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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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// svm_hog.cpp
// OpenCVSamples
// Created by jonathan on 29/07/2015.
// Copyright (c) 2015 foundry. All rights reserved.
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "openCVUtils.h"
#include <opencv2/ml/ml.hpp>
#include <vector>
using namespace cv;
//using namespace cv::ml;
using namespace std;
static HOGDescriptor _hog;
static Mat _inImage, _outImage;
static const char* _windowName = "hog detector";
static float _hitThreshold = 0;
static float _scaleFactor = 2;
static float _groupThreshold = 0.0;
static int MAX_TRACKBAR = 800;
static int _trackbar = _scaleFactor * MAX_TRACKBAR/2.0;
static int imshowWithCaption(const char* windowName, Mat inImage, const char* caption )
putText( inImage, caption,
Point( MIN(10,inImage.cols), MIN(20,inImage.rows)),
FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0, 0, 255) );
imshow( windowName, inImage );
return 0;
class LinearSVM: public CvSVM {
void getSupportVector(std::vector<float>& support_vector) const;
void LinearSVM::getSupportVector(std::vector<float>& support_vector) const {
int sv_count = this->get_support_vector_count();
// mexPrintf("size : %d\n",support_vector.size());
const CvSVMDecisionFunc* df = this->decision_func;
const double* alphas = df[0].alpha;
double rho = df[0].rho;
int var_count = this->get_var_count();
support_vector.resize(var_count, 0);
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < (unsigned)sv_count; r++) {
float myalpha = alphas[r];
const float* v = this->get_support_vector(r);
for (int j = 0; j < var_count; j++,v++) {
support_vector[j] += (-myalpha) * (*v);
static std::string filename(std::string prefix, int num) {
std::string filename = num<10? prefix+"00"+to_string(num)+".png":
num<100? prefix+"0"+to_string(num)+".png":
filename = assetPath(filename.c_str());
return filename;
static void hogDetect () {
vector<Rect> found;
vector <Rect> found_filtered;
Size padding(Size(0, 0));
Size winStride(Size(8, 8));
_inImage //const Mat&
//Matrix of the type CV_8U containing an image where objects are detected.
, found // vector<Rect>& objects
//Vector of rectangles where each rectangle contains the detected object.
, _hitThreshold // hit_threshold=0
//hit_threshold – Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. Usually it is 0 and should be specfied in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here.
, Size(8,8)//winSize
//win_stride – Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride
, Size(0,0)//padding
//padding – Mock parameter to keep the CPU interface compatibility. It must be (0,0).
, _scaleFactor // double scale = 1.05
//scale0 – Coefficient of the detection window increase.
//scaleFactor - Parameter specifying how much the image size is reduced at each image scale.
, _groupThreshold //group_threshold=2
//group_threshold – Coefficient to regulate the similarity threshold. When detected, some objects can be covered by many rectangles. 0 means not to perform grouping. See groupRectangles() .
size_t i, j;
cvtColor( _outImage, _outImage, CV_GRAY2BGR );
printf("found: %lu\n",found.size());
for( i = 0; i < found.size(); i++ )
Rect r = found[i];
for( j = 0; j < found.size(); j++ ) {
//filter out overlapping rectangles
if ( j!=i ) {
Rect iRect = r;
Rect jRect = found[j];
Rect intersectRect = (iRect & jRect);
if (intersectRect.area()>=iRect.area()*0.9) break;
if( j == found.size() )
for( i = 0; i < found_filtered.size(); i++ )
Rect r = found_filtered[i];
// the HOG detector returns slightly larger rectangles than the real objects.
