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Created October 19, 2020 00:36
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  • Save fouric/511c1656faf059fde76f7d35e3cef7a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fouric/511c1656faf059fde76f7d35e3cef7a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
some dotfiles
# if not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
*i*) ;;
*) return;;
HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history.
export LESSHISTFILE=/dev/null # disable less's history feature
HISTSIZE=-1 # unlimited number of history items
HISTFILESIZE=-1 # unlimited history file size
shopt -s histappend # append to the history file, don't overwrite it
shopt -s autocd # use autocd
shopt -s cdspell # automatically correct small errors while cd-ing
shopt -s checkhash # check to see if commands are in a hash table?...
shopt -s checkwinsize # check the window size after each command and, if necessary, update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -s globstar # if set, the pattern "**" used in a pathname expansion context will match all files and zero or more directories and subdirectories.
# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
if [[ -f /usr/bin/lesspipe ]] ; then
eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
if [[ -f /usr/bin/ ]] ; then
eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh"
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
# input control
alias dv='setxkbmap dvorak'
alias qw='setxkbmap us'
alias lh='xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1" &> /dev/null'
alias rh='xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3" &> /dev/null'
# encryption and security
# TODO: either remove or fix scripts and then fix aliases to point to new locations
alias jup='fish -c "journal up"'
alias jdown='fish -c "journal down"'
alias passup='fish -c "passup"'
alias passcat='fish -c "passcat"'
alias passedit='fish -c "passedit"'
alias passdown='fish -c "passdown"'
alias pankiup='$HOME/code/shell/'
alias pankidown='$HOME/code/shell/'
alias panki='anki -b $HOME/ramdisk/password-anki'
# long commands
alias update='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove'
alias i='python3 ~/code/lightning-cd/ ~/ramdisk/.lightningpath && cd "`cat ~/ramdisk/.lightningpath`"'
alias open='xdg-open'
# TODO: turn this into a function that detects if the emacs server is running
EMACS='emacs -nw --no-splash'
# Programming aliases
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias les='less -r'
alias l='ls -AlFi --color=always'
alias t='tmux -2'
alias v='nvim'
alias e='$EMACS'
alias cp='cp -r'
alias scp='scp -r'
alias remap='setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps'
alias ch='mosh -- ch screen -RD'
alias rs='nohup redshift > /dev/null & disown'
alias g='grep -v grep | grep -i --color=always'
alias c='pushd'
alias p='popd'
alias mm='make clean && make'
alias agdb='arm-none-eabi-gdb -q'
alias ngdb='arm-none-eabi-gdb -q main.elf'
alias totally='sudo'
alias literally='sudo'
alias psuedo='sudo'
alias checkout='git checkout'
alias status='git status'
alias add='git add'
alias push='git push'
alias pull='git pull'
alias branch='git branch'
alias commit='git commit'
alias clone='git clone'
alias log='git log'
alias bop='git push'
alias gitrekt='git push --force origin master'
alias diff='diffit'
function diffit() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
git diff
diff "$@"
# enable programmable completion features
if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
. /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
if [ -n "$DISPLAY" -a "$TERM" == "xterm" ]; then
export TERM=xterm-256color
# turn on vi keyboard bindings
set -o vi
bind '"jk": vi-movement-mode' # thanks
if [[ -f /usr/bin/nvim ]]; then
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nvim
export VISUAL=/usr/bin/nvim
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/emacs
export VISUAL=/usr/bin/emacs
# bind up and down C-p and C-n to forward and backward history search
bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'
bind '"\C-p": previous-history'
bind '"\C-n": next-history'
bind '"\C-P": history-search-backward'
bind '"\C-N": history-search-forward'
# let C-l invoke "ls"
bind -x '"\C-L": ls'
function prompt-command() {
#local last_retval=$?
