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Created October 2, 2015 19:53
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I really enjoyed doing my last web app in sinatra, using liquid templates. It made a lot of things really really easy, but I didn’t actually use a database for that so I’d have to learn the Ruby DBA layer.
I know perl like the back of my hand. I write very good Perl that a lot of people can understand and I know DBI, I know PSGI, I know how to do my own CGI access. I have written my own template language for it because the current ones are not particularly the best though.
I really don’t know this that well, I know there is flask, I know the SQLite library fairly well. This language is one that a LOT of people know though and can probably actually contribute better.
Laravel. Blade. The framework is nice. I really liked it. Pretty much everyone knows PHP. I’m not great with modern PHP though so I’d have a lot to learn.



I know a lot of authors and readers don’t like the idea of a database like this that holds information about problematic themes in books, especally science fiction and fantasy. I’m creating this because I’m running into issues in my communities where people who have survived rape, and/or abuse (including myself!) are running into issues recommending books because things can honestly cause harm. This is not a blacklist of books. Inclusion does not make a book or author bad, nor does exclusion make a book or author good or safe. All disection of implied/interpreted themes and inclusion are opinions.

Book Info

Likely the most important field.
Likely the Second most important field.
Less important in fiction really. The issues aren’t going to change. But might be useful to at least have in the database.
These will help for people searching for the book, more of a database thing than anything else.
If the database is being browsed, this will help.
Quick summary of the book so that one can read what the book is about if being recommended.
Misc. tags for searching.
Trigger Warnings
Things that may trigger people (Rape, Abuse, CSA, Realistic Violence, etc.)
Comments by reader/reviewer
A place for the person writing the record (and anyone ammeding the record) to note particularly bad things. Will have a spoiler tagging thing.
Knowing what problematic tropes in a book is useful. This is seperate from trigger warnings because things might not be triggering but may still hinder enjoyment of the book.
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