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Created July 21, 2017 22:25
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setting up irssi and scripts

Get scripts and enable things

  1. create needed directory mkdir -p $HOME/.irssi/scripts/autorun
  2. switch to directory then download and symlink scripts

    cd $HOME/.irssi/scripts

    for s in ; do wget$s ; ln -s $PWD/$s $PWD/autorun/$s ; done

  3. edit a file $HOME/.irssi/startup and add this content, which will automatically create the nicklist window.
/nicklist screen

Get theme

  1. download your theme to $HOME/.irssi/

Set up scripts and theme

  1. Tell irssi to use your theme /set theme <theme name without the .theme>
  2. configure AWL to use sbar mode /set awl_viewer off
  3. configure AWL to use the mouse /set awl_mouse on
  4. set nicklist width /set nicklist_width 20 /nicklist update

setting up networks

EntropyNet, other networks that support sasl

/network add -nick <yournick> -user <your username> -sasl_mechanism plain -sasl_username <user nickserv username> -sasl_password <your nickserv password> EntropyNet

/server add -network EntropyNet -tls -auto 6697

Networks without sasl, using nickserv, ex. AnthroChat

/network add -nick <yournick> -user <your username> -autosendcmd '^MSG nickserv identify <password>' AnthroChat

/server add -network Anthrochat -tls -auto 6697

adding channels to networks

we use the channels from entropynet as an example, the syntax is /channel add <-auto> <channel> <network> /channel add -auto #furry EntropyNet /channel add -auto #mastodon EntropyNet

super important final detail

you MUST run /save

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