the Z-axis rotation technique. Finally, the transformations which were applied to change the line's
position and orientation are reversed.
Let the line be defined by a point on the line Q=(q_x, q_y, q_z) and a direction D=(d_x, d_y, d_z).
a. Translate the line to the origin
| 1 0 0 -q_x |
A = | 0 1 0 -q_y |
| 0 0 1 -q_z |
| 0 0 0 1 |
b. Rotate the translated line's direction vector around the Z-axis onto the ZX-plane, specifically the half plane
where x >= 0
Y-axis | D(d_x, d_y) ∠ DOX = θ_z = -atan2{d_y, d_x}
| '
| '
| '
| '
_|_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ D'(√[(d_x)²+(d_y)²], 0)
O| X-axis
Let B: D → D', thus
| cos{θ_z} -sin{θ_z} 0 0 |
B = | sin{θ_z} cos{θ_z} 0 0 |
| 0 0 1 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
c. Rotate the line's newly oriented direction vector around the Y-axis so it coincides with the positive Z-axis
X-axis | D'(d_z, √[(d_x)²+(d_y)²]) ∠ D'OZ = θ_y = -atan2{√[(d_x)²+(d_y)²], d_z}
| '
| '
| '
| '
_|_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _D''
O| Z-axis
Let C: D' → D'', thus
| cos{θ_y} 0 sin{θ_y} 0 |
C = | 0 1 0 0 |
| -sin{θ_y} 0 cos{θ_y} 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
d. Perform the actual rotation around the line now that it coincides with the positive Z-axis
| cos{θ} -sin{θ} 0 0 |
D = | sin{θ} cos{θ} 0 0 |
| 0 0 1 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
e. Reverse step (c.)
| cos{-θ_y} 0 sin{-θ_y} 0 | | cos{θ_y} 0 -sin{θ_y} 0 |
C⁻¹ = | 0 1 0 0 | = | 0 1 0 0 |
| -sin{-θ_y} 0 cos{-θ_y} 0 | | sin{θ_y} 0 cos{θ_y} 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 |
f. Reverse step (b.)
| cos{-θ_z} -sin{-θ_z} 0 0 | | cos{θ_z} sin{θ_z} 0 0 |
B⁻¹ = | sin{-θ_z} cos{-θ_z} 0 0 | = | -sin{θ_z} cos{θ_z} 0 0 |
| 0 0 1 0 | | 0 0 1 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 |
g. Reverse step (a.)
| 1 0 0 q_x |
A⁻¹ = | 0 1 0 q_y |
| 0 0 1 q_z |
| 0 0 0 1 |
Let R be a transformation matrix which rotates around the line by θ radians, then we have
R = A⁻¹ * B⁻¹ * C⁻¹ * D * C * B * A
Let cy = cos{θ_y}
cz = cos{θ_z}
sy = sin{θ_y}
sz = sin{θ_z}
Cθ = cos{θ}
Sθ = sin{θ}
where θ_y = -atan2{√[(d_x)²+(d_y)²], d_z} and θ_z = -atan2{d_y, d_x}, then
|1 0 0 q_x| | cz sz 0 0| |cy 0 -sy 0| |Cθ -Sθ 0 0| | cy 0 sy 0| |cz -sz 0 0| |1 0 0 -q_x|
R = |0 1 0 q_y|*|-sz cz 0 0|*|0 1 0 0|*|Sθ Cθ 0 0|*| 0 1 0 0|*|sz cz 0 0|*|0 1 0 -q_y|
|0 0 1 q_z| | 0 0 1 0| |sy 0 cy 0| |0 0 1 0| |-sy 0 cy 0| |0 0 1 0| |0 0 1 -q_z|
|0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1| |0 0 0 1| |0 0 0 1| | 0 0 0 1| |0 0 0 1| |0 0 0 1 |
|1 0 0 -q_x|
= M * |0 1 0 -q_y|
|0 0 1 -q_z|
|0 0 0 1 |
M₀₀ = Cθ*(cy*cy*cz*cz+sz*sz) + cz*cz*sy*sy
M₀₁ = Cθ*cz*sz*(1-cy*cy) - Sθ*cy*(cz*cz+sz*sz) - cz*sy*sy*sz
M₀₂ = Cθ*cy*cz*sy + Sθ*sy*sz - cy*cz*sy
M₀₃ = q_x
M₁₀ = Cθ*cz*sz*(1-cy*cy) + Sθ*cy*(cz*cz+sz*sz) - cz*sy*sy*sz
M₁₁ = Cθ*(cy*cy*sz*sz+cz*cz) + sy*sy*sz*sz
M₁₂ = -Cθ*cy*sy*sz + Sθ*cz*sy + cy*sy*sz
M₁₃ = q_y
M₂₀ = Cθ*cy*cz*sy - Sθ*sy*sz - cy*cz*sy
M₂₁ = -Cθ*cy*sy*sz - Sθ*cz*sy + cy*sy*sz
M₂₂ = Cθ*sy*sy + cy*cy
M₂₃ = q_z
| M₀₀ M₀₁ M₀₂ (-q_x*M₀₀ - q_y*M₀₁ - q_z*M₀₂ + q_x) |
R = | M₁₀ M₁₁ M₁₂ (-q_x*M₁₀ - q_y*M₁₁ - q_z*M₁₂ + q_y) |
| M₂₀ M₂₁ M₂₂ (-q_x*M₂₀ - q_y*M₂₁ - q_z*M₂₂ + q_z) |
| 0 0 0 1 |
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