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Created May 29, 2017 10:47
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Json in F#
namespace Json
open System
open System.Text
open System.Globalization
open FParsec
type Json =
| String of string
| Number of decimal
| Bool of bool
| Null of unit
| Array of Json list
| Object of Map<string, Json>
static member obj = Map.ofList >> Object
static member empty = Map.empty |> Object
module Helpers =
let prop key = function
| Object x -> x |> Map.tryFind key
| _ -> None
let (|Prop|_|) key = prop key
let (|Props|_|) keys json =
match json with
| Object x ->
let r =
|> fun key -> Map.tryFind key x )
|> List.choose id
if r.Length = keys.Length then Some r else None
| _ -> None
let (|StringInt|_|) = function
| String x ->
let b,x = Int32.TryParse x
if b then Some x else None
| _ -> None
let (|StringInt64|_|) = function
| String x ->
let b,x = Int64.TryParse x
if b then Some x else None
| _ -> None
let (|Int32|_|) = function
| Number x when Decimal.Round(x)=x -> x |> Decimal.ToInt32 |> Some
| _ -> None
(* Functional
Functional signatures for working with Json types, implying a monadic
approach to working with Json where appropriate.
Additionally includes common functions for combining and creating
functions of type Json<'a> which may be used via operator based
combinators or a computation expression (both provided later). *)
module Functional =
type Json<'a> =
Json -> JsonResult<'a> * Json
and JsonResult<'a> =
| Value of 'a
| Error of string
(* Functions
Common functions for combining Json<'a> functions in to new
forms, and for creating new Json<'a> functions given suitable
initial data. *)
module Json =
let inline init (a: 'a) : Json<'a> =
fun json ->
Value a, json
let inline error (e: string) : Json<'a> =
fun json ->
Error e, json
let inline internal ofResult result =
fun json ->
result, json
let inline bind (m: Json<'a>) (f: 'a -> Json<'b>) : Json<'b> =
fun json ->
match m json with
| Value a, json -> (f a) json
| Error e, json -> Error e, json
let inline apply (f: Json<'a -> 'b>) (m: Json<'a>) : Json<'b> =
bind f (fun f' ->
bind m (fun m' ->
init (f' m')))
let inline map (f: 'a -> 'b) (m: Json<'a>) : Json<'b> =
bind m (fun m' ->
init (f m'))
let inline map2 (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'c) (m1: Json<'a>) (m2: Json<'b>) : Json<'c> =
apply (apply (init f) m1) m2
(* Escaping
Functions for escaped string parsing and formatting, as a
minimal encoding function (escaping only disallowed codepoints,
but normalizing any input). *)
module private Escaping =
let private digit i =
(i >= 0x30 && i <= 0x39)
let private hexdig i =
(digit i)
|| (i >= 0x41 && i <= 0x46)
|| (i >= 0x61 && i <= 0x66)
let private unescaped i =
i >= 0x20 && i <= 0x21
|| i >= 0x23 && i <= 0x5b
|| i >= 0x5d && i <= 0x10ffff
let private unescapedP =
satisfy (int >> unescaped)
let private hexdig4P =
manyMinMaxSatisfy 4 4 (int >> hexdig)
|>> fun s ->
char (Int32.Parse (s, NumberStyles.HexNumber))
let private escapedP =
skipChar '\\'
>>. choice [
pchar '"'
pchar '\\'
pchar '/'
skipChar 'b' >>% '\u0008'
skipChar 'f' >>% '\u000c'
skipChar 'n' >>% '\u000a'
skipChar 'r' >>% '\u000d'
skipChar 't' >>% '\u0009'
skipChar 'u' >>. hexdig4P ]
let private charP =
choice [
escapedP ]
let parse =
many charP
let escape (s: string) =
let rec escape r =
function | [] -> r
| h :: t when (unescaped (int h)) ->
escape (r @ [ h ]) t
| h :: t ->
let n =
match h with
| '"' -> [ '\\'; '"' ]
| '\\' -> [ '\\'; '\\' ]
| '\b' -> [ '\\'; 'b' ]
| '\f' -> [ '\\'; 'f' ]
| '\n' -> [ '\\'; 'n' ]
| '\r' -> [ '\\'; 'r' ]
| '\t' -> [ '\\'; 't' ]
| x -> [ '\\'; 'u' ] @ [ for c in (((int x).ToString ("X4")).ToCharArray ()) -> c ]
escape (r @ n) t
new string (List.toArray (escape [] [ for c in (s.ToCharArray ()) -> c ]))
module private Parsing =
(* Helpers
Utlility functions for working with intermediate states of
parsers, minimizing boilerplate and unpleasant code. *)
let emp =
function | Some x -> x
| _ -> ""
(* Grammar
Common grammatical elements forming parts of other parsers as
as defined in RFC 1759. The elements are implemented slightly
differently due to the design of parser combinators used, chiefly
concerning whitespace, which is always implemented as trailing.
