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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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BracketExpr(Sym(typeDesc), Sym(test_obj))
ObjectTy(Empty(), RecList(Sym(x), Sym(y), Sym(z), Sym(a)))
a:array[range[0, 4], int]
BracketExpr(Sym(typeDesc), BracketExpr(Sym(array), BracketExpr(Sym(range), IntLi
t(0), IntLit(4)), Sym(int)))
BracketExpr(Sym(typeDesc), BracketExpr(Sym(ref), Sym(test_ref:ObjectType)))
import macros
test_obj = object
x: int
y: float
z: string
a: test_arr
test_arr = array[5, int]
test_ref = ref object of RootObj
y: int
from strutils import repeatChar
macro showType (t:stmt): stmt =
var ty = getType(t)
var indentation = 0
template indent: expr = repeatChar(indentation*2, ' ')
while ty[1].kind == nnkSym and indentation < 5:
echo indent, lispRepr(ty)
ty = getType(ty[1])
indentation += 1
echo indent, lispRepr(ty)
if ty.kind == nnkObjectTy and ty[1].kind == nnkRecList:
# show fields
for child in ty[1].children:
echo indent, child,":", getType(child).repr
echo ""
showType test_obj
showType test_arr
showType test_ref
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