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Created December 1, 2012 13:52
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various weighted random number algorithms in perl
various attempts at getting weighted random number distributions
first,second are dice-roll convergences
(if you roll multiple die multiple times the results will converge on a normal curve)
boxmuller gives a normal/gaussian distribution (classic bell curve)
rayleigh and weibull have more variables to play with
they both tend to weight the peak to the lower part of the range, which is what we are after
(also try using the log result of boxmuller)
use Math::Trig;
$samples = 10000;
sub weibull {
print "\n weibull \n ";
$alpha = 2.5;
$beta = 100.0;
$scale = 100.0;
print "alpha $alpha beta $beta scale $scale\n";
for ($n=1;$n<$samples;$n++){
$U = rand(1);
#$X = -log(1-$U);
print " $X ";
#unless ($X > $max) {
push (@results, int($X));
sub rayleigh {
$sigma = 0.5;
print "\n rayleigh sigma:$sigma \n ";
for ($n=1;$n<$samples;$n++){
$U1 = rand(1);
$f1 = $sigma * (sqrt(-2 * log($U1)) );
print " $f1 ";
# unless ($f1 > $max) {
push (@results, int($f1*100));
# }
sub boxmuller {
print "\n boxmuller \n ";
$scale = 20;
for ($n=1;$n<$samples;$n++){
$W1 = 2;
while ( $W1>1 or $W1 eq 0) {
$U1 = 2*rand(1)-1;
$U2 = 2*rand(1)-1;
$W1 = $U1*$U1+$U2*$U2;
$W2 = sqrt((-2*log($W1))/$W1);
$Y1 = int($U1*$W2*$scale);
$Y2 = int($U2*$W2*$scale);
#$Y1 = ($Y1 eq 0)?0:log ($Y1*$Y1);
#$Y2 = ($Y2 eq 0)?0:log ($Y2*$Y2);
print "$Y1 ";
push (@results,$Y1);
print "$Y2 ";
push (@results,$Y2);
sub second {
print "\n second \n ";
for ($n=1;$n<$samples;$n++){
$result = 0;
$divisor = 0.0;
$randomInt = 0;
$sumOfRandoms = 0;
$diff = ($max-$min);
for ($idx=$diff; $idx>0 ; $idx--) {
$randomInt = rand($diff);
$sumOfRandoms += $randomInt;
if ($diff>0) {
$result = int($sumOfRandoms/$diff);
push (@results, $result);
printf (" %d ",$result);
sub first {
print "\n first \n ";
for ($n=1;$n<$samples;$n++){
$result = 0;
$divisor = 0.0;
$randomInt = 0;
$sum = 0;
$diff = ($max-$min);
for ($idx=$diff; $idx>0 ; $idx--) {
$randomInt += rand($diff);
$sum += $idx;
if ($sum>0 && $diff>0) {
$divisor = $sum/$diff;
$result = $min+int($randomInt/$divisor);
push (@results, $result);
printf (" %d ",$result);
sub output {
# @results = @$_[0];
@sorted = reverse sort {$a <=> $b} @results;
while (@sorted) {
$newval = pop(@sorted);
if ($newval ne $oldval) {
printf ("\n %2.d ",$newval);
print "*";
$oldval = $newval;
$newval = 0;
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