Taken from RFC 7159, Section 2 Grammar
See [] *)
let wsp i =
i = 0x20
|| i = 0x09
|| i = 0x0a
|| i = 0x0d
let wspP =
skipManySatisfy (int >> wsp)
let charWspP c =
skipChar c .>> wspP
let beginArrayP =
charWspP '['
let beginObjectP =
charWspP '{'
let endArrayP =
charWspP ']'
let endObjectP =
charWspP '}'
let nameSeparatorP =
charWspP ':'
let valueSeparatorP =
charWspP ','
As the JSON grammar is recursive in various forms, we create a
reference parser which will be assigned later, allowing for recursive
definition of parsing rules. *)
let jsonP, jsonR =
createParserForwardedToRef ()
(* Values
Taken from RFC 7159, Section 3 Values
See [] *)
let boolP =
stringReturn "true" true
<|> stringReturn "false" false
.>> wspP
let nullP =
stringReturn "null" () .>> wspP
(* Numbers
The numbers parser is implemented by parsing the JSON number value
in to a known representation valid as string under Double.Parse
natively (invoked as the float conversion function on the eventual
Taken from RFC 7159, Section 6 Numbers
See [] *)
let digit1to9 i =
i >= 0x31 && i <= 0x39
let digit i =
digit1to9 i
|| i = 0x30
let e i =
i = 0x45
|| i = 0x65
let minusP =
charReturn '-' "-"
let intP =
charReturn '0' "0" <|> (satisfy (int >> digit1to9) .>>. manySatisfy (int >> digit)
|>> fun (h, t) -> string h + t)
let fracP =
skipChar '.' >>. many1Satisfy (int >> digit)
|>> fun i -> "." + i
let expP =
skipSatisfy (int >> e)
>>. opt (charReturn '-' "-" <|> charReturn '+' "+")
.>>. many1Satisfy (int >> digit)
|>> function | Some s, d -> "e" + s + d
| _, d -> "e" + d
let numberP =
pipe4 (opt minusP) intP (opt fracP) (opt expP) (fun m i f e ->
decimal (emp m + i + emp f + emp e)) .>> wspP
(* Strings
Taken from RFC 7159, Section 7 Strings
See [] *)
let quotationMarkP =
skipChar '"'
let stringP =
between quotationMarkP quotationMarkP Escaping.parse .>> wspP
|>> fun cs -> new string (List.toArray cs)
(* Objects
Taken from RFC 7159, Section 4 Objects
See [] *)
let memberP =
stringP .>> nameSeparatorP .>>. jsonP
let objectP =
between beginObjectP endObjectP (sepBy memberP valueSeparatorP)
|>> Map.ofList
(* Arrays
Taken from RFC 7159, Section 5 Arrays
See [] *)
let arrayP =
between beginArrayP endArrayP (sepBy jsonP valueSeparatorP)
(* JSON *)
do jsonR :=
>>. choice [
arrayP |>> Array
boolP |>> Bool
nullP |>> Null
numberP |>> Number
objectP |>> Object
stringP |>> String ]
(* Formatting *)
module Formatting =
(* Helpers *)
type private Formatter<'a> =
'a -> StringBuilder -> StringBuilder
type private Separator =
StringBuilder -> StringBuilder
let private append (s: string) (b: StringBuilder) =
b.Append s
let private appendf (s: string) (v1: obj) (b: StringBuilder) =
b.AppendFormat (s, v1)
let private join<'a> (f: Formatter<'a>) (s: Separator) =
let rec join values (b: StringBuilder) =
match values with
| [] -> b
| [v] -> f v b
| v :: vs -> (f v >> s >> join vs) b
(* Options
Options for formatting, defined as functions for spacing and newline
formatting appenders. Predefined formats are given as static members
as a shorthand. *)
type JsonFormattingOptions =
{ Spacing : StringBuilder -> StringBuilder
NewLine : int -> StringBuilder -> StringBuilder }
static member Compact =
{ Spacing = id
