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Last active September 27, 2022 23:05
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express.js middleware to validate a AWS Cognito / Amplify Token
import { Router } from "express";
import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";
import jwkToPem from "jwk-to-pem";
import * as Axios from 'axios';
interface PublicKeys {
keys: PublicKey[];
interface PublicKey {
alg: string;
e: string;
kid: string;
kty: string;
n: string;
use: string;
interface PublicKeyMeta {
instance: PublicKey;
pem: string;
interface MapOfKidToPublicKey {
[key: string]: PublicKeyMeta;
let cacheKeys: MapOfKidToPublicKey | undefined;
// TODO - abstract pool id
const cognitoPoolId = process.env.COGNITO_POOL_ID || '';
const cognitoIssuer = `${cognitoPoolId}`;
if (!cognitoPoolId) {
throw new Error('env var required for cognito pool');
* @returns - returns a map of AWS Cognito public keys by kid (key ID). this public key can be used to verify the signature of a jwt token
const getPublicKeys = async (): Promise<MapOfKidToPublicKey> => {
if (!cacheKeys) {
const url = `${cognitoIssuer}/.well-known/jwks.json`;
const publicKeys = await Axios.default.get<PublicKeys>(url);
cacheKeys =, current) => {
const pem = jwkToPem(current);
agg[current.kid] = { instance: current, pem };
return agg;
}, {} as MapOfKidToPublicKey);
return cacheKeys;
} else {
return cacheKeys;
* Resources
* @param - kid - Key ID of public key used to sign JWT
* @returns - return a JSON Web Key (JWK) for kid
const getJwkByKid = async (kid: string): Promise<PublicKey> => {
const keys = await getPublicKeys();
const publicKey: PublicKeyMeta = keys[kid];
// if the public key is missing reload cache and try one more time
if (!publicKey) {
cacheKeys = undefined;
const keys2 = await getPublicKeys();
const publicKey2: PublicKeyMeta = keys2[kid];
if (!publicKey2) {
return null;
return publicKey2.instance;
return publicKey.instance;
* Map an auth token onto request
* @param req - request
* @param res - response
* @param next - request callback
const getAuthToken = (req, res, next) => {
if (
req.headers.authorization &&
req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[0] === 'Bearer'
) {
req.authToken = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1];
} else {
req.authToken = null;
* @param req - Express Request. it is expected that req.authToken has been populated
const validateToken = async (req) => {
const { authToken } = req;
if(authToken === null){
throw new Error("auth token is not present in request");
const jwtDecoded = jwt.decode(authToken, { complete: true });
const jwk = await getJwkByKid(jwtDecoded.header.kid);
if (jwk === null) {
throw new Error("unable to validate token");
const pem = jwkToPem(jwk);
await jwt.verify(authToken, pem, { algorithms: ['RS256'] }, (err, decoded) => {
if (decoded.token_use !== 'access' || decoded.iss !== cognitoIssuer) {
throw new Error("unauthorized user");
* Map an auth toekn onto a request and validate it. we only need to validate player voting API calls
* @param req - express request
* @param res - express response
* @param next - request callback
const verifyAuthToken = (req, res, next) => {
getAuthToken(req, res, async () => {
try {
await validateToken(req);
return next();
} catch (e) {
return res
.send({ error: 'You are not authorized to make this request' });
export const checkIfAuthenticated = (router: Router) => {
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