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Last active May 6, 2020 05:33
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package main
import (
func main() {
V := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
E := [][2]int{
{1, 5},
{2, 9},
{3, 1},
{3, 1},
{4, 9},
{4, 2},
{5, 3},
{6, 8},
{6, 11},
{7, 5},
{7, 4},
{8, 9},
{8, 10},
{8, 11},
{9, 5},
{9, 7},
{10, 2},
{10, 6},
{11, 3},
G := newGraph(V, E)
// print strong connectivity areas
for _, v := range G.groupScc() {
if len(v) > 1 {
fmt.Printf("%d\n", v)
func newGraph(V []int, E [][2]int) graph {
g := make(graph)
for _, v := range V {
var x vertex
for _, e := range E {
if e[0] == v {
x.adjacency = append(x.adjacency, e[1])
if e[1] == v {
x.adjacencyRev = append(x.adjacencyRev, e[0])
g[v] = &x
return g
type graph map[int]*vertex
type vertex struct {
adjacency []int
passed bool
adjacencyRev []int
passedRev bool
scc int
// kosoraju search for strong connectivity areas in a directed graph
func (g graph) kosoraju(V []int) {
// first mark all vertexes as unexplored
// the first depth search traversing computes reversed graph topological order
level := len(V)
topoRev := make([]int, len(V))
for v, x := range g {
if !x.passedRev {
g.dfsTopoRev(v, &level, topoRev)
// the second depth search traversing finds strongly connected components
scc := 0
for i := range topoRev {
v := topoRev[i]
if !g[v].passed {
g.dfsScc(v, scc) // set values of scc
// dfsTopoRev computes topological order of the reversed graph using depth first search traversing
func (g graph) dfsTopoRev(s int, level *int, topoRev []int) {
g[s].passedRev = true
for _, v := range g[s].adjacencyRev {
if !g[v].passedRev {
g.dfsTopoRev(v, level, topoRev)
topoRev[*level-1] = s
*level -= 1
// dfsScc marks vertices by index of strong connectivity using depth first search traversing
func (g graph) dfsScc(s int, scc int) {
g[s].passed = true
for _, v := range g[s].adjacency {
if !g[v].passed {
g.dfsScc(v, scc)
g[s].scc = scc
// groupScc groups areas of strong connectivity
func (g graph) groupScc() map[int][]int {
m := make(map[int][]int)
for v, x := range g {
m[x.scc] = append(m[x.scc], v)
return m
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