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Created September 1, 2013 20:34
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SunVox Cheatsheet

inputting notes

a track is made up of this

||||||||||effect params
C3  01....     - C3 on ins 1 with no effect or velocity 
c37F01....     - C# 3 on ins 1 with no effect and velocity 
D37E010008050A - D3 on ins 1 with arpegiator and velocity

notes go from A to G with sharp accidentals identified with lowercase octaves go from 0 to 9


the available effects are

01 - slide up
02 - slide down
03 - slide to note
04 - vibrato
08 - arpeggio
07 - Sample offset %
09 - sample offset frames
0A - Slide Velocity up/down
0F - Set TPL or BPM
11 - Fineslide Up
12 - Fineslide down
19 - Retrigger
1C - Cut
1D - Delay
1F - Set BPM
20 - Note Probablity
21 - Note Probability + random Volocity
22 - Random Controller Value
23 - Random controller value (xx..yy)
30 - Stop

to work with these you put them in the second group of values like

C3 01..04050A

You can also mess with module parameters, but not while using an effect

C3 0101..1380 - set the volume of ins 1 to 39

This is pretty useful to mess with the freqrency of an analouge generator or the duty cycle of any generator creating a square wave. or better yet when you have a lot of instruments heading though an amplifier, the DC offset, avoiding any weirdness.


patterns to be played go in front of line 0, behind line 0 is some spare space for playing around with patterns and so on. I like to actually put any pattern that is used more than once there and then clone it every time.


F1 - F8 switch to octave X
F9 - play
F10 - ?
F11 - play pattern
F12 - stop
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it-s commented Feb 23, 2015

F10 - Restart song from beginning

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