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Created February 8, 2012 19:43
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A sample scala driver for doing morphological analysis with lttoolbox
* Sample code for using the <a
* href="">lttoolbox-java</a> code
* from within Scala. This morhpologically analyzes a simple sentence using
* this <a
* href="">english
* dictionary</a>. To run this code, first do two steps:
* <ul>
* <li> download and compile lttoolbox-java as per <a href="">these instructions</a>.</li>
* <li> compile the english dictionary apertium-mk-en.en.dix as in the
* instructions.</li>
* </ul>
* Then run this code with the lttoolbox-java jar and the compiled dictionary as
* the first argument.
// Include the Finite State Transducer processor and some handy io utilities.
import org.apertium.lttoolbox.process.FSTProcessor
import org.apertium.utils.IOUtils._
// We need to do regular expression to recognize tokens and morphological tags
// after analysis.
import scala.util.matching.Regex
// Readers and Writers for handling input/output.
// Create the Finite State Transducer processor.
val fstp = new FSTProcessor()
// Load the finite state transducer with the compiled dictionary file. The
// dictionary file must be compiled with:
// java -jar target/lttoolbox-java-3.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar lt-comp <dic.dix> <dic.bin>
// Then pass <dic.bin> to this program as the compiled dictionary file.
// Setup the trandsducer to do morphological analysis and make sure it's valid.
if (!fstp.valid)
// Create a sample sentence for the transducer to analyze. all words but
// "blubber" should be analyzed correctly. "blubber" won't be in the dictionary
// so it will be a special test case.
val in = new StringReader("cats, dogs and blubber all running quickly!")
// Create the set of features that we don't care about. These are standard
// part of speech features and some other ones related to quanitifiers.
val rejectFeatures = Set("<n>", "<cnjcoo>", "<cm>", "<prn>",
"<qnt>", "<mf>", "<vblex>", "<adv>", "<sp>")
// Create a writer for the output to go.
val out = new StringWriter()
// Do the analysis.
fstp.analysis(in, out)
// Create some regular expressions for recognizing and splitting each part of
// the output.
// 1: Recognize a fully analyzed word so that they can be tokenized. In the
// above test case, "cats," will not be separated by white space so we require
// this more complicated splitting method.
val parseRegex = """\^.*?\$""".r
// 2: Recognize a word with morphological tags.
val morphredRegex = """\^(.+)/(.+?)(<.*)\$""".r
// 3: Recognize a word that could not be recognized. The transducer prepends
// "*" to unrecognized tokens, so we match and eliminate it.
val unknownRegex = """\^(.+)/\*(.+?)\$""".r
// 4: A regular expression for matching morphological tags. This is simpler
// than writing a splitting rule.
val featureRegex = """<.*?>""".r
// Iterate through the analyzed words and return a list of the tokens we care
// about.
val tokens = parseRegex.findAllIn(out.toString).map(parseMatch =>
// Match the current analyzed word as being morphed or unknown. For morphed
// words, create a list of the lemma and the tags. For unknown words just
// create a list of the lemma.
parseMatch.toString match {
case morphredRegex(surface, lemma, tags) =>
lemma :: featureRegex.findAllIn(tags).toList
case unknownRegex(surface, lemma) =>
// Print out the features after being fully split. Each token and tag should be
// separated by white space.
println(tokens.mkString(" "))
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