#echo $last_retval
#local last_command="$(fc -ln -1)"
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S") $(pwd) $last_command" >> ~/.extended_bash_history;
#if (( $last_retval != 0 )); then
# echo "triggered: $last_command"
# if [[ "$last_command" =~ ^*/.*$ ]]; then
# echo "triggered2: $last_command"
# git clone "$last_command";
# fi
export PROMPT_COMMAND='prompt-command'
if [ -n "$SSH_SESSION" -o -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then
HOST_FRAGMENT="$(tput setaf 196) [ \h ]$(tput sgr0)"
if [ "$(whoami)" != "grantv" -a "$(whoami)" != "fouric" ]; then
USER_FRAGMENT="$(tput setaf 8) ( \u )$(tput sgr0)"
SOLARIZED_PROMPT="\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[$(tput setaf 11)\] \w \[$(tput setaf 226)\]>\[$(tput setaf 214)\]>\[$(tput setaf 202)\]>\[$(tput sgr0)\] "
RAINBOW_PROMPT="\[$(tput sgr0)\]$HOST_FRAGMENT$USER_FRAGMENT\[$(tput setaf 99)\] \w \[$(tput setaf 196)\]>\[$(tput setaf 226)\]>\[$(tput setaf 154)\]>\[$(tput sgr0)\] "
# Load autojump
if [[ -f /usr/share/autojump/ ]] ; then
. /usr/share/autojump/
# Base16 Shell
[[ -s $BASE16_SHELL ]] && source $BASE16_SHELL
man() {
env \
LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf "\e[0m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf "\e[0m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf "\e[1;44;33m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf "\e[0m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf "\e[1;32m") \
man "$@"
# ignore C-s to suspend (which requires C-q to resume)
stty -ixon
function take() {
shuf -n $1 /home/fouric/mercurial/soft
bind "set completion-ignore-case on"
bind "set show-all-if-ambiguous on"
export PATH=/home/fouric/other-code/eagle/:$PATH
if [ -f /home/fouric/.config/broot/launcher/bash/br ]; then
source /home/fouric/.config/broot/launcher/bash/br
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share
name = fouric
email =
default = simple
s = status
c = commit -m
a = add
o = push
out = push
i = pull
b = branch
co = checkout
cl = clone
lol = log --graph --pretty=oneline --decorate --abbrev-commit
lola = log --graph --pretty=oneline --decorate --abbrev-commit --all
lg = log --all --graph --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
exec = "!exec "
change-commits = "!f() { VAR=$1; OLD=$2; NEW=$3; shift 3; git filter-branch --env-filter \"if [ \\\"$`echo $VAR`\\\" = '$OLD' ]; then export $VAR='$NEW'; fi\" $@; }; f "
rao = remote add origin
rro = remote remove origin
brdel = branch -d
brdelo = push origin --delete
puo = push -u origin
rekt = push --force
editor = vim
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
set -g status-position top
#set -g status off
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
set-option -g history-limit 30000
# use C-x as prefix so as to not clash with Vim's C-b page up
unbind C-b
set -g prefix C-g
bind C-g send-prefix
# make copy-mode use vi keybindings
set-window-option -g mode-keys vi
bind -T copy-mode-vi v send-keys -X begin-selection
bind -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-selection-and-cancel
bind -n M-p previous-window
bind -n M-n next-window
bind -n M-c new-window
# use Vim keybindings for switching panes
unbind Up
unbind Down
unbind Left
unbind Right
unbind j
unbind k
unbind h
unbind l
bind-key -r j select-pane -D
bind-key -r k select-pane -U
bind-key -r h select-pane -L
bind-key -r l select-pane -R
#### COLOUR (Solarized 256)
# default statusbar colors
set -g status-style fg=colour136,bg=colour235 # colour136 is yellow, colour235 is base02
# default window title colors
#set -g window-style fg=colour244,bg=default # color244 is base0, fg=colour244 causes text to be gray
# active window title colors
set -g window-status-current-style fg=colour166,bg=default # colour166 is orange
# pane border
set -g pane-border-style fg=colour235 # colour235 is base02
