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Last active February 6, 2021 19:51
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Notes on common iteractions within express and sequelize


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  • When creating instance/class methods, remember to return!
  • Instead of reaching for a findAll and then trying to chain, think about using update or destroy
  • Common methods: findById, findAll, findOrCreate, create, destroy, update
  • Update method takes ({values}, {options.where, options.returning}). When returning: true, promise will return the actual value updated, accessible via .then(data => data[1][0])
  • Hooks will take a function with the first parameter being the instance, and the second being options

Sample Code


    attributes: ['name'],
    where: {x === true},
    order: '"asdf" DESC'
  .catch(err => console.error("we have an error!", err))


hooks: {
  beforeUpdate: function(article) {  // gets the article instance we're trying to update


  • Child.belongsTo(Parent, {as: 'alias'});
  • Model1.belongsToMany(Model2, { through: 'join_table_alias' });


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Key Elements

  1. - '/something/:id/'
  2. req.query - not shown in route, these would be the ?s after the URI
  3. req.body - these are found from a POST
  4. res.send / res.json / res.sendStatus

Other Notes

  • After setting up our main error handler, always remember to pass .catch(next) in any route we are setting up
  • We can directly pass req.body into something like Model.create(req.body) (...instead of Model.create{ title: req.body.title })

Sample Code

Basic Get Route

app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {});


router.param(‘bookId’, function (req, res, next, id) {
 .then(foundBook => foundBook === null ?
   res.status(404).send(‘Not Found’) : ( = foundBook, next()))

Error Handling: Single Route

app.get('/forbidden', function(req, res, next) {
  res.sendStatus(403); // contrived, but we'll be able to send status 403 if user tries to access this

Error Handling: Main

app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
  if (err) res.sendStatus(500); // general error handler. do whatever we want here
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