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Last active October 15, 2016 02:03
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Spatial Sort
module SpatialSort
( Point(..)
, spatialSort
) where
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Insertion as I
import Lens.Micro
data Point = Point { x :: Float, y :: Float } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- | Discover two kernels to group the other points to.
-- Assumption: The `Vector` has at least five elements.
kernels :: Vector Point -> (Point, Point)
kernels v = (avg (V.head v) mid, avg (V.last v) mid)
where mid = v V.! (V.length v `div` 2)
avg (Point a b) (Point c d) = Point ((a + c) / 2) ((b + d) / 2)
-- | Assumption: The Vector isn't empty.
centroid :: Vector Point -> Point
centroid v = Point x' y'
where (x', y') = V.foldl (\(ax,ay) (Point a b) -> (ax + a, ay + b)) (0, 0) v & both %~ (/ l)
l = fromIntegral $ V.length v
-- | Euclidean distance.
distance :: Point -> Point -> Float
distance p1 p2 = sqrt $ dx ** 2 + dy ** 2
where dx = x p1 - x p2
dy = y p1 - y p2
-- | Give a decent one-dimensional order to Points which are spatially close.
spatialSort :: Vector Point -> Vector Point
spatialSort v | V.length v == 0 = v
| V.length v < 6 = V.modify I.sort v
| otherwise = fuse (spatialSort l) (spatialSort r)
where (l, r) = V.partition (\p -> distance p kl < distance p kr) v
(kl, kr) = kernels v
c = centroid v
-- | Fuse two lines by whichever end points are closest.
fuse :: Vector Point -> Vector Point -> Vector Point
fuse v1 v2 | V.null v1 = v2
| V.null v2 = v1
| otherwise = snd . head $ sortBy (\(d0, _) (d1, _) -> compare d0 d1) pairs
where pairs = [ (distance (V.last v1) (V.head v2), v1 <> v2)
, (distance (V.last v1) (V.last v2), v1 <> V.reverse v2)
, (distance (V.head v1) (V.head v2), V.reverse v1 <> v2)
, (distance (V.head v1) (V.last v2), v2 <> v1) ]
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I could be smarter about how the kernels are chosen.

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