set -g pane-active-border-style fg=colour240 # colour240 is base01
# message text
set -g message-style fg=colour166,bg=colour235 # colour166 is base02, colour235 is orange
# pane number display
set-option -g display-panes-active-colour colour33 #blue
set-option -g display-panes-colour colour166 #orange
# clock
set-window-option -g clock-mode-colour colour64 #green
set -g status-right "%Y-%m-%d %H%M"
" don't create backup files
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
" turn on syntax highlighting
syntax enable
" turn on search highlighting, incremental searches, smart case sensitivity
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" wildcard based file opening
set wildignore=*.o,*.pyc,*.bin,.*.swp,*.d,*.elf,*.fasl
" use relative line numbering
set number
set relativenumber
" keep track of your current line and character number
set ruler
" show which line the cursor is on
set cursorline
" make the default find-and-replace behavior include g (global)
set gdefault
" fold by marker (as opposed to, say, function curly braces)
set foldmethod=marker
" keep a few lines above and below the cursor
set scrolloff=5
" Add an easier-to-access alias for escape
inoremap jk <esc>1l
" move by visual line
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
" just as D is d$, so should Y be y$
nnoremap Y y$
" mappings for easier tab management on rabidpenguin
nnoremap <Home> :tabnew
nnoremap <End> :tabclose <cr>
nnoremap <PageUp> :tabn <cr>
nnoremap <PageDown> :tabp <cr>
nnoremap <c-p> :tabp<cr>
nnoremap <c-n> :tabn<cr>
"execute \"set <M-h>=\eh"
"execute \"set <M-l>=\el"
nnoremap <M-h> :tabp <CR>
nnoremap <M-l> :tabn <CR>
if filereadable('/home/fouric/.config/nvim/bundle/Vundle.vim/')
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.config/nvim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' " plugin management
"Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe' " autocomplete
"Plugin 'sjl/gundo.vim' " graphical undo
"Plugin 'rking/ag.vim' " fast and fuzzy in-file text search
"Plugin 'kien/ctrlp.vim' " fast and fuzzy filename search
Plugin 'bling/vim-airline' " a light and powerful statusline
"Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips' " code snippet engine
"Plugin 'honza/vim-snippets' " snippets for ultisnips
"Plugin 'junegunn/goyo.vim' " distraction-free editing
"Plugin 'junegunn/limelight.vim' " only highlight surrounding code blocks
"Plugin 'tpope/vim-sleuth' " enable indenting for many languages
"Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree' " tree-style file browsing in a pane
"Plugin 'tpope/vim-commentary' " block comment
"Plugin 'kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim' " rainbow parenthesis for Lisp
Plugin 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
Plugin 'chriskempson/vim-tomorrow-theme'
call vundle#end()
"let base16colorspace=256 " Access colors present in 256 colorspace
"set background=dark
"colorscheme base16-default
" enable file type detection, and indentation and plugins
filetype plugin indent on
" airline symbols
if !exists('g:airline_symbols')
let g:airline_symbols = {}
" unicode symbols
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
" automatically enable Limelight when Goyo is enabled
autocmd User GoyoEnter Limelight
autocmd User GoyoLeave Limelight!
" map leader to comma
let mapleader=","
" clear the hlsearch term
nnoremap <leader>h :let @/=''<CR>
nnoremap <leader>n :tabnew
" map semicolon to colon in normal mode
nnoremap ; :
" tab settings
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
nnoremap <space> 10jzz
nnoremap <backspace> 10kzz
"" Show tabs and trailing whitespace visually
set list listchars=tab:>-,trail:.,extends:>
if (&termencoding == "utf-8")
set list listchars=tab:û÷,trail:÷,extends:?,nbsp:?