NewLine = fun _ x -> x }
static member SingleLine =
{ Spacing = append " "
NewLine = fun _ -> append " " }
static member Pretty =
{ Spacing = append " "
NewLine = fun level -> append "\n" >> append (String.replicate level " ") }
(* Formatters *)
let notNull = function Json.Null () -> false | _ -> true
let rec formatJson level options =
function | Array x -> formatArray level options x
| Bool x -> formatBool x
| Number x -> formatNumber x
| Null _ -> formatNull ()
| Object x -> formatObject level options x
| String x -> formatString x
and private formatArray level options =
function | x ->
append "["
>> options.NewLine (level + 1)
>> join (formatJson (level + 1) options) (append "," >> options.NewLine (level + 1)) x
>> options.NewLine level
>> append "]"
and private formatBool =
function | true -> append "true"
| _ -> append "false"
and private formatNumber =
function | x -> append (string x)
and private formatNull =
function | () -> append "null"
and private formatObject level options =
function | x ->
append "{"
>> options.NewLine (level + 1)
>> join (fun (k, v) -> appendf "\"{0}\":" (Escaping.escape k) >> options.Spacing >> formatJson (level + 1) options v)
(append "," >> options.NewLine (level + 1))
(Map.toList x)
>> options.NewLine level
>> append "}"
and private formatString =
function | x -> appendf "\"{0}\"" (Escaping.escape x)
module Json =
let format json =
StringBuilder ()
|> formatJson 0 JsonFormattingOptions.Compact json
|> string
let formatWith options json =
StringBuilder ()
|> formatJson 0 options json
|> string
let stringify = formatWith JsonFormattingOptions.Pretty
type Json with
static member parse s =
match run Parsing.jsonP s with
| Success (json, _, _) -> Result.Ok json
| Failure (e, _, _) -> Result.Err e
static member format json =
StringBuilder ()
|> Formatting.formatJson 0 JsonFormattingOptions.Compact json
|> string
static member formatWith options json =
StringBuilder ()
|> formatJson 0 options json
|> string
module Json.Serialization
open System
open System.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
module private Helpers1 =
let changeType (x:obj) (tx:Type) : obj = Convert.ChangeType(x, tx)
let isStringMap (tx:Type) =
let x = tx.GetGenericArguments()
tx.IsGenericType && tx.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<Map<string,_>> &&
x.Length=2 &&
let isMap (type':Type) =
type'.IsGenericType && type'.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<Map<_,_>>
let isOption (type':Type) =
type'.IsGenericType && type'.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<option<_>>
let isSeq (tx:Type) =
if not tx.IsGenericType then false else
let genType = tx.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
genType = typedefof<list<_>> ||
genType = typedefof<Set<_>>
let isList (type':Type) =
type'.IsGenericType && type'.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<list<_>>
let isSet (type':Type) =
type'.IsGenericType && type'.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<Set<_>>
let makeGenericType (baseType : Type) (types : Type list) =
if (not baseType.IsGenericTypeDefinition) then
invalidArg "baseType" "The base type specified was not a generic type definition."
