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Created January 29, 2013 18:19
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# Extends Backbone.View on top of itself with some added features
# we use regularly
class Backbone.View extends Backbone.View
# Manages child views and renders them whenever the parent view is rendered.
# Specify views as key:value pairs of `className: view` where `className` is
# a CSS className to find the element in which to to append a rendered
# `view.el`
# Be sure to call `super` in the parent view's `render` method _after_ the
# html has been set.
views: false
# example: new ExampleView
# Define default options, options passed in to the view will overwrite these
# can hand a view a template option to avoid subclasses that only add a
# different template
template: null
initialize: (options) ->
@options = _.extend {}, @defaults, @options, options
@$ 'view', this
setTemplate: ->
@template = @options.template if @options.template
# Extends render to add support for chid views and element filtering
render: (opts = {}) =>
renderEl: ->
@$el.html @template(@toJSON()) if @template
# Internal afterRender
# @api private
_afterRender: ->
@cacheEls() if @els
@$('[data-bind]').each @createBinding
# its important for renderViews to come last so we don't filter
# and cache all the child views elements
@renderViews() if @options.views
# Add behavior and bindings to elements.
afterRender: ->
# in charge of getting variables ready to pass to handlebars during render
# override with your own logic to do something fancy.
toJSON: ->
json = ((@model ? @collection)?.toJSON arguments...) || {}
json.cid = @cid
# Renders all child views
# @api private
renderViews: ->
_.each @options.views, @renderView
# Renders a single child view and appends its designated element
# Use ids in your view, not classes. This
# @api private
renderView: (view, selector) =>
target = @$("##{selector}")
target = @$(".#{selector}") unless target.length
view.setElement target
@[selector] ?= view
current_user = new User ENV.CURRENT_USER
todos = new ToDoCollection
indexView = new IndexView
el: 'body'
"#header" : new HeaderView
model: current_user
"#todos" : new ToDoView
collection: todos
# note you could leave out the el: 'body' and just do
# something like $('body').html indexView.render().e
class IndexView extends Backbone.View
# No need to call render or initialize
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