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Created March 26, 2012 11:41
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php --rc arrayIterator on Debian 6.0.4 with php 5.3.3
$ php --rc arrayIterator
Class [ <internal:SPL> <iterateable> class ArrayIterator implements Iterator, Traversable, ArrayAccess, SeekableIterator, Serializable, Countable ] {
- Constants [2] {
Constant [ integer STD_PROP_LIST ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer ARRAY_AS_PROPS ] { 2 }
- Static properties [0] {
- Static methods [0] {
- Properties [0] {
- Methods [24] {
Method [ <internal:SPL, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $array ]
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype ArrayAccess> public method offsetExists ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $index ]
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype ArrayAccess> public method offsetGet ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $index ]
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype ArrayAccess> public method offsetSet ] {
- Parameters [2] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $index ]
Parameter #1 [ <required> $newval ]
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype ArrayAccess> public method offsetUnset ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $index ]
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method append ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $value ]
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method getArrayCopy ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype Countable> public method count ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method getFlags ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method setFlags ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $flags ]
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method asort ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method ksort ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method uasort ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $cmp_function ]
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method uksort ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $cmp_function ]
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method natsort ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL> public method natcasesort ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype Serializable> public method unserialize ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $serialized ]
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype Serializable> public method serialize ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype Iterator> public method rewind ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype Iterator> public method current ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype Iterator> public method key ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype Iterator> public method next ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype Iterator> public method valid ] {
- Parameters [0] {
Method [ <internal:SPL, prototype SeekableIterator> public method seek ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $position ]
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