baseType.MakeGenericType ( types |> List.toArray )
let makeListOf itemType (items : obj list) =
let listType =
<| typedefof<Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List<_>>
<| [ itemType; ]
let add =
let cons = listType.GetMethod ("Cons")
fun item list ->
cons.Invoke (null, [| item; list; |])
let list =
let empty = listType.GetProperty ("Empty")
empty.GetValue (null, [||])
|> List.foldBack add items
let stringify = Json.formatWith JsonFormattingOptions.Pretty
let toJsonDefault : obj -> Json option = function
| :? string as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? decimal as x -> x |> Number |> Some
| :? float as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? single as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? int8 as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? int16 as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? int as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? int64 as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? byte as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? uint16 as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? uint32 as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? uint64 as x -> x |> decimal |> Number |> Some
| :? bool as x -> x |> Bool |> Some
| :? DateTime as x -> Json.String (x.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")) |> Some
| :? DateTimeOffset as x -> Json.String (x.ToString("o")) |> Some
| :? TimeSpan as x -> Json.String (x.ToString( @"hh\:mm\:ss" )) |> Some
| _ -> None
let (~&&) (type':Type) = type'.Name
type SerializationResult = Result<Json,string>
module private Serialization =
let (==>) x y = x, y |> decimal |> Number
let plain' (x : obj) =
let (~%%) = Ok >> Some
match x with
| :? string as x -> %% Json.String x
| :? decimal as x -> %% Number x
| :? float as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? single as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? int8 as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? int16 as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? int as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? int64 as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? byte as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? uint16 as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? uint32 as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? uint64 as x -> %% Number (decimal x)
| :? bool as x -> %% Bool x
| :? DateTime as x ->
[ "Year" ==> x.Year
"Month" ==> x.Month
"Day" ==> x.Day
"Hour" ==> x.Hour
"Minute" ==> x.Minute
"Second" ==> x.Second
"Millisecond" ==> x.Millisecond ]
|> Json.obj |> Ok |> Some
| :? TimeSpan as x ->
[ "Days" ==> x.Days
"Hours" ==> x.Hours
"Minutes" ==> x.Minutes
"Seconds" ==> x.Seconds
"Milliseconds" ==> x.Milliseconds ]
|> Json.obj |> Ok |> Some
| _ -> None
let rec serializeUntyped (x : obj) : SerializationResult =
if x=null then Ok (Null ()) else
let type' = x.GetType()
match plain' x with
| Some json -> json
| _ ->
match trySerializeCustomToJson x with
| Some r -> r
| _ ->
match trySerializeByKnownType x with
| Some r -> r
| _ -> failwithf "%A : %A, not supported type" x (x.GetType())
and trySerializeCustomToJson (x : obj) : SerializationResult option =
let type' = x.GetType()
let toJsonUntyped =
( "ToJsonUntyped",
BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Static,
[| type' |],
null )
if toJsonUntyped <> null then
toJsonUntyped.Invoke(null, [| box x |] ) :?> Json |> Ok |> Some
else None
and returnSeq rs =
let oks, fails = List.partition Result.isOk rs
match fails with
| [] ->
|> Result.Unwrap.ok
|> Ok
| _ ->
|> Result.Unwrap.err
|> Seq.toStr ";\n" id
|> sprintf "error serializing sequence to json: %s"
|> Err
and returnSeqWith f rs =
|> returnSeq
|> f
and seq' (x:obj) =
x :?> System.Collections.IEnumerable
|> Seq.cast
|> Seq.toList
|> serializeUntyped
|> returnSeqWith Json.Array
and stringMap' (x:obj) =
