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Created January 9, 2014 21:36
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"use strict";
function freeze(o) {
if(!Object.isFrozen(o)) {
return o;
Number.prototype.toBinary = function(word) {
var bin = this.toString(2),
pad = new Array(word - bin.length + 1),
ret = pad.join('0') + bin;
return ret.match(/.{1,4}/g).join(' ');
function PersistentHashMapLeaf(k, v, values, collided) {
this._key = k;
this._value = v;
this._values = values ? freeze(values) : values;
this._collided = collided;
PersistentHashMapLeaf.EMPTY = new PersistentHashMapLeaf(null, null, null, false);
PersistentHashMapLeaf.prototype.set = function(key, value) {
var newValues, k;
if(this === PersistentHashMapLeaf.EMPTY) {
// It's the EMPTY node
return new PersistentHashMapLeaf(key, value, this._values, this._collided);
} else if((this._key === key && this._value === value) || (this._values && this._values[key] === value)) {
// no modifications
return this;
} else if(this._key === key) {
// The value at the primary key has changed
return new PersistentHashMapLeaf(key, value, this._values, this._collided);
} else if(this._collided) {
newValues = {};
for(k in this._values) {
if(this._values.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
newValues[k] = this._values[k];
newValues[key] = value;
return new PersistentHashMapLeaf(this._key, this._value, newValues, this._collided);
} else {
newValues = {};
newValues[key] = value;
return new PersistentHashMapLeaf(this._key, this._value, newValues, true);
PersistentHashMapLeaf.prototype.get = function(key) {
if(this._key === key) {
return this._value;
} else if(this._collided) {
return this._values[key];
} else {
return undefined;
PersistentHashMapLeaf.prototype.remove = function(key) {
var newValues = {}, k,
newPk, newPv, i;
if(this._key === key && !this._collided) {
return null;
} else if(this._key === key) {
i = 0;
for(k in this._values) {
if(this._values.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
if(!newPk) {
newPk = k;
newPv = this._values[k];
} else {
i += 1;
newValues[k] = this._values[k];
return new PersistentHashMapLeaf(newPk, newPv, newValues, i > 0);
} else if(this._collided) {
for(k in this._values) {
if(this._values.hasOwnProperty(k) && k !== key) {
newValues[k] = this._values[k];
return new PersistentHashMapLeaf(this._key, this._value, newValues, this._collided);
} else {
// Nothing to remove.
return this;
function PersistentMapNode(mask, children) {
this._mask = mask;
this._children = freeze(children);
PersistentMapNode.EMPTY = new PersistentMapNode(0, []);
// Based on Bagwell's popcount implementation in Ideal Hash Trees
PersistentMapNode.prototype._popcount = function(bits) {
var SK5 = 0x55555555,
SK3 = 0x33333333,
SKF0 = 0x0f0f0f0f,
SKFF = 0xff00ff;
bits -= (bits >> 1) & SK5;
bits = (bits & SK3) + ((bits >> 2) & SK3);
bits = (bits & SKF0) + ((bits >> 4) & SKF0);
bits += bits >> 8;
return (bits + (bits >> 15)) & 63;
PersistentMapNode.prototype.set = function(shift, hash, key, value) {
var mask = this._mask,
children = this._children,
maskPos = 1 << ((hash >>> shift) & 31), // calcluates posistion in bitmask
index = this._popcount(mask & (maskPos - 1)),
if(mask & maskPos) {
child = children[index];
if(child instanceof PersistentHashMapLeaf) {
return new PersistentMapNode(mask, [].concat(
child.set(key, value),
children.slice(index + 1)
} else if(child instanceof PersistentMapNode) {
return new PersistentMapNode(mask, [].concat(
children.slice(0, index),
child.set(shift + 5, hash, key, value),
children.slice(index + 1)
} else {
newChildren = [].concat(
PersistentHashMapLeaf.EMPTY.set(key, value),
return new PersistentMapNode(mask | maskPos, newChildren);
PersistentMapNode.prototype.get = function(shift, hash, key) {
var mask = this._mask,
maskPos = 1 << ((hash >>> shift) & 31),
if(mask & maskPos) {
child = this._children[this._popcount(mask & (maskPos - 1))];
if(child instanceof PersistentMapNode) {
return child.get(shift + 5, hash, key);
} else if(child instanceof PersistentHashMapLeaf) {
return child.get(key);
return undefined;
PersistentMapNode.prototype.unset = function(shift, hash, key) {
var mask = this._mask,
maskPos = 1 << ((hash >>> shift) & 31),
if(mask & maskPos) {
index = this._popcount(mask & (maskPos - 1))
child = this._children[index];
if(child instanceof PersistentMapNode) {
newChild = child.unset(shift + 5, hash, key);
return new PersistentMapNode(mask, [].concat(
this._children.slice(0, index),
} else if(child instanceof PersistentHashMapLeaf) {
newChild = child.remove(key);
if(newChild === null) {
return new PersistentMapNode(mask & (~maskPos), [].concat(
} else {
return new PersistentMapNode(mask, [].concat(
return this;
function PersistentMap(root) {
this._root = root;
PersistentMap.EMPTY = new PersistentMap(PersistentMapNode.EMPTY);
PersistentMap.create = function(map) {
var ret = PersistentMap.EMPTY,
for(k in map) {
if(map.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
ret = ret.set(k, map[k]);
return ret;
PersistentMap.prototype._hash = function(v) {
if(typeof v === 'number') {
return v >> 0;
} else if(typeof v === 'string') {
for(var h = 0, i = 0, l = v.length; i < l; i += 1) {
h = (((h << 5) - h) + v.charCodeAt(i));
return (h >> 0);
} else {
throw new Error("Value " + v + " is not string or number!");
PersistentMap.prototype.keys = function() {};
PersistentMap.prototype.values = function() {};
PersistentMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) {
return new PersistentMap(this._root.set(0, this._hash(key), key, value))
PersistentMap.prototype.unset = function(key) {
return new PersistentMap(this._root.unset(0, this._hash(key), key));
PersistentMap.prototype.get = function(key) {
return this._root.get(0, this._hash(key), key);
PersistentMap.prototype.toObject = function() {};
foo: "bar",
baz: "bam"
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