set list
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:.,extends:>,nbsp:_
"set listchars=tab:🌭\
"set tabstop=2
"set spell
"set spelllang=en_us
noremap <c-g> <c-c>
inoremap <c-g> <c-c>
" disable mouse
set mouse=
colorscheme Tomorrow-Night
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Default Dark scheme by Chris Kempson (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "181818"
let g:base16_gui00 = "181818"
let s:gui01 = "282828"
let g:base16_gui01 = "282828"
let s:gui02 = "383838"
let g:base16_gui02 = "383838"
let s:gui03 = "585858"
let g:base16_gui03 = "585858"
let s:gui04 = "b8b8b8"
let g:base16_gui04 = "b8b8b8"
let s:gui05 = "d8d8d8"
let g:base16_gui05 = "d8d8d8"
let s:gui06 = "e8e8e8"
let g:base16_gui06 = "e8e8e8"
let s:gui07 = "f8f8f8"
let g:base16_gui07 = "f8f8f8"
let s:gui08 = "ab4642"
let g:base16_gui08 = "ab4642"
let s:gui09 = "dc9656"
let g:base16_gui09 = "dc9656"
let s:gui0A = "f7ca88"
let g:base16_gui0A = "f7ca88"
let s:gui0B = "a1b56c"
let g:base16_gui0B = "a1b56c"
let s:gui0C = "86c1b9"
let g:base16_gui0C = "86c1b9"
let s:gui0D = "7cafc2"
let g:base16_gui0D = "7cafc2"
let s:gui0E = "ba8baf"
let g:base16_gui0E = "ba8baf"
let s:gui0F = "a16946"
let g:base16_gui0F = "a16946"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#181818"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#ab4642"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#a1b56c"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#f7ca88"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#7cafc2"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#ba8baf"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#86c1b9"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#d8d8d8"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#585858"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#ab4642"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#a1b56c"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#f7ca88"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#7cafc2"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#ba8baf"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#86c1b9"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#f8f8f8"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#181818",
\ "#ab4642",
\ "#a1b56c",
\ "#f7ca88",
\ "#7cafc2",
\ "#ba8baf",
\ "#86c1b9",
\ "#d8d8d8",
\ "#585858",
\ "#ab4642",
\ "#a1b56c",
\ "#f7ca88",
\ "#7cafc2",
\ "#ba8baf",
\ "#86c1b9",
\ "#f8f8f8",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-default-dark"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
# fish_default_key_bindings to disable
#set TERM xterm-256color
function bind_bang
switch (commandline -t)[-1]
case "!"
commandline -t $history[1]; commandline -f repaint
case "*"
commandline -i !
function bind_dollar
switch (commandline -t)[-1]
case "!"
commandline -t ""
commandline -f history-token-search-backward
case "*"
commandline -i '$'
function rofi-run-history
set command (history | rofi -dmenu)
echo $command
eval $command
commandline -f repaint
function fish_user_key_bindings
bind -M insert \cf forward-char
bind -M insert \cp up-or-search
bind -M insert \cn down-or-search
bind -M insert \cs ls
bind -M insert ! bind_bang
bind -M insert '$' bind_dollar
if test -f /usr/share/autojump/
source /usr/share/autojump/
# redefine so we use pushd instead of cd
function j
switch "$argv"
case '-*' '--*'
autojump $argv
case '*'
set -l output (autojump $argv)
if [ $output = "." ]
pushd $argv
if test -d "$output"
set_color red
echo $output
set_color normal
pushd $output
__aj_err "autojump: directory '"$argv"' not found"
__aj_err "\n$output\n"
__aj_err "Try `autojump --help` for more information."
set prompt_selection "rainbow"
set prompt_pwd_type "smart"
set -gx EDITOR /bin/nano
set -gx VISUAL $HOME/bin/
#set -gx PATH $HOME/bin $PATH
set -gx PATH $HOME/.local/bin $PATH
set -gx XDG_CONFIG_HOME $HOME/.config
set -gx XDG_CACHE_HOME $HOME/.cache
set -gx XDG_DATA_HOME $HOME/.local/share
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