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Created May 22, 2012 19:46
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Save fourplusone/2771190 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
.➜ etherpad-lite git:(master) ✗ ./bin/
Copy the settings template to settings.json...
settings.json.template -> settings.json
Ensure that all dependencies are up to date...
Ensure jQuery is downloaded and up to date...
Ensure prefixfree is downloaded and up to date...
Clear minfified cache...
ensure custom css/js files are created...
[2012-05-22 21:44:59.894] [INFO] console - Your Etherpad Lite git version is 309e3b0
[2012-05-22 21:44:59.899] [INFO] console - Report bugs at
[2012-05-22 21:45:00.063] [INFO] console - Server is listening at
[2012-05-22 21:45:00.064] [INFO] console - info - ' started'
^C[2012-05-22 21:45:03.390] [INFO] console - graceful shutdown...
[2012-05-22 21:45:03.391] [INFO] console - db sucessfully closed.
.➜ etherpad-lite git:(master) ✗ git checkout develop
Switched to branch 'develop'
.➜ etherpad-lite git:(develop) ✗ ./bin/
Ensure that all dependencies are up to date...
Ensure jQuery is downloaded and up to date...
Clear minfified cache...
ensure custom css/js files are created...
src/static/custom/js.template -> src/static/custom/index.js
src/static/custom/css.template -> src/static/custom/index.css
src/static/custom/js.template -> src/static/custom/pad.js
src/static/custom/css.template -> src/static/custom/pad.css
src/static/custom/js.template -> src/static/custom/timeslider.js
src/static/custom/css.template -> src/static/custom/timeslider.css
[2012-05-22 21:45:15.421] [WARN] console - DirtyDB is used. This is fine for testing but not recommended for production.
[2012-05-22 21:45:15.567] [INFO] console - Your Etherpad Lite git version is 185a3bf
[2012-05-22 21:45:15.568] [INFO] console - Report bugs at
throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: ENOENT, open '../var/dirty.db'
.➜ etherpad-lite git:(develop) ✗
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