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Created June 19, 2022 11:48
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This all some basic commands to check Argo CD Instance resources from CLI. Check our blog to know more about Argo CD
To add the repo:
argocd repo add --username foxutech --password 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
To create a application:
# argocd app create kustom-check --repo --path kustomize/overlays/prod/ --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace argocdtest
To Add the Cluster to ArgoCD
# argocd cluster add staging-azure
To check the list of Clusters
# argocd cluster list
To check the Application history
# argocd app history kustom-check
To roll-back to previous version
# argocd app rollback kustom-check 0 (get the rollback ID from history command)
To check the application is sync or not
# if argocd app list -r | awk '{print $1, $5}'| grep -q "Synced"; then echo "app is in sync"; else echo "app is in OutOfSync, try to sync via UI or argocd app sync APPLICATION-NAME"; fi
To check cluster sync details
# if argocd cluster list | awk '{print $1, $4}'| grep -q "Successful"; then echo "Cluster connection is successful"; else echo "Cluster connection is not successful, Check the connection using "argocd cluster get in-cluster" or "argocd cluster get `argocd cluster list | awk '{print $1}'| sed -n 2p`" or in UI"; fi
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