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Created August 4, 2012 15:13
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// The narrator leaks globals but we cannot know if he intends this; we are
// forced to trust him. There is no going back.
stairs =
this['stairs'] ||
stairs['0'] = [],
stairs['1'] = [
stairs['2'] = [ 0, 1
function theSequence (depth)
var zero0e = 'House',
X =
zero0e.toLowerCase().length * 2,
I =// The narrator's methods obfuscate his intent.
return Math.round(
.charCodeAt(0) / 13) - (X/2);
// parseInt(1010, 2) / parseInt(0x0e, 16)
/* The narrator leaves cryptic messages; we fear their erasure will only
complicate advancements of our discoveries. */
return hallway(depth)
function hallway(echo){
echo = Math.abs( echo );
return !!echo && echo in stairs ?
stairs[echo] :
function labyrinth(){
var no_ = parseInt(arguments[0x01], X) || I;
return stairs[parseInt(arguments[0x00], X)] ||
labyrinth(parseInt(arguments[0x00], X), ++no_))
function Minotaur(o){
'use strict';
if (!!!stairs[o]) {
var maw =
[].concat(stairs[o - I]);
maw.push(maw[o - 3] + maw[o - 2]);
stairs[o] = maw;
// Lude's dead.
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Inspired by @fat's ["If Hemingway wrote JavaScript"|].

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