x :?> System.Collections.IEnumerable |> Seq.cast |> Seq.toList |> ( fun keyValueObject ->
let keyValueObjectType = keyValueObject.GetType()
let keyProp = keyValueObjectType.GetProperty("Key")
let kvpKey = string ( keyProp.GetValue(keyValueObject, null) )
let kvpValue = keyValueObjectType.GetProperty("Value").GetValue(keyValueObject, null)
match serializeUntyped kvpValue with
| Err error -> Err error
| Ok json ->
Ok (kvpKey, json) )
|> returnSeqWith ( Map.ofList >> Json.Object )
and map' (x:obj) =
let type' = x.GetType()
let keyValuePairType = typedefof<System.Tuple<_,_>>.MakeGenericType( type'.GetGenericArguments() )
x :?> System.Collections.IEnumerable |> Seq.cast |> Seq.toList |> ( fun y ->
let ty = y.GetType()
let kvpKey = ty.GetProperty("Key").GetValue(y, null)
let kvpValue = ty.GetProperty("Value").GetValue(y, null)
Activator.CreateInstance(keyValuePairType, [|kvpKey; kvpValue|])
|> serializeUntyped )
|> returnSeq
|> Json.Array
and array' (x:obj) =
[ for y in (x :?> Array) -> serializeUntyped y ]
|> returnSeq
|> Json.Array
and tuple' (x:obj) =
FSharpValue.GetTupleFields x
|> Array.toList
|> serializeUntyped
|> returnSeq
|> Json.Array
and option' (x:obj) =
let type' = x.GetType()
match type'.GetProperty("Value").GetValue(x, null) with
| null -> Null () |> Ok
| value -> serializeUntyped value
and union' (x:obj) =
let type' = x.GetType()
let case, vals = FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(x, type')
if vals |> Array.isEmpty then
Json.String case.Name
|> Ok
|> Array.toList
|> serializeUntyped
|> returnSeq
|> function
| Err error -> Err <| sprintf "error serializing discriminated union to json: %A : %A, %s" x (&& type') error
| Ok fields ->
[ case.Name, Json.Array fields ]
|> Map.ofList
|> Json.Object
|> Ok
and record' (x:obj) =
let type' = x.GetType()
let oks, fails =
|> Array.toList
|> List.choose( fun y ->
if y.PropertyType = typeof<option<_>> then
match FSharpValue.GetRecordField(x,y) with
| null -> None
| value ->
let value = y.PropertyType.GetProperty("Value").GetValue(value, null)
Some( y.Name, serializeUntyped value)
(y.Name, FSharpValue.GetRecordField(x,y) |> serializeUntyped )
|> Some )
|> List.partition( snd >> Result.isOk)
if fails.IsEmpty then
|> ( fun (k,v) -> k, Result.Unwrap.ok v)
|> Map.ofList
|> Json.Object
|> Ok
|> ( fun (k,v) -> sprintf "%s: %s" k (Result.Unwrap.err v) )
|> Seq.toStr ";\n" id
|> sprintf "error serializing record to json: %A : %A, %s" x (&& type')
|> Err
and trySerializeByKnownType (x : obj) : SerializationResult option =
let type' = x.GetType()
if isSeq type' then
Some <| seq' x
elif isStringMap type' then
Some <| stringMap' x
elif isMap type' then
Some <| map' x
elif type'.IsArray then
Some <| array' x
elif FSharpType.IsTuple type' then
Some <| tuple' x
elif isOption type' then
Some <| option' x
elif FSharpType.IsUnion type' then
Some <| union' x
elif FSharpType.IsRecord type' then
Some <| record' x
else None
module private Deserialization =
open System.Globalization
let str' = function
| Json.String x -> x
| Number x -> sprintf "%g" x
| Null () -> ""
| Array _ as x -> stringify x
| Object _ as x -> stringify x
| Bool x -> sprintf "%b" x
let int' integerNumberType = function
| Number x ->
changeType (Math.Round x) integerNumberType
|> Ok
| Bool x ->
changeType (if x then 1 else 0) integerNumberType
|> Ok
| String x ->
let b,x = Int64.TryParse x
if b then changeType x integerNumberType |> Ok else
Err <| sprintf "error deserialize JSON, %A is not json integer number value %A" x (&& integerNumberType)
| json ->
stringify json
|> sprintf "error deserialize JSON, not a json integer number value %A : %s" (&& integerNumberType)
|> Err
let float' floatNumberType = function
| Number x -> changeType x floatNumberType |> Ok
| Bool x -> changeType (if x then 1 else 0) floatNumberType |> Ok
| String x ->
let b,x = Decimal.TryParse x
if b then changeType x floatNumberType |> Ok else
Err <| sprintf "%A is not json float number value %A" x (&& floatNumberType)
