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Last active August 21, 2020 06:01
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Swift extension to convert String/Int to UIColor/NSColor and back
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
import UIKit
typealias UniColor = UIColor
import Cocoa
typealias UniColor = NSColor
private extension Int {
func duplicate4bits() -> Int {
return (self << 4) + self
extension UniColor {
convenience init?(hexString: String) {
self.init(hexString: hexString, alpha: 1.0)
fileprivate convenience init?(hex3: Int, alpha: Float) {
self.init(red: CGFloat( ((hex3 & 0xF00) >> 8).duplicate4bits() ) / 255.0,
green: CGFloat( ((hex3 & 0x0F0) >> 4).duplicate4bits() ) / 255.0,
blue: CGFloat( ((hex3 & 0x00F) >> 0).duplicate4bits() ) / 255.0,
alpha: CGFloat(alpha))
fileprivate convenience init?(hex6: Int, alpha: Float) {
self.init(red: CGFloat( (hex6 & 0xFF0000) >> 16 ) / 255.0,
green: CGFloat( (hex6 & 0x00FF00) >> 8 ) / 255.0,
blue: CGFloat( (hex6 & 0x0000FF) >> 0 ) / 255.0, alpha: CGFloat(alpha))
convenience init?(hexString: String, alpha: Float) {
var hex = hexString
if hex.hasPrefix("#") {
hex = String(hex[hex.index(after: hex.startIndex)...])
guard let hexVal = Int(hex, radix: 16) else {
return nil
switch hex.count {
case 3: self.init(hex3: hexVal, alpha: alpha)
case 6: self.init(hex6: hexVal, alpha: alpha)
default: self.init()
return nil
convenience init?(hex: Int) {
self.init(hex: hex, alpha: 1.0)
convenience init?(hex: Int, alpha: Float) {
if (0x000000 ... 0xFFFFFF) ~= hex {
self.init(hex6: hex, alpha: alpha)
} else {
return nil
extension String {
func toColor() -> UniColor? {
UniColor(hexString: self)
extension Int {
func toColor(alpha: Float = 1.0) -> UniColor? {
UniColor(hex: self, alpha: alpha)
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