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Created May 22, 2017 12:31
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let triples n =
let mutable triples = []
let mutable ones = []
let mutable pairs =
[ for x = 1 to n+1 do
for y = x+1 to n+1 do
yield x,y]
let del k = pairs <- List.filter( (<>) k) pairs
while not pairs.IsEmpty do
let (x,y) as xy = pairs.Head
del xy
match List.tryFind(fun (a,_) -> a = y) pairs with
| None ->
ones <- xy :: ones
| Some ((a,b) as ab) ->
del ab
match List.tryFind((=) (x,b) ) pairs with
| None ->
triples <- [xy; ab] :: triples
| Some xb ->
del xb
triples <- [ xy; ab; xb ] :: triples
pairs <- ones
while not pairs.IsEmpty do
let (x,y) as xy = pairs.Head
del xy
match List.tryFind(fun (a,b) -> a = x || a = y || b=x || b = y) pairs with
| None ->
triples <- [xy] :: triples
| Some ((a,b) as ab) ->
del ab
triples <- [xy; ab] :: triples
> List.iteri (printfn "%d : %A") (triples 7) ;;
0 : [(1, 8)]
1 : [(5, 8); (4, 8)]
2 : [(3, 6); (6, 8); (3, 8)]
3 : [(3, 5); (5, 7)]
4 : [(3, 4); (4, 7); (3, 7)]
5 : [(2, 7); (7, 8); (2, 8)]
6 : [(2, 5); (5, 6)]
7 : [(2, 4); (4, 6); (2, 6)]
8 : [(1, 6); (6, 7); (1, 7)]
9 : [(1, 4); (4, 5); (1, 5)]
10 : [(1, 2); (2, 3); (1, 3)]
val it : unit = ()
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