| json ->
stringify json
|> sprintf "not a json integer number value %A : %s" (&& floatNumberType)
|> Err
let bool' = function
| Number x -> Ok ( x <> 0m )
| Bool x -> Ok x
| String x ->
match x.ToLower() with
| "true" -> Ok true
| "false" -> Ok false
| value -> sprintf "error deserialize JSON, not a boolean value %A" value |> Err
| json ->
stringify json
|> sprintf "error deserialize JSON, not a boolean value %A : %s" json
|> Err
let integerTypes =
[ typeof<int8> ; typeof<int16>; typeof<int>; typeof<int64>;
typeof<byte>; typeof<uint16>; typeof<uint32> ; typeof<uint64> ]
let floatTypes =
[ typeof<float> ; typeof<single>; typeof<decimal> ]
let (|NumProp|_|) name json =
match json with
| Prop name (Number value) -> Some value
| _ -> None
let datetime' = function
| NumProp "Year" year &
NumProp "Month" month &
NumProp "Day" day &
NumProp "Hour" hour &
NumProp "Minute" minute &
NumProp "Second" second &
NumProp "Millisecond" millisecond ->
DateTime( int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond) |> box |> Ok
| String s ->
match DateTime.TryParse(s) with
| true, x -> x |> box |> Ok
| _ -> sprintf "not date time %A" s |> Err
| json ->
stringify json
|> sprintf "not date time value %s"
|> Err
let timespan' = function
| NumProp "Days" days &
NumProp "Hours" hours &
NumProp "Minutes" minutes &
NumProp "Seconds" seconds &
NumProp "Milliseconds" milliseconds ->
TimeSpan(int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds) |> box |> Ok
| json ->
stringify json
|> sprintf "not time span value %s"
|> Err
let plain' type' json =
if type'= typeof<string> then
str' json |> box |> Ok |> Some
elif type'= typeof<DateTime> then
datetime' json |> Some
elif type'= typeof<TimeSpan> then
timespan' json |> Some
elif List.tryFind ( (=) type') integerTypes |> Option.isSome then
int' type' json |> Some
elif List.tryFind ( (=) type') floatTypes |> Option.isSome then
float' type' json |> Some
elif type'=typeof<bool> then
bool' json |> box ) |> Some
elif type'=typeof<unit> then
match json with
| Null () -> box () |> Ok
| _ ->
stringify json
|> sprintf "error deserialize JSON, not null %A : %s" (&& type')
|> Err
|> Some
else None
let returnList' valuetype (xs: _ list) =
|> ( snd >> Result.Unwrap.ok )
|> makeListOf valuetype
|> Ok
let returnOfList' type' valuetype (xs: _ list) =
Activator.CreateInstance ( type', returnList' valuetype xs)
|> Ok
let list' (type':Type) deserialize json =
let valueType = type'.GetGenericArguments().[0]
match json with
| Array jsons ->
let oks,fails = ( deserialize valueType ) jsons
|> jsons
|> List.partition ( snd >> Result.isOk )
if fails.IsEmpty then returnList' valueType oks else
|> ( fun (json, xleft) ->
sprintf "%s: %s" (stringify json) (Result.Unwrap.err xleft) )
|> Seq.toStr ";\n\t" id
|> sprintf "error deserializing json to list %A, %s" (&& type')
|> Err
| _ -> Err <| sprintf "error deserializing json to list %A, %s" (&& type') (stringify json)
let stringMap' (type':Type) deserialize json =
let valuetype = type'.GetGenericArguments().[1]
let keyValuePairType = typedefof<System.Tuple<_,_>>.MakeGenericType( type'.GetGenericArguments() )
match json with
| Object jsonProps ->
let oks,fails =
jsonProps |> Map.toList |> ( fun ( key,jsonValue) ->
( key,jsonValue), deserialize valuetype jsonValue )
|> List.partition ( snd >> Result.isOk )
if fails.IsEmpty then
let kvs =
|> ( fun ((key,_),xright) ->
Activator.CreateInstance( keyValuePairType, [| box key; Result.Unwrap.ok xright|] ) )
|> makeListOf keyValuePairType
Activator.CreateInstance ( type', kvs )
|> Ok
|> ( fun ((k,json), xleft) ->
sprintf "key %s, %s, %s" k (Result.Unwrap.err xleft) (stringify json) )
|> Seq.toStr ";\n\t" id
|> sprintf "error deserializing json to string map %A, %s" (&& type')
|> Err
| _ -> Err <| sprintf "error deserializing json to string map %A, %s" (&& type') (stringify json)
let map' (type':Type) deserialize json =