// so we slightly shrink the rectangles to get a nicer output.
r.x += cvRound(r.width*0.5);
r.width = cvRound(r.width*0.3);
r.y += cvRound(r.height*0.07);
r.height = cvRound(r.height*0.8);
rectangle(_outImage,,, cv::Scalar(0,255,0), 1);
//eliminate overlaps
//imshow(_windowName, _outImage);
string param1string = std::string("hitThreshold ") + to_string((int)_hitThreshold);
string param2string = std::string(" groupThreshold ") + to_string((int)_groupThreshold);
string param3string = std::string(" scaleFactor ") + to_string(_scaleFactor);
string combinedString = param1string + param2string + param3string;
const char* captionString = combinedString.c_str();
imshowWithCaption(_windowName, _outImage, captionString);
static void hogTrackbarCallback (int trackbarPos, void*) {
_trackbar = trackbarPos;
_scaleFactor = trackbarPos/100.0;
static void setupHogWindow() {
namedWindow( _windowName, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
createTrackbar( "scaleFactor" //– Name of the created trackbar.
, _windowName
, &_trackbar
, hogTrackbarCallback
, nullptr
int svm_hog (int argc, char** argv) {
int num_files = 359+171; //FIXED, was 359 * 171
Size imgSize;
imgSize.width = 30;
imgSize.height = 30;
Mat training_mat(num_files,imgSize.area(),CV_32FC1);
vector<int> training_Labels;
Mat labels(num_files,1,CV_32FC1);
int imagenum=0;
std::string filenamePrefix = "svm_hog_";
std::string posPrefix = filenamePrefix+"pos_";
std::string negPrefix = filenamePrefix+"neg_";
for (int pimageNum = 0; pimageNum < 359; pimageNum++)
// reading Positive Images from directory and resize it to 30x30
std::string file = filename(posPrefix, pimageNum);
Mat posImage = imread(file);
resize(posImage, posImage, imgSize);
int ii = 0; // Current column in training_mat
for (int i = 0; i<posImage.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < posImage.cols; j++) {<float>(imagenum,ii++) =<uchar>(i,j);
imagenum++;//FIXED, was inside the inner loop
for (int nimageNum = 0; nimageNum < 171; nimageNum++)
// reading Nagative Images from directory and resize it to 30x30
std::string file = filename(negPrefix, nimageNum);
Mat nagImage = imread(file);
resize(nagImage, nagImage, imgSize);
int ii = 0; // Current column in training_mat
for (int i = 0; i<nagImage.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < nagImage.cols; j++) {<float>(imagenum,ii++) =<uchar>(i,j);
imagenum++;//FIXED, was inside the inner loop
labels.convertTo(labels, CV_32FC1);
CvSVMParams SVM_params;
SVM_params.svm_type = CvSVM::C_SVC;
SVM_params.kernel_type = CvSVM::LINEAR; //CvSVM::LINEAR; = 0;
SVM_params.gamma = 3;
SVM_params.coef0 = 0;
SVM_params.C = 1; = 0;
SVM_params.p = 0;
SVM_params.term_crit = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 0.03);
//Train SVM
LinearSVM svmClassifier;
svmClassifier.train(training_mat, labels, Mat(), Mat(), SVM_params);
std::string svmFile = "svmClassifier.yml";
svmFile = assetPath(svmFile.c_str());;
FileStorage fs;
vector<float> support_vector;, FileStorage::READ);
FileNode my_svm = fs["my_svm"];
FileNode sv = my_svm["support_vectors"];
FileNodeIterator current = sv.begin(), it_end = sv.end(); // Go through the node
for (; current != it_end; ++current)
FileNode item = *current;
item >> support_vector;
this is a bit suspect. "support vectors" is an array of arrays, in this case with only one array. So the iterator terminates after one cycle. support_vector is correctly populated, but this does not seem to be the correct format for the hog descriptor, which breaks with this support_vector.
//for comparison, no errors with this one
static vector<float> detector = HOGDescriptor::getDefaultPeopleDetector();
//_hog = HOGDescriptor::HOGDescriptor();
vector< Rect> found,found_filtered;
std::string testfile = "svm_hog_testimage.bmp";
testfile = assetPath(testfile.c_str());
Size resized;
resized.height = 300;
resized.width = 400;
//resize(_inImage, _inImage, resized);
return 0;
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