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Last active April 17, 2018 12:35
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А more ideological for F# 4.1 variant of
type CartItem = string
type EmptyState = NoItems
type PaidForState = { PaidItems : CartItem list;
Payment : decimal}
type ActiveState = { UnpaidItems : CartItem list; }
type Cart =
| Empty of EmptyState
| Active of ActiveState
| PaidFor of PaidForState
module State =
let addToEmpty item = [item]
let addToActive { UnpaidItems = state} itemToAdd =
Active { UnpaidItems = itemToAdd :: state }
let removeFromActive { UnpaidItems = state} itemToRemove =
match List.filter (fun i -> i<>itemToRemove) state with
| [] -> Empty NoItems
| newList -> Active { UnpaidItems = newList }
let payForActive { UnpaidItems = state} amount =
PaidFor {PaidItems=state; Payment=amount}
module Cart =
let empty = Empty NoItems
let add item = function
| Empty _ -> Active { UnpaidItems = State.addToEmpty item }
| PaidFor _ as cart ->
printfn "ERROR: The cart is paid for"
| Active state -> State.addToActive state item
let remove item = function
| Empty _ as cart ->
printfn "ERROR: The cart is empty"
cart // return the cart
| Active state as cart ->
State.removeFromActive state item
| PaidFor state as cart ->
printfn "ERROR: The cart is paid for"
cart // return the cart
let display = function
| Empty _ ->
printfn "The cart is empty" // can't do state.Items
| Active state ->
printfn "The cart contains %A unpaid items" state
| PaidFor state ->
printfn "The cart contains %A paid items. Amount paid: %f"
state.PaidItems state.Payment
open Cart
let (~%%) = display
let pay = State.payForActive
printf "emptyCart="; %% empty
let cartA = add "A" empty
printf "cartA="; %% cartA
let cartAB = add "B" cartA
printf "cartAB="; %% cartAB
let cartB = remove "A" cartAB
printf "cartB="; %% cartB
let emptyCart2 = remove "B" cartB
printf "emptyCart2="; %% emptyCart2
let emptyCart3 = remove "B" emptyCart2 //error
printf "emptyCart3="; %% emptyCart3
// try to pay for cartA
let cartAPaid = match cartA with
| Empty _ | PaidFor _ -> cartA
| Active state -> pay state 100m
printf "cartAPaid="; %% cartAPaid
// try to pay for cartAB
let cartABPaid =
match cartAB with
| Empty _ | PaidFor _ -> cartAB // return the same cart
| Active state -> pay state 100m
// try to pay for cartAB again
let cartABPaidAgain =
match cartABPaid with
| Empty _ | PaidFor _ -> cartABPaid // return the same cart
| Active state -> pay state 100m
match cartABPaid with
| Empty state -> pay state 100m // compiler error
| PaidFor state -> pay state 100m // compiler error
| Active state -> pay state 100m // ok
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