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Forked from dstroot/
Last active January 4, 2025 19:18
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Install Redis
# from here:
# and here:
# To use:
# wget
# chmod 777
# ./
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 1. Prerequisites: Install updates, set time zones, install GCC and make"
echo "*****************************************"
sudo yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ make
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 2. Download, Untar and Make Redis 2.6"
echo "*****************************************"
cd /usr/local/src
sudo wget
sudo tar xzf redis-stable.tar.gz
sudo rm redis-stable.tar.gz -f
cd redis-stable
sudo make
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 3. Create Directories and Copy Redis Files"
echo "*****************************************"
sudo mkdir /etc/redis /var/lib/redis
sudo cp src/redis-server src/redis-cli /usr/local/bin
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 4. Configure Redis.Conf"
echo "*****************************************"
echo " Edit redis.conf as follows:"
echo " 1: ... daemonize yes"
echo " 2: ... bind"
echo " 3: ... dir /var/lib/redis"
echo " 4: ... loglevel notice"
echo " 5: ... logfile /var/log/redis.log"
echo "*****************************************"
sudo sed -e "s/^daemonize no$/daemonize yes/" -e "s/^# bind$/bind" -e "s/^dir \.\//dir \/var\/lib\/redis\//" -e "s/^loglevel verbose$/loglevel notice/" -e "s/^logfile stdout$/logfile \/var\/log\/redis.log/" redis.conf | sudo tee /etc/redis/redis.conf
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 5. Download init Script"
echo "*****************************************"
sudo wget
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 6. Move and Configure Redis-Server"
echo "*****************************************"
sudo mv redis-server /etc/init.d
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/redis-server
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 7. Auto-Enable Redis-Server"
echo "*****************************************"
sudo chkconfig --add redis-server
sudo chkconfig --level 345 redis-server on
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 8. Start Redis Server"
echo "*****************************************"
sudo service redis-server start
echo "*****************************************"
echo " Complete!"
echo " You can test your redis installation using the redis console:"
echo " $ src/redis-cli"
echo " redis> set foo bar"
echo " OK"
echo " redis> get foo"
echo " bar"
echo "*****************************************"
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Works like a charm! thank you!

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Thank you for sharing this script with us! It works perfectly on Amazon EC2!

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crunck1 commented Jun 13, 2016

God Bless you man!

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Thanks for sharing this. Worked perfectly.

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Thank you!

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Thank you

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Might want to check your config file-- logfile not getting set in for redis version 3.2.1

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