let keyValuePairType = typedefof<System.Tuple<_,_>>.MakeGenericType( type'.GetGenericArguments() )
match json with
| Array jsons ->
let oks,fails =
|> ( fun xjson ->
(keyValuePairType, xjson), deserialize keyValuePairType xjson )
|> List.partition ( snd >> Result.isOk )
if fails.IsEmpty then
let kvs =
|> ( snd >> Result.Unwrap.ok )
|> makeListOf keyValuePairType
Activator.CreateInstance ( type', kvs )
|> Ok
|> ( fun ((k,json), xleft) ->
sprintf "key type is %A, %s, %s" k (Result.Unwrap.err xleft) (stringify json) )
|> Seq.toStr ";\n\t" id
|> sprintf "error deserializing json to map %A, %s" (&& type')
|> Err
| _ ->
Err <| sprintf "error deserializing json to map %A, %s" (&& type') (stringify json)
let set' (type':Type) deserialize json =
let valueType = type'.GetGenericArguments().[0]
match json with
| Array jsons ->
let oks,fails =
|> ( fun xjson -> xjson, deserialize valueType xjson )
|> List.partition ( snd >> Result.isOk )
if fails.IsEmpty then
let kvs =
|> ( snd >> Result.Unwrap.ok )
Activator.CreateInstance ( type', makeListOf valueType kvs )
|> Ok
|> ( fun (json, xleft) ->
sprintf "%s, %s" (Result.Unwrap.err xleft) (stringify json) )
|> Seq.toStr ";\n\t" id
|> sprintf "error deserializing json to set %A, %s" (&& type')
|> Err
| _ ->
Err <| sprintf "error deserializing json to set %A, %s" (&& type') (stringify json)
let array' (type':Type) deserialize json =
let valueType = type'.GetElementType()
match json with
| Array jsons ->
let result = Array.CreateInstance( valueType, jsons.Length )
let oks,fails =
|> List.mapi ( fun n xjson -> (xjson,n), deserialize valueType xjson )
|> List.partition ( snd >> Result.isOk )
if fails.IsEmpty then
|> List.iter( fun ((_,n),xright) ->
result.SetValue( Result.Unwrap.ok xright, n ) )
box result |> Ok
|> ( fun ((json,n), xleft) ->
sprintf "[%d] - %s, %s" n (Result.Unwrap.err xleft) (stringify json) )
|> Seq.toStr ";\n" id
|> sprintf "error deserializing json to array %A, %s" (&& type')
|> Err
| _ ->
Err <| sprintf "error deserializing json to array %A, %s" (&& type') (stringify json)
let tuple' (type':Type) deserialize json =
let tes = FSharpType.GetTupleElements(type')
match json with
| Array src when src.Length >= tes.Length ->
let oks,fails =
|> Seq.take tes.Length
|> Seq.toArray |> tes
|> fun (te,jsonx) -> (te,jsonx), deserialize te jsonx )
|> Array.partition (snd >> Result.isOk)
if Array.isEmpty fails then
FSharpValue.MakeTuple( oks |> ( snd >> Result.Unwrap.ok ), type' )
|> Ok
fails |> ( fun ((t,json), xleft) ->
sprintf "%A : %s, %s" t (Result.Unwrap.err xleft) (stringify json) )
|> Seq.toStr ";\n\t" id
|> sprintf "error deserializing json to tuple %A, %s" (&& type')
|> Err
| _ ->
Err <| sprintf "error deserializing json to tuple %A, %s" (&& type') (stringify json)
let option' (type':Type) deserialize json =
let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases type' |> Array.toList
match json with
| Null () -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(cases.[0], [||]) |> Ok
| _ ->
deserialize (type'.GetGenericArguments().[0]) json
|> fun x ->
FSharpValue.MakeUnion(cases.[1], [|x|]) )
let (|GetCase|_|) cases x =
match cases |> List.tryFind( fun (case : UnionCaseInfo) -> case.Name=x) with
| Some case -> Some(case, case.GetFields() |> Array.toList )
| _ -> None
let (|MapToList|) = Map.toList
let union' (type':Type) deserialize json =
let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases type' |> Array.toList
match json with
| String ( GetCase cases (case,fields) ) when fields.IsEmpty ->
FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [||]) |> Ok
| Object ( MapToList [ GetCase cases (case,fields), Array jsons] ) when fields.Length = jsons.Length ->
let oks,fails =
jsons |> fields
|> fun ((field,xjson) as k) ->
k, deserialize field.PropertyType xjson )
|> List.partition (snd >> Result.isOk)
if fails.IsEmpty then
let xs = oks |> snd >> Result.Unwrap.ok ) |> List.toArray
FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, xs)
|> Ok
fails |> ( fun ((p,json), xerr) ->
"union case %A : %A - %s, %s"
p.Name p.PropertyType
(Result.Unwrap.err xerr)
(stringify json) )
|> Seq.toStr ";\n\t" id
|> sprintf "error deserializing json to union %A, %s" (&& type')
|> Err
| _ ->
Err <| sprintf "error deserializing json to union %A, %s" (&& type') (stringify json)
let recordFieldNone' (type':Type) =
let gtype' = type'.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
if gtype' = typedefof<option<_>> then
let case = (FSharpType.GetUnionCases type').[0]
let value = FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [||])
Some value
elif gtype' = typedefof<Map<_,_>> then
let keyValuePairType = typedefof<System.Tuple<_,_>>.MakeGenericType( type'.GetGenericArguments() )
let value = Activator.CreateInstance( type', makeListOf keyValuePairType [] )
Some value
elif gtype' = typedefof<list<_>> then
let valueType = type'.GetGenericArguments().[0]
let value = makeListOf valueType []
Some value
else None
let recordField' jprops deserialize (prop : PropertyInfo) =
let propType = prop.PropertyType
match Map.tryFind prop.Name jprops with
| None when propType.IsGenericType ->
match recordFieldNone' propType with
| Some x -> Ok x
| _ -> sprintf "missing value of property %A" prop.Name |> Err
| None -> sprintf "missing value of property %A" prop.Name |> Err
| Some xjson ->
deserialize propType xjson
|> Result.mapErr( fun error -> sprintf "%s - %s, %s" prop.Name error (stringify xjson) )
let record' (type':Type) deserialize json =
match json with
| Object jprops ->
let oks,fails =
FSharpType.GetRecordFields(type') |> (recordField' jprops deserialize)
|> Array.partition Result.isOk
if Array.isEmpty fails then
FSharpValue.MakeRecord( type', oks |> Result.Unwrap.ok )
|> Ok
|> Result.Unwrap.err
|> Seq.toStr ";\n\t" id
|> sprintf "error deserializing json to record %A, %s" (&& type')
|> Err
| _ ->
Err <| sprintf "error deserializing json to record %A, %s" (&& type') (stringify json)
let deserializerFor' (t:Type) =
if isList t then Some list'
elif isStringMap t then Some stringMap'
elif isMap t then Some map'
elif isSet t then Some set'
elif t.IsArray then Some array'
elif FSharpType.IsTuple t then Some tuple'
elif isOption t then Some option'
elif FSharpType.IsUnion t then Some union'
elif FSharpType.IsRecord t then Some record'
else None
let rec deserializeUntyped (type':Type) (json : Json) : Result<obj,string> =
match tryDeserializeCustomFromJson type' json with
| Some x -> x
| _ ->
match plain' type' json with
| Some x -> x
| _ ->
match deserializerFor' type' with
| None -> failwithf "can't find json deserializer for %A" (&& type')
| Some deserialize' ->
deserialize' type' deserializeUntyped json
and tryDeserializeCustomFromJson(type':Type) (json:Json) =
let fromJson =
( "FromJsonUntyped",
BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Static,
[| typeof<Json> |],
null )
let rtype' = typeof<Result<obj,string>>
if fromJson <> null then
if fromJson.ReturnType <> rtype' then
failwithf "return type of %A.FromJsonUntyped must be %A, but is %A"
type'.Name rtype'.Name fromJson.ReturnType.Name
fromJson.Invoke(null, [|json|] ) :?> Result<obj,string>
with e ->
Err <| sprintf "error calling %A.FromJsonUntyped on %A : %A" type'.Name (stringify json) e.Message
|> Some
else None
let serializeUntyped = Serialization.serializeUntyped
let serialize<'a> (x:'a) =
match serializeUntyped x with
| Err e -> failwithf "error serialize JSON %A : %A - %s" x (&& x.GetType()) e
| Ok x -> x
let deserializeUntyped = Deserialization.deserializeUntyped
let deserialize<'T> json =
deserializeUntyped typeof<'T> json
|> fun x -> x :?> 'T)
let parse<'T> =
>> Result.mapErr ( sprintf "can't parse %A - %s" (&& typeof<'T>) )
>> Result.bind(
>> Result.mapErr ( sprintf "can't deserialize %A - %s" (&& typeof<'T>) ) )
let stringify<'a> = serialize<'a